Biden is going to win Arizona

Thats interesting, I have never gotten a call from a political pollster in my life. I have always wondered how they determine who to call?
They probably work the alphabet on down from Antifa members.
Good grief, but your TDS has twisted your mind. So you would prefer Biden's method, where he mandates everything from DC? You keep calling Trump a dictator, but when he delegates you're not happy either. Yet, you prefer a guy, who would like to dictate from the WH, although if the past is a prolog for the future, Biden would screw everything up.

The Left keeps trying to paint Trump as some sort of moron, but when he's on top of everything that's going on around the country related to CV-19 and he's reacting to what Governors are doing, you call that undermining the Governors. Would you prefer that he was just totally hands off, after he delegated the responsibility? That would go completely against his character. He's pretty involved and hands on in most things, which is what we should want him to be.

I suspect that there is NOT ONE THING that Trump could do that would satisfy you. Your abject hatred for the man has completely blinded you to all the good things he's done for the country. NONE of which Biden could or would have done.

You keep propagating the myth that the states were competing with the Federal Government for PPE & testing equipment. It's just NOT TRUE. What Trump told the Governors was for them to try to get what they needed directly, because they may be able to get it faster, than if the Feds got it and rerouted it to them. He also told them, that if they had problems or couldn't get the supplies they heeded, he would send it to them. They are NOT competing. They are just trying to find the quickest path to getting the supplies.

When it comes to Trump, you're just not capable of rational thought.

I said the states had to compete with the federal government and other states.......because their was no central authority coordinating the response.

How many do you want?

AGAIN, we're not talking about Biden. He wasn't in charge.

Taking charge of coordinating a national response to a deadly virus isn't dictating, it's being a responsible leader. Refusing to honor subpoenas and firing government officials tasked with oversight who are investigating you is being autocratic.

You really said this. "he's on top of everything that's going on around the country related to CV-19".

When he suggested we might open by Easter, when he pushed for reopening before states had met the thresholds set BY HIS OWN TASK FORCE, when he made fun of masks wearing and refused to set an example for the country, when he criticized one Dem governor after another for their actions and for not opening up when he wanted.........all those actions were undermining the governors he said we're in charge of their state response.

I thought his response to the ventilator issue was excellent. Why he didn't use the DPA when it came to other issues I have no idea.
The difference this year imo is Clinton was hated by a significant portion of independents, I am no Biden fan....but he isn't polarizing for independents. Late deciding independents traditionally favor the challenger.

Trump ran a pretty disciplined campaign the last several weeks in 2016. He hasn't shown that discipline at any point this year. Why he isnt spending more time talking about school choice is beyond me. That's a winning issue with independents and suburban woman.

I don't think this is the same as 2016, because you don't have the Clinton factor. That means their needed to be more outreach to independents and moderating the way Trump interacts on social media....and in interviews/debates. For whatever reason he chose not to do that.
Something that that hasn’t been mentioned is the first woman POTUS factor.
Many women were very vocal and promoting HRC solely because they wanted to be part of making history.
I live in Florida. We probably have an oversaturation of pollsters here.

It's seems like the rallies for Trump in FL are getting massive levels of support. I saw video of the car rally in Miami which was pretty incredible. Not that rallies will mean much, but I haven't seen a single car, boat or other rally for Biden with anywhere near the turnout or energy of a Trump rally.
It's seems like the rallies for Trump in FL are getting massive levels of support. I saw video of the car rally in Miami which was pretty incredible. Not that rallies will mean much, but I haven't seen a single car, boat or other rally for Biden with anywhere near the turnout or energy of a Trump rally.
There was even a large pro Trump rally in Beverly Hills this past weekend
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It's seems like the rallies for Trump in FL are getting massive levels of support. I saw video of the car rally in Miami which was pretty incredible. Not that rallies will mean much, but I haven't seen a single car, boat or other rally for Biden with anywhere near the turnout or energy of a Trump rally.
Trying to kill of your base is an odd way of trying to get votes but I’m all for it in this instance.
Ever hear of Google?

FROM NPR, no less

HEMINGWAY: Well, there's a number of reasons why I arrived at that conclusion. One of the facts I pointed out in the piece was that the University of Minnesota School of Public Affairs had actually done a survey of PolitiFact, and they evaluated all 500 statements that PolitiFact had rated from January of 2010 to January of 2011.

And they found that of the 98 statements that PolitiFact had rated false, 74 of them were by Republicans. Now, I can think of a number of reasons why you might cite one party over the other more, in terms of, you know, who was telling the truth and who wasn't. But doing that at a rate of three to one strikes me as awfully suspicious, particularly when, if you delve into the specifics of the