Masks In Mackey

DG - don't confuse Indy with facts, he's already made up his mind, and willing to ignore the mass majority of actual studies and hang to the myth of a few already-disproven old studies. Once someone has made up their minds and made public declarations, egos rarely allow them to admit (to themselves or others) that they were mistaken.
My guess is that you two were Hotel and Restaurant Management students while at Purdue?
Abu, i think this article you link is factual. I'm positive there are some reporting discrepancies; and most-likely a slight over-report (because of people who had Covid, but the prominent cause was death was not covid). However, these small percentages of mis-reports are just that SMALL. I've several friends who died of covid (and their comorbidities were seasonal asthma, and the other had high blood pressure that was being successfully treated by a daily pill), I've had immediate family members test positive and deal with lingering lung issues for months late; thankfully neither have died.
Those who point that there may be a percentage of mis-reports (regardless of the reason), just turns into fuel to those dumbasses who continue to treat this as being no more dangerous that the flu, and discrediting all the legitimate science that says mask should be worn until enough of the population has been vaccinate, and that (duh!) people should get vaccinate.

Anecdotes debunk that article, good to know.

And the "legitimate science on masks" is what? 6 minute videos on YouTube with a mask on a dummy so we can see how much less vapor there is? I would like to know the "legitimate science" on masks.
Guys, the science says you should get the vaccine, given that you have no MEDICAL reason not to. It is not experimental, and it can save your life. Millions of people around the world have gotten vaccinated without issue. That part of this discussion should be done, right?

Does anyone on here not think they should get a vaccination? To me that is a separate discussion and one which is nothing more than a fool's errant. You just can't argue with stupid. Let's not confuse the critical vaccination issue with the need to wear a mask in some public areas.

Masks are not 100% effective. I hate wearing a mask. However, they are somewhat effective depending on their construction. All that our public institutions are doing is attempting to play the odds that a few deaths can be avoided if they ask people to wear masks while attending group activities. No where in the Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say you have the freedom to disregard public safety and put others at risk. Think of this as a form of traffic law - you need to obey the speed limit to keep others safe as well as yourself.
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Guys, the science says you should get the vaccine, given that you have no MEDICAL reason not to. It is not experimental, and it can save your life. Millions of people around the world have gotten vaccinated without issue. That part of this discussion should be done, right?

Does anyone on here not think they should get a vaccination? To me that is a separate discussion and one which is nothing more than a fool's errant. You just can't argue with stupid. Let's not confuse the critical vaccination issue with the need to wear a mask in some public areas.

Masks are not 100% effective. I hate wearing a mask. However, they are somewhat effective depending on their construction. All that our public institutions are doing is attempting to play the odds that a few deaths can be avoided if they ask people to wear masks while attending group activities. No where in the Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say you have the freedom to disregard public safety and put others at risk. Think of this as a form of traffic law - you need to obey the speed limit to keep others safe as well as yourself.

Yeah just accept government telling you what to do. For the greater good. It doesn't matter that roads only apply to drivers but masks apply to anyone in a "public space", or at a "group activity". So the only way to not wear a mask is to isolate yourself completely from society.

All of this is isn't for you, it's for everyone else. Don't be selfish, just submit. The faster you submit, the faster this is all over and we can get back to normal. This also is not a cult...
Guys, the science says you should get the vaccine, given that you have no MEDICAL reason not to. It is not experimental, and it can save your life. Millions of people around the world have gotten vaccinated without issue. That part of this discussion should be done, right?

Does anyone on here not think they should get a vaccination? To me that is a separate discussion and one which is nothing more than a fool's errant. You just can't argue with stupid. Let's not confuse the critical vaccination issue with the need to wear a mask in some public areas.

Masks are not 100% effective. I hate wearing a mask. However, they are somewhat effective depending on their construction. All that our public institutions are doing is attempting to play the odds that a few deaths can be avoided if they ask people to wear masks while attending group activities. No where in the Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say you have the freedom to disregard public safety and put others at risk. Think of this as a form of traffic law - you need to obey the speed limit to keep others safe as well as yourself.
I am vaccinated. My company offered the vaccine and I took it 6 months ago becasue I made the decision for me based on what I knew and what I thought would be best for me.

