Nebraska Message Boards (Selected Excerpts)

Apr 30, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
Three BIG wins in a row! Way to go Boilers! Compiling these excerpts took a long time since there are so many Nebraska Message Boards compared to other schools. I stopped at 4 game threads because I wanted to get this posted sometime before 2:00 AM. There's a lot more material out there, but I think I pulled the best of it. I must say, there are some bitter Husker fans tonight!!

BTW: I want to thank everyone who has replied to these excerpts and left likes. I do appreciate the feedback. It keeps me wanting to continue doing them.

Purdue opens as a -13.5 favorite.

iT's OnLy PuRdUe, AnY sChMuCk CaN bEaT tHeM!

Bet the farm on Huskers.

Vegas is clearly not factoring in the extra prep day Nebraska gets after playing Rutgers on a Friday.

Nebraska has lost 24 straight games as a double digit underdog.

Love being a huge Dog to a team that is very beatable. We have nothing to lose and Purdue does. Pin our ears back and play aggressive in all phases of the game. I bet Purdue would wilt under the pressure.

They're (Purdue) a little better than Indiana.

If we play really well, get some really big bounces, and PU makes some really big mistakes, we can DEFINITELY hang with them . . . fingers really crossed .

Purdue is favored to win the West. Well they're gonna need to go thru us to do it. Good luck with that Boilers.

3 weeks ago, if someone said Nebraska would be a 13 point dog to Purdue, people would laugh them off the boards. Only 13 points, people would be mocking the hell out of it.

Does Purdue have a defensive line? Like literally, at all? Because any opponent that has one is gonna be a really hard game for us.

Purdue's defense has allowed the exact same number of points per game as Rutgers through 6 games. That's 22 PPG.

I think we normally match up pretty well against Purdue because they tend to never be one of the more physical teams we face each year.

Attended a few years ago when Nebraska played there and again was not impressed with the fans. Maybe they will be hyped for us this year but doubt it.

Purdue much like Rutgers doesn't have much home field advantage. Stadium isn't that big and Purdue fans suck.

They only seat about 57,000 so enough husker fans need to go and make their stadium ours, before we make their team our bit€%£s.

Our Lads are gonna slap the bottom sediment outta their boilers; I shit ye ney. We might even blow some tubes. Chaos and utter destruction will ensue. I will it to be so, and all doubters should chew on their words until the final whistle ..... this is good advice that I bring to save you embarrassment.


First big test for the defense since the coaching change. O'Connell has been there for a million years and seen it all. Will be a good chess match between the defense and Brohm and the offense. Purdue is going to hit some big plays on Nebraska and their combo of Durham at TE and Jones at WR are gonna be a PITA. Those dudes are menaces.

People make a big deal about Purdue's "rush defense". Well, its not because they are necessarily so hard to rush against, but because they are so easy to throw against!

Their top two RBs are out. Their top WR is banged up. Also one of their starting LBs is likely out. That's as good of a chance as we're going to get.

OL is dinged up too - their starting RT (Daniel Johnson) is out for the year.

Frustrating side note when looking at Purdue's OL - Marcus Mbow who we reportedly cooled on after getting Ezra Miller to commit is starting for them as a red shirt freshman. Tackle was a bigger need and all, but we probably could've signed him and he's starting as a freshman on a line that is better than ours. That hurts.

I’d change my name if I had their QBs initials… he’d a been better off born a fire hydrant at a dog kennel, poor kid.

I hope if it's a L or an ugly one, it doesn't derail the improvements. Other than Michigan the remainder of games are winnable. Can't let Purdue beat them twice.

Focusing on scheme, QB and RBs is re-arranging the deck furniture on the titanic. Doesn’t matter a tiny little bit when the O-Line is the titantic.

I mean, it is two pretty lame teams playing. Anything can happen. It is Purdue, Not OSU. What has impressed you about them? Beating a Minny team that can literally not do a thing when PJ is not trying to murder their 10th year RB...

I hear Jeff Brohm pees sitting down. We need to win this one!

(Purdue fan) This might be the game where Purdue finally gets 'right'. Purdue covers 35-10.

Your coach is a major liability (one of very few to have lost to our former loser coach). I expect him to F up royally and cost you the game for the third time this year. You’re Purdue. You don’t beat anybody by 3+ scores.

Let's keep our win streak going while the winning is easy.

Doesn't exactly send chills down the spine seeing a guy named AOC throwing to a former Iowa player.

I don't think I can count as high as the number of points we're going to beat Purdoodoo by.

On a somewhat unrelated note. I have always liked how Brohm doesn't talk up injuries or try to make excuses, they just show up and play, as opposed to a guy like Fleck and his excuse rolodex.

How's Nebraska overall health? Purdue is very banged up.

We're missing our entire OL.

