IU Fan BB Coach Search Committee Minutes (Selected excerpts)

Apr 30, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
Bowing to pressure from IU basketball fans, the Indiana University administration recently organized a fan search committee for input on the hiring of a new basketball coach in the event Coach Archie Miller is fired. The minutes of their first meeting were obtained from a university shredder and pieced back together at a great cost of time and effort. Due to the nature of the reassembly of the minutes, the individual committee members were not identified and the sequence of their remarks is at best a guess. Anyway, here's the result.

Thank you for all taking valuable time out of your day and getting together in order to give the Indiana University administration the wisdom of the thinking of its basketball fanbase. Would someone like to summarize the problem before us?

Please correct me if I’m wrong which is a good possibility, I’m sure someone will. But since the program is going to have a losing BT record for the fifth straight year I believe that this has not happened since 1914-1919. Over one hundred years.

But, in fairness, I think our Kenpom ratings have gone up more than they did back then.

And possibly deflections.

The Ottoman Empire still existed then.

They were 0.500 one of those years. But your point is still a good one. I think the way to say it is that IU has only been above 0.500 in the conference once in the past 8 years and it took a team with 5 future NBA players to do it.

Given McRobbie is retiring June 2021 and BOT is looking for his replacement by conducting Townhalls (never seen group think work in hiring), I do not see the AD or the BOT pulling the trigger until the following year.

IDK. In addition to the althetic department financial predicament due to COVID, they have the higher priority right now of hiring a new president. In theory IU should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time but maybe it's something they are just going to push off to the new guy.

We're screwed if we wait because (in my opinion) the next University president is almost certain to be a transgender version of Miles Brand, who will most likely prefer we head to the bottom of the Big Ten in all sports and stay there...

Seems like it’s a common understanding across the country that we have a pathetic, weak, spineless, stupid and pollyannish administration across the whole university.

They cannot roll this product out again next year, in person, and expect anything other than the last days of Creandom from day 1. Just no way, and if there are multiple national articles about it, something has to be going on.

IU is 40 million in a hole according another poster on TOS. If true, we aren’t buying out anyone this year. Probably why Archie isn’t even sweating.

If I’m Dolson (AD), I’m hiring investigators to try to find some foul play with this guy. Lol.

Despite us "all knowing this" I continue seeing a maddening number of idiot media people and IU fans acting like firing Archie is cutting a $10M check tomorrow. It isn't and never has been. There are only 2 reasons to keep Archie: 1) genuine belief he'll turn it around (there are still a couple of these) and/or 2) cowardice by a fresh AD.

That ship (Archie returning) has sailed.... we're 20+ years buried now. Get an IU guy for crying out loud. It's time.

Dolson (AD) won’t be doing anything anytime soon. We could lose the next game by 30 and Archie is safe. Hell, if he comes within 15 of Purdue he probably gets an extension.

There are no “IU guys” even remotely qualified for the job. If IU goes that route they are throwing in the towel on the program.

I agree.... but this program is barely on life support. At least it would generate some enthusiasm with the old fart crowd... who are the only ones who even care anymore.

Even the Purdue guy says that for a program like Indiana this is just unacceptable. We've reached The Twilight Zone . . .

Yes, thought that was very interesting AND spot on. I love Hummel as an analyst, very fair and smart . He hit the nail on the head , IU hasn't sniffed the tourney in 5 years and finished below .500 in B1G 5 years in a row, first time since 1919. Those stats say it all, Arch can't coach. Wonder what his lame post game comments were tonight? The dog ate the game plan?!

Robbie has improved dramatically after a rough start at BTN. He did an IU game earlier in the season and was very objective until the very end when IU got a couple of clpose calls and his slip showed big time. Crying shame that he could not play for IU, but the timing ended that.

Yep, timing was a shame, he would have been a solid Hoosier for life.

We have not had a smooth coaching transition in BB since before RMK. That's a lot of years. To think that we are going to pull someone from the sky & get 20 years of awesome coaching; think again. I think that this is why UCLA still struggles. Since Wooden retired, nothing but firings. We need to build something different & trust it to pay dividends down the road. Look at IU Football, if something happened to CTA "god forbid', they would probably hire from within or a former Allen guy. They do not want to kill the MOJO that they got going with IU Football. IU BB has had very little MOJO for a number of years..

Our AD should call a meeting with the BOT and figure out the maximum amount they are willing to offer the head coach of our mens basketball team. Then get on a plane and offer that to Brad (Stevens). Simple as that. I obviously give it at least a glimmer of a possibility. We better damn sure try. I get told “No” everyday for my job.