If my company had MANDATED that I take the vaccine, that would have been a different story. I think there's enough evidence now that natural immunity is more effective, but I didn't want to take the risk of catching covid and having serious medical issues from it. Anyone that has had covid shouldn't feel it necessary to subjugate to the cult of vaccines. Anyone who has had the vaccine should mind their own business. If you're confident in your vaccine, live your life and don't worry if other people are getting it. And mandates are a bridge too far.

Covid is here to stay. It's NEVER going away, like the flu. Once I catch it and have natural immunity I will give it no more thought than the seasonal flu.
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Abu, i think this article you link is factual. I'm positive there are some reporting discrepancies; and most-likely a slight over-report (because of people who had Covid, but the prominent cause was death was not covid). However, these small percentages of mis-reports are just that SMALL. I've several friends who died of covid (and their comorbidities were seasonal asthma, and the other had high blood pressure that was being successfully treated by a daily pill), I've had immediate family members test positive and deal with lingering lung issues for months late; thankfully neither have died.
Those who point that there may be a percentage of mis-reports (regardless of the reason), just turns into fuel to those dumbasses who continue to treat this as being no more dangerous that the flu, and discrediting all the legitimate science that says mask should be worn until enough of the population has been vaccinate, and that (duh!) people should get vaccinate.
Honest question- what legitimate science is that? Every study I have seen has shown that the wearing of cloth masks does absolutely nothing to slow the spread of covid.
I am vaccinated. My company offered the vaccine and I took it 6 months ago becasue I made the decision for me based on what I knew and what I thought would be best for me.

If my company had MANDATED that I take the vaccine, that would have been a different story. I think there's enough evidence now that natural immunity is more effective, but I didn't want to take the risk of catching covid and having serious medical issues from it. Anyone that has had covid shouldn't feel it necessary to subjugate to the cult of vaccines. Anyone who has had the vaccine should mind their own business. If you're confident in your vaccine, live your life and don't worry if other people are getting it. And mandates are a bridge too far.

Covid is here to stay. It's NEVER going away, like the flu. Once I catch it and have natural immunity I will give it no more thouhgt than the season flu.
I am curious as to why you would refuse a vaccine you willingly took if it was mandated by your employer? Companies have to make decisions on how best to stay afloat as well as how best to protect their employees. From the data, it appears that breakthrough infections are very low and when they do occur, they are less likely to become hospitalized and/or to die.
I’ll add that I understand not wanting to be told what to do but we have accepted drug testing in the workplace for a couple of decades now and that is just as intrusive and forced on people as vaccine mandated. Drug tests also do less to protect the employees but we have accepted that form of freedom being taken away. Why shouldn’t Joe in accounting be able to burn a little gonga in his own home after work? Is this really a hazard to the company and employees?
Is no one on here yet aware that it recently came out that cell lines from aborted fetuses were used in the development of these "vaccines"? Is that not a good enough reason for me to want to wait a good long time before deciding to get one of these "vaccines"?
Honest question- what legitimate science is that? Every study I have seen has shown that the wearing of cloth masks does absolutely nothing to slow the spread of covid.
That's the IMPROPER wearing of cloth masks. Proper wearing of masks prevents saliva droplets from carrying the virus away from the wearer. There are many studies saying that cloth masks aren't as effective as surgical or N95 masks, but they still offer greater protection than none at all.
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That's the IMPROPER wearing of cloth masks. Proper wearing of masks prevents saliva droplets from carrying the virus away from the wearer. There are many studies saying that cloth masks aren't as effective as surgical or N95 masks, but they still offer greater protection than none at all.
I haven't seen any of these studies that you cite. Every one that I have seen shows that only medical grade masks offer any difference in spread at all.
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I am vaccinated. My company offered the vaccine and I took it 6 months ago becasue I made the decision for me based on what I knew and what I thought would be best for me.

