Mexico tariffs

So Trump did have an agreement after all? Imagine that....
I'm not really sure why your comment is directed to me.
But, to answer you, that document is pretty far from what I would consider to be an agreement in the context that I perceived his comments.
If it's an agreement for you, great.
I'm not really sure why your comment is directed to me.
But, to answer you, that document is pretty far from what I would consider to be an agreement in the context that I perceived his comments.
If it's an agreement for you, great.
An agreement in principle? The framework of an agreement? Considering what this is about, I would not blame President Trump for touting this. He achieved what he set out to do. Now, let's see if Mexico abides by it.
...I would not blame President Trump for touting this. He achieved what he set out to do..
I think that I agree...but I suspect we don't agree on what he set out to do. I think this was simply him deciding that he wanted to create drama through an "emergency" of his own making so as to allow him to then claim victory by "solving" it. What did he really get beyond 600 additional Mexican troops to be placed at some time in the next 2 years at the Guatamalan border?
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I think that I agree...but I suspect we don't agree on what he set out to do. I think this was simply him deciding that he wanted to create drama through an "emergency" of his own making so as to allow him to then claim victory by "solving" it. What did he really get beyond 600 additional Mexican troops to be placed at some time in the next 2 years at the Guatamalan border?

He got the opportunity to have his base look in awe at the Emperor’s new clothes once again.
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