Without question the most likely destination for a fired Stevens is another NBA team. He’d be the top candidate for nearly all open positions. BUT, if Dolson isn’t actively recruiting BS right now, obviously behind the curtains. He isn’t worth a shit. The most success BS has had in his career was at Butler. The NBA is different, obviously. But I find it hard to believe coaches like Calipari or K have it any harder than NBA coaches do. There’s a reason those guys, and guys like Saban, end their careers at their schools. Dolson needs to layout a Calipari/Saban/K setup for Stevens at IU.

But the Celtics are paying him what $4M a year? We offer $8M a year that's a massive pay increase. I just can't see Boston coming anywhere near matching it given that most of the fans probably want him fired. Might be too good to pass up. I never thought it before but I honestly now think Stevens is doable.

Not suggesting he does or anything but nobody is gunna sit there coaching the Celtics and say “this job is ok but I want to get back to the college game soon.” Reality is right now his seat is warm in Boston. IU needs to make him an offer he can’t refuse. And if he turns it down, oh well. At least they tried.

Other suggestions? The floor is open:

If you are the AD @ Indiana...and you don't at least reach out to Stevens/Donovan, you should be fukin strung up, tarred and featherd---and drug down the street by a horse. Are the gonna listen? Meh----I mean,would you listen if the conversation started with $ 8 million dollars? So yeah, they'll listen. Will they accept? No. But make them say no. After that, you go after the realistic dudes....Pearl, Drew, etc, etc...

Yes I agree I would take Brad Steven's, Billy Donovan great call.

Ummm, one name doesnt belong on that list. It is glaringly obvious. And he sucks. Dont know why he keeps getting job, with an NCAA noose around his neck as an added bonus.

Ummmm, that would be-----Who? Pearl? Are you saying he's not a good coach? Really? Sure.... NCAA noose? JFC, how many times we gotta go over this... UW-Milwaukee----He invited a recruit to his daughters graduation. Woooooooo, the horror. UT- He lied about having Aaron Craft over for a fukin BBQ.....Gangsta.

Forgot about Pearl and you're right. I reckon he'd be a fine candidate too. He's dadgum good. As you said, he just needs a lil leash on that Boss Hoss.

Hire Rick Pitino.

Scott Drew, clap clap, Scott Drew clap clap.



Don't fire archie though, give him a janitor's cart until he finds something else so his buyout isn't so high. If those Assembly Hall toilets ain't shining, fire him for cause.

Dickie V is who we need! Jay Wright, Jay Bilas or Dick Vitale!!!

Hire Reggie Miller! Someone who knows how to shoot the danm ball!

Nobody interested in Bryce Drew? He cant be that much worse than his brother at coaching. He was a good basketball player after all, I dont remember Scott ever playing college basketball. Bryce is a drastically more realistic hire.

Let’s toss in my resume while we are at it.

What about Colt's great Tony Dungy? Probably the greatest X's and O's coach ever! Great motivator to.

What about Brunk as a player coach? He has been around college basketball over 9 years, played for both Holtmann and Archie could take the best from both systems. seems to be liked by the players they all sit with him during games so wouldn't have to worry about mass transfers. Probably has 2 or 3 masters degrees by now so is definitely intelligent enough. Has good size we haven't had a coach in 25 years who could physically intimidate anyone, referees or players, Crean was kind of girlish at times, Archie's physical size isn't going to scare anyone, we need someone who can motivate and kick someone in the ass when needed.

You think he’s tall enough to be our coach?

Did you see when Miller was standing next to Howard? Wow, you get how tall someone really is when they are standing next to a normal sized guy.

Brunk could look Howard right in the eye!

Pretty sure Brunk wouldn't ask for $3M/yr as a starting salary. In all seriousness...IU basketball should not be reduced to a novelty. The program deserves an established coach who can right this ship before it sinks once and for all.

Bobby Knight was 24 when he took over at army how did that novelty work out, Brunk at 29 has way more experience than that.

Most of the best coaches were Brunk-level and type players, all I am saying is give Joey a chance.

Ever heard of Bill Russell? Same size as Brunk. His last NBA championship he was the player coach.

I’d prefer Galloway, he is a coaches son. That means he is so good at everything.

All good options, but I think Keon Brooks is the obvious choice.

Mike Roberts?

Calbert Cheaney-he's already in Indiana.

How about Fife, Alford, Lewis? Need an IU guy to understand what IU is about!

I've been one of the more vocal opponents of hiring Alford ever since the Iowa debacle. And his run at UCLA -- fired mid-season -- only further underscored why. But, yeah, he'd still be an improvement over what we have now. Even Crean would be an improvement. Maybe even Mike Davis, for chrissakes.

Controversial but solid hire: Scott Skiles. Tell me that’s a bad hire.

You let 'er fly and hit nothing but backboard.

If your going down that road then why not Mike Woodson or Randy Wittman.

Can Teri Moren coach the Men's Team also?