If my company had MANDATED that I take the vaccine, that would have been a different story. I think there's enough evidence now that natural immunity is more effective, but I didn't want to take the risk of catching covid and having serious medical issues from it. Anyone that has had covid shouldn't feel it necessary to subjugate to the cult of vaccines. Anyone who has had the vaccine should mind their own business. If you're confident in your vaccine, live your life and don't worry if other people are getting it. And mandates are a bridge too far.

Covid is here to stay. It's NEVER going away, like the flu. Once I catch it and have natural immunity I will give it no more thouhgt than the season flu.
For the 300th time: natural immunity fades. The vaccine will need to be administered yearly. COVID-19 has killed MANY more people than the flu. There is a lot of ignorance and misinformation in your posts, and it's just not productive.
I’ll add that I understand not wanting to be told what to do but we have accepted drug testing in the workplace for a couple of decades now and that is just as intrusive and forced on people as vaccine mandated. Drug tests also do less to protect the employees but we have accepted that form of freedom being taken away. Why shouldn’t Joe in accounting be able to burn a little gonga in his own home after work? Is this really a hazard to the company and employees?
I don't do drugs. Of any sort. They can test me every day. Peeing in a cup is in another universe compared to injecting something INTO your body.
Is no one on here yet aware that it recently came out that cell lines from aborted fetuses were used in the development of these "vaccines"? Is that not a good enough reason for me to want to wait a good long time before deciding to get one of these "vaccines"?
Why would that be a concern?
I haven't seen any of these studies that you cite. Every one that I have seen shows that only medical grade masks offer any difference in spread at all.
30 seconds of searching:

Basically, cloth masks are better than no masks, are not as good as medical masks, and some cloth masks are better than others. The notion that cloth masks provide no protection is not backed up by any credible evidence.
For the 300th time: natural immunity fades. The vaccine will need to be administered yearly. COVID-19 has killed MANY more people than the flu. There is a lot of ignorance and misinformation in your posts, and it's just not productive.

All of the information you just said is pure conjecture.

"Boosters" for the 2 dose vaccine are already rolling out 4-8 months after completing regimen, but you claim the vaccine will be administered yearly.

Natural immunity fades, but no one knows how long it lasts. The original SARS victims still show antibodies 10+ years later. Some early signs suggest antibodies for COVID (SARS Cov2) are similar.

But what you said is 100% fact, for the 300th time...
Why would that be a concern?
For you- evidently there is no reason why that should not be a concern. If you are telling me that there is no reason why that should be a concern for me or for anyone else... I would tell you to get bent.
For you- evidently there is no reason why that should not be a concern. If you are telling me that there is no reason why that should be a concern for me or for anyone else... I would tell you to get bent.
So, you can’t explain why cell lines from an aborted fetus is a concern? Gotcha
30 seconds of searching:

Basically, cloth masks are better than no masks, are not as good as medical masks, and some cloth masks are better than others. The notion that cloth masks provide no protection is not backed up by any credible evidence.
3 layers of cloth mask. You must be joking
So, you can’t explain why cell lines from an aborted fetus is a concern? Gotcha
If I have to explain that to you then it's already clear that the explanation would not matter to you. I'm not hashing out an argument when I already know exactly how it would go. Waste of time.
If I have to explain that to you then it's already clear that the explanation would not matter to you. I'm not hashing out an argument when I already know exactly how it would go. Waste of time.
You clearly don’t understand what you’re talking about. I assume you heard this from Tucker or Sean. Here’s the information on the cell lines. Maybe read it and then explain what is possibly harmful about the use?

Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s.
Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines I mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus.
Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines during the following two phases:
Research and development
Production and manufacturing
When it comes to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, fetal cell line HEK 293 was used during the research and development phase. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 abortion that took place in the Netherlands. Using fetal cell lines to test the effectiveness and safety of medications is common practice, because they provide a consistent and well-documented standard.
For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stage. To make the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, scientists infect PER.C6 fetal cell lines to grow the adenovirus vector. (Learn more about how viral vector vaccines work.) All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 abortion that took place in the Netherlands. This cell line is used because it is a well-studied industry standard for safe and reliable production of viral vector vaccines.
All of the information you just said is pure conjecture.