Have been for years!

They literally could blow us out pretty easily

We cannot win a shootout. We can barely shoot.

The idea that Purdue is some high-powered juggernaut is insane. They are a few lucky breaks from being 2-4 or 1-5. . . . Purdue hasn't won a FBS game this year that the opponent didn't give them. We can be the better team.

They can’t blow anyone out, that includes Nebraska, they don’t have the talent for it.

The phrase "If we beat Purdue" makes me depressed and want to puke. We're Nebraska. Purdue can lick our a**hole. They can beat us, but we will never put Purdue on a f**king pedestal. F**k Purdue!

If we lose I have to get the Purdue train tattooed on my arse. We better win!

Better than in it!

Keys to victory: 10 Hail Mary’s, 5 Our Father’s.

I’m of the opinion our next coach is already hired.

Mickey Joseph starts things off with a great week of practice. I think we can officially cross him off as a HC candidate.

Aidan O'Connell missed the FAU game. Gotta aim for the knees, boys.

He's not fully recovered, either...aim for the ribs...get them a couple times and we have a shot.

Do the Huskers enter the polls after we win today?

Huskers lead 21-0 early!

Field looks decent.

Purdue being out of town the last two weekends probably helped. Doesn't look like they ran a horse race on it this morning.

Purdue uni's look like something inmates would be wearing.

O’Connell looks like a sex offender!

Hartzog with a pick.

Excited to see Matt Millen jerk off O’Connell after that one.

Throw more like that one, O'Connell!

Nebraska needs to be better just so we don't have to listen to this dumbass Matt Millen anymore. I swear I would rather listen to Joe Biden do color.

If I hear “Crazy legs” one more time I’m jumping off a bridge!

Literally never seen a team be so bad at tackling on plays that should be negative yardage.

If Purdue can run the ball... We're screwed.

This would be one of the worst targeting calls in history!

Oh ***** crazy legs is back!

Getting trucked on the ground by a passing team with a walk on RB. Lol

O’Connell is good!

They’re not all that talented, but they’re also the dumbest o-line in the history of Nebraska. If the guy in front of them does anything but run straight at them they’re completely lost.

Wow, that was a great catch by Jones.

Newsome gets beat and waves his finger. lol

Early pressure but O’Connell gets it out quick and is catchable. Didn’t know that was allowed when pressured. I thought you just give up.

Their drops are our best defense.

CT might die tonight, our oline is like a giant sloppy block of Swiss cheese.

Defense bent over and took it like a bunch of skanks.

Sure seems like we should be down more than 10.

Matt's thinking of those wrestlers and O'Connell again.

Don’t forget crazy legs.

I think what this broadcast needs is to show more idiot Purdue fans.

Weak roughing call there… but we will take it!

Yant in for a score! 1-yard on that carry.

Purdue gonna wear the edges out on that Husker defense.

Crazy legs mention. Drink.

Going to prebook an ER bed if I do that.

Nebraska gets through and blocks a punt!

Plays on special teams? What kind of sorcery is this?

Depressing we cant bring down this lurch of a QB for Purdue.

Bleekrode knocks it through. 36 yards is good. 10-all.

Purdue WR's do run really good, clean routes....Impressive to watch.

Can we move Newsome off of Jones, please?

I hate to say this because I sound like a grumpy old man. But every coach on this team needs to address the finger waving after Newsome gets beat on a play. Please bench him, it's the dumbest shit I've seen a player do. God, it's frustrating.

I am surprised Newsome didn't shake his finger at the WR after that missed tackle.

6 catches, 83 yards and a TD for Purdue's Jones.

Charlie Jones…….come on, man. Newsome, you can walk home…

Purdue running the ball at will. Somehow we are only down 17-10. Mainly bc two long bombs from qb CT.

Down 10 again just like that.

Bomb time. It’s all that works.

Back to back sacks. Nebraska gonna be lucky to get this to the locker room down 10.

Casey couldn’t evade herpes from a virgin!

13 rushes for 100 yards for Mockobee.

Brohm realizing they can just run all over us.

Our Linebackers are not only physically slow....but they are retarded as well.

17 for 115 and a TD for Mockobee. 27-10 Purdue. :35 left in the half.

Why can't we stop #45? Seriously, he is a dork!

Rings of power time.

Bleekrode is good from 43. 27-13 Purdue heading to the locker room.

Stole 3 points there.

We shut out teams in the second half.... It's what we do,

You sunsabitches aren't sacrificing enough chickens or something.

Prediction for the second half - We will hear the announcers say “Mockabee Mockabee
“ a million more times.

Lee Corso and Matt Millen should hang out and watch games together.

Palmer is ALWAYS open on go routes. Wild.

Had 2 guys open on that TD pass.

We don't get down on ourselves and come out of the half on fire. Very nice!

That was a huge stop and a huge touch back... A TD ties it.

Every time we get behind the sticks our QB gets killed.

I need to find a partner who sees me the same way Matt Millen sees O’Connell.

I swear O'Connell needs to get a restraining order against Millen because the guy's in love with him.

How many times has he said “no harm no foul” tonight?

About as many times as Crazy Legs and O'Connell followed by something my wife hasn't said to me in a while.

Think we should at least try running the ball on this drive. Casey’s going to get killed if we throw every down.

O'Connell is really good. Perfect fundamentals with a motion like glass but Matt Millen's hard-on is blocking his screen.

Grant missed a TD then CT missed one. Crap.

Inside the 5 and not one attempted run.

I don't even understand how you over throw the ball that bad to a guy that wide open.

1st and goal at the 4 and we throw the ball 3 times in a row?

27-23 Purdue after a 22-yard Bleekrode field goal.


Every time they show the student section all I see are people that really need to be bullied.

Tonight, not only am I jealous of Purdue currently winning the game - I am probably most jealous that their fans are hoisting tallboys of beer in the air in their stadium.

Can somebody please defend a slant?

Team can’t tackle. O-line can’t block. Casey Thompson can’t do anything outside of the pocket.

Why is O’Connell’s upper lip dirty?

Defense wasn't going to hold them scoreless in the second half... Offense is failing us.

Trey Palmer. House! Call!

Told you they can’t cover Palmer.

Palmer's got 1 rush for 60, 6 catches for 173, and 2 TDs.

Deep ball every play sounds great right now if it's that easy.

Palmer having a career night. He’s been open deep at least two other times if CT could have hit him.

We should be winning this godforsaken game!

34-30 bad guys.

Anybody else having fun tonight? It feels very strange to be suddenly competitive.

Hate rushing 3. So dumb!

Especially when they only need 11 yards.

3rd and long - converted.


How is this a measurement? It wasn’t even close.

They’ll go for it and get it.

Very happy to witness the greatest QB performance ever...apparently.

Matt Millen climaxed.

I am sure he got some Viagra so he's good to go.

I am once again asking for someone to defend a slant.

31 1st downs....WOW!

34-yard kick is good. Purdue leads 37-30. Held them to a FG!

NU offense, could you please stop scoring long TDs so we can improve our Time of Possession?

We ran, guys! Happy? 2nd and 12.

Casey doing his best AM impression. Filling the box score down two scores and stinking when you can tie or take the lead.

And get picked. Gosh, Casey. Gosh, man!

That was so shockingly under thrown I have to image that was a design flaw.

Is Thompson a shorter Adrian Martinez?

Palmer had a 60 yard touchdown if that was an average pass.

Something about Purdue causes our QB’s to just… lay an egg.

O’Connell to Jones for another f**king TD!

Matt Millen just blew his load all over the booth.

Matt Millen’s wife so jealous right now.

Newsome needs to wag his finger.

I can’t wait till next year with half these teams like Purdue and Minnesota won’t have their 10-year quarterback.

Missed extra point might matter to some later on.

Would kill for a QB like O’Connell in Whipples offense. Maybe throw in an average o-line, too.

Bomb time. Just chuck it up to Palmer, it’s all we got.

Palmer is filthy!

237 yards for Palmer. That's a new single-game record.

I thought for sure they were going to call a flag on Washington.

PLEASE RUN here at the 1 yard line!

Grant in for a TD!

Damn, I love that we just keep playing instead of getting down on ourselves or falling apart when the other team makes a play.

My goodness, if I were a neutral fan, this would be a fun game.

Purdue 43 Nebraska 37. 4 min left. Purdue with the ball.

Huskers have 37 points and have had the ball for 17:18 in this game.

This defense is as solid as my s**t after 30 hot wings.

Stupid play calling by Brohm. Run and win most likely.

Brohm’s weakness is clock management at the end of games.

#45 weigh 150 and he runs us over.

Oh man, Ty Robinson over-ran the play.

I'm so f***ing sick of people overrunning QBs when they should get sacks.

If he just sits, O’Connell panics.

They’re playing ABBA. We have to win.

Damn! Purdue converts third down and tack on roughing the passer.

Charlie Jones was literally knocked out and they put him right back in.

Brohm rewarded for his idiotic clock management.

ABBA and Michael, I officially want to kick Purdue out of the BIG 10.

I’m going to go watch kids fall off bikes to take my mind off the 500 3rd and longs we’ve given up.

First time in my husker fandom I’ve ever looked forward to the transfer window and graduation of a large group of players.

Aiden O'Connell and his stupid Mexi-stash can go pound sand.

Purdue ran 101 plays. No... The defense did not play well.

Purdue is a bunch of dweebs, and I hope all their lego sets get broken.
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