Ok, I've watched long enough. I'm officially throwing Bill Walton's hat or headband into the candidate list. I doubt we could be worse and the entertainment value would be very high; tie dyed jerseys, Grateful Dead music piped in the entire game, incoherent pressers after the game, maybe an entire team of 6-11 players (just pass the ball up the court) ... the list could go on and on.

I absolutely love Walton, and yes, has nothing to do with basketball. Though he will shock you every now and again and really give great nuggets.

Greg Graham. And Calbert would be a great combo for coaching in my opinion.

Since we're hitting the pipe early how about JaMarcus Ellis and DeAndre Thomas?

More and more, I am thinking we should have kept Crean.

If you can get someone like Thad Matta or John Beilein to come out of retirement, then yes you pull the trigger. But in my opinion there's 4 coaches IU should be reaching out too:
1. Nate Oats---just signed a big extension; believe if he's hired away after this season his buyout is over $15mil
2. Scott Drew---making over $2mil/yr at Baylor. You better believe Baylor is going to do whatever they can to keep him around
3. Eric Musselmen---same boat as Scott Drew; Arkansas will do whatever they can to keep Musselmen, and I expect a contract extension and heavy buyout given the Razorbacks season this year.
4. Chris Beard---don't think he's leaving Texas Tech but he's currently the third highest paid coach in the country making around $6mil/yr.
In theory making a move for either of these coaches isn't impossible. But given the current state and budget of the athletic department, is it practical? It's a legitimate concern and reason. You whiff on these coaches and then are stuck hiring an Alford, a Fife, a Michael Lewis type guy or the next up and comer and it doesn't work out, then what?

Give Scott Drew a blank check. Fire Archie and give Scott Drew whatever he wants. Don’t care about any baggage. We’ve dicked around for 15-20 years. It’s gotta end. The financial hit will be a lot bigger when nobody shows up or buys merchandise next year. Please!

You've got this backwards. I think you meant to say that Scott Drew gives recruits blank checks.

I bet we get Fife and we are left with Leal, Rob, and Brunk. And of course, then I’ll burn it down.

I'm just talking about Fife in regards to a scenario that I heard which didn't offend me and from the angle of if I was the AD, I think the Fife scenario would be in my back pocket. And compared to the situation that keeping Archie is turning into (unfortunately), it would give me the confidence to fire him regardless if I can get Stevens or whatnot (who I go after first with everything I've got).

I heard a decent case for Fife, basically saying he has the personality, knows IU and if he brought in Mike Lewis as an assistant while keeping Robert's and keeping Hunter (who worked with Lewis at Nebraska) it would at least give some continuity, a head coach that's very personable and three IU guys on the coaching staff. It's not the worst thing I've ever heard.

Fife doesn't have the personality for it at all. He'd be in way over his head from day 1. Nice guy but a complete dork.

There's NOBODY they can get to turn it around fast. They could get Brad Stevens and Lebron and we'll still suck next year. Fife however would be OK with me if we know it's gonna take a couple years.

It’ll be interesting to see which way Dolson goes, but my gut tells me they’ll take a proven coach in a top conference this time - opposed to an up and comer in their 40s

Who would the “proven coach in a top conference” be? Realistically.... who could IU hire that fits that description?

Drew, Beilen, and Matta all fit that description. They all have question marks too. Hell, put Pitino in there. Beard would fit that description too.

Matta isn’t healthy enough to coach and wouldn’t take a job his former assistant was fired from. Beilein is too old. Drew is the ideal candidate.

Assuming IU is comfortable with his past and doesn’t want to risk another Sampson. All those candidates have question marks (sans Beard). It’ll be interesting if they go up-and-comer again.

It’s been over eight years since Drew had a run-in with the NCAA.

Scott Drew would do well here. I wonder if IU will ever get the balls to play in the mud. I bet they stay the course and hire Fife.

No way could/would IU hire Drew, Beilein, or Pitino. Matta is out of coaching for health reasons. Beard... ?? I’d be all-in “IF” he would come.

Matta’s only 53 and rich guys heal faster than us plebs.

So I'd like to talk about coaching candidates who are still on the table, even if long shots. Here are the names I've seen, with a couple of comments:
--Musselman.....Crazy father, possibly a skeleton or two in the closet, but highly successful. Any one know if there's a buy out & how much?
--Matta.....Could he do it physically? Someone somewhere commented that Archie and Sean are both from his coaching tree, and he might not want to offend. Would love him if he could physically do it, but need to look at those doctor's records.
--Beilein.....Old, but could do 5 years with an understudy in place.
--Stevens...the Dream
--Beard....Call him.
--Drew.....,Probably not SD's guy. Too slick for someone that dates back to Knight. I'd love it though. Don't think SD has the balls to do it.
--Fife....Seems like a real possibility to me. SD's probably been around him a lot. Is that good or bad for his chances? I think he'd come if asked, with Izzo's blessing. Izzo knows how good the job is.
--Alford....Don't want it, but has to be a possibility. AJ asked SD who is on his "Mt Rushmore" of IU basketball. Steve was the first person he mentioned, then the rest of the '87 team.
--Moser...Don't know much about him.
--Rick Singletary....His name came up on HSN as someone a big donor was "vetting". Late of Mississippi State, now with Western Kentucky. By my measure, pretty successful (is MSU the worst basketball job in the SEC?), but 61 and seems far-fetched.
--Altman....Milk Toast, which probably would appeal to SD. He has a soft gig at Oregon. Doubt he'd leave for the BT dogfight.