"Boosters" for the 2 dose vaccine are already rolling out 4-8 months after completing regimen, but you claim the vaccine will be administered yearly.

Natural immunity fades, but no one knows how long it lasts. The original SARS victims still show antibodies 10+ years later. Some early signs suggest antibodies for COVID (SARS Cov2) are similar.

But what you said is 100% fact, for the 300th time...
Whatever, you can lead a RWer to facts but you can't make them absorb the information.
You clearly don’t understand what you’re talking about. I assume you heard this from Tucker or Sean. Here’s the information on the cell lines. Maybe read it and then explain what is possibly harmful about the use?

Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s.
Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines I mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus.
Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines during the following two phases:
Research and development
Production and manufacturing
When it comes to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, fetal cell line HEK 293 was used during the research and development phase. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 abortion that took place in the Netherlands. Using fetal cell lines to test the effectiveness and safety of medications is common practice, because they provide a consistent and well-documented standard.
For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stage. To make the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, scientists infect PER.C6 fetal cell lines to grow the adenovirus vector. (Learn more about how viral vector vaccines work.) All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 abortion that took place in the Netherlands. This cell line is used because it is a well-studied industry standard for safe and reliable production of viral vector vaccines.
Why do I care how old the cells are?
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Are you serious? I have like 5 masks with 3 cloth layers. Jeezus, you RWers are an interesting breed.
never seen that kind of mask anywhere. I use just the bare minimum necessary to comply with any mandates that I have to follow.
Great rebuttal. What facts did you have?
I'm not going to keep posting articles showing studies on effectiveness of vaccines, natural immunity fading, etc. Go back and read the rest of this thread and you'll find it. Bottom line: you folks choose to be ignorant for no discernable reason. I don't know what to tell you.
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Last post on this subject.

If you die of Covid, you were living on borrowed time anyway. I am not being insensitive, just facts.

The whole narrative of Covid was built on a lie. when that happens the truth is very difficult to find.

When the truth is hard to find, infighting between people that think they are right ensues.

Have a nice weekend everyone!
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I don't do drugs. Of any sort. They can test me every day. Peeing in a cup is in another universe compared to injecting something INTO your body.
Injecting something into your body??? So, no pain killer when you get a root canal? Really? No penicillin when you get an infection? After all, it's made from mold, so who would want to inject that stuff. I hear that these drugs are "experimental" anyway. :cool:
Last post on this subject.

If you die of Covid, you were living on borrowed time anyway. I am not being insensitive, just facts.

The whole narrative of Covid was built on a lie. when that happens the truth is very difficult to find.

When the truth is hard to find, infighting between people that think they are right ensues.

Have a nice weekend everyone!
"Hey honey, Look what I found! Something in the internet that all the doctors and scientists have missed! "

You are f'ing kidding me, right? COVID is killing and damaging people every day. Ask any health care provider and they will help you understand that this is not some sort of made up story. I will bet you think the moon landing was faked and that the earth is really a flat disk. Am I right?

Like I said in my previous post. Can't argue with stupid.
I don't do drugs. Of any sort. They can test me every day. Peeing in a cup is in another universe compared to injecting something INTO your body.
It doesn’t matter if you do drugs or not. It’s the same level of invasion. The company is telling you that you can’t do drugs, you have no choice, even the ones that are legal in half of the country are forbidden even if it’s legal in your state. Marijuana isn’t really a drug however and shouldn’t be labeled as such. It’s a natural plant that contains healing powers and the best part is, there were no aborted fetus’ used to manufacture it.

I see, just working in hotel or a restaurant. Thanks for the clarification.
Really no idea why you keep going down this road? Seems like a pretty dumb argument to have with anonymous people. We don't know if you even went to Purdue yourself?? Yet your trying to put down people that had a certain major that actually did graduate from PU. Whatever works for you I guess, just seems like an odd tactic for your argument.
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