-- Step 1: Call all the home run hires and offer the moon. When that fails go to step 2.
-- Step 2: Call Matta, Oats, and Musselman. If/when that fails go to step 3.
-- Step 3: Kick myself in the balls and remind myself we're a football school now.
-- Step 4: After step 3 coach is hired, wait 12 months and start complaining incessantly until they are fired. Go to step 5.
-- Step 5: Kick myself in the balls again and repeat the process.

I think we are at a point where we cannot take a risk as big as Dane Fife. I understand every coach is a risk to a certain degree, but I hope SD lands a proven winner. I hope he’s willing to think outside the box and not just immediately think he needs to hire an IU guy like Alford. It’s the biggest decision of his career.

I'm at the point where I'd entertain the thought of Porter Moser. Moser was a retread up until a magical run to the F4 and I think he's proven that he can coach and it was no fluke. Moser is a Chicago guy but a Creighton alum. Always thought he'd end up at DePaul and not sure how many chances Dave Leitao is going to get. If DePaul ever wants to hire Moser it needs to be this year and now may even be to a late. McDermott under some heat in the last 24 hours with some poor choice words during a locker room tirade and just have to wonder if the cancel culture will get to him. Moser would be the #1 candidate there.

Travis Ford, Brian Dutcher, and Craig Smith are three mid-major guys who have all built up solid programs that have caught my eye as well. Would guess one of the latter two may be Minnesota's next coach.

I'm really not on the train that IU needs to hire an IU guy, but if is to hire someone with a direct connection my 3 preferred choices would be Fife, Michael Lewis, and Joe Pasternack. Pasternack is someone I completely forgot about and while IU should be above hiring Pasternack at this stage in the game, it's a name you should keep an eye on down the road.

Matta makes a lot of sense as a proven coach and no buyout for IU to pay for him. I've said before I'd happily trade Miller for Matta if Matta is healthy. People have posted that he's healthy. I don't know if they know that or are pulling it out of their behinds as some do here.

Wouldn't count on anything from Cuban and most seem to think he's the answer to all IU's problems. This was published mere hours ago. This isn't surprising at all. He had similar supportive comments when Crean was on the hot seat.

Maybe. Sure did take a huge dump on the IU fanbase.... “Let me tell you about IU fans. What I love most is that every single one of us is a coach. They know basketball better than any coach IU has ever had,” Cuban said in an email on Tuesday. Having been raised in Indiana myself, Cuban is correct.

I’d take a look at John Becker of Vermont. Very consistent. Ben Jacobson at UNI. Scott Nagy is another guy who builds programs. IU doesn’t need the flashiest guys or the hottest names, just a good motivator and somebody who can connect with players, establish chemistry and motivate.

Tad Boyle from Colorado. A coach with multiple 20 win seasons at CU. CU is not on most kid's radar but he recruits well and has a proven track record at a Power 5 school. Not a mid-major guy who is the next big thing. He could do well at IU with the built-in advantages IU has over CU if he wants to leave Boulder which could be a hard sell.

Next coach should be from NBA ranks. Mark Cuban, with help of Rick Carlisle, should be able to recommend a dynamic basketball mind currently sitting in an assistant role on an NBA bench. We‘ve tried having someone step up in level, and we see the results. Michigan went a different route. We need to copy them.

There’s an absolute home run hire sitting on the Dallas bench in Jamahl Mosley. Runs the defense for Carlyle and is known as a great player development coach. He’ll get an NBA head coach job soon, so it’s probably a waste of time. Another good one is Jordi Fernandez, assistant with the Nuggets. I mentioned both of these guys 4 years ago when IU needed a coach.

Both of those guys are going to be highly successful as head coaches wherever they end up. It would be an inspired hire if we could get one of them.

Inspired hire and IU don’t go together.

What’s also obvious is that this isn’t the job it was 20 years ago, and it’s definitely not the job it was 30 years ago. None of us like to contemplate that reality, but we have a highly inflated view of the program, while most others do not. Thank you for all of your input. After hours of input and debate, I think we finally have a consensus to present to the administration:

Robert Montgomery Knight must be hired again for IU to be elite again. Make the call and lets get it over with. It's Time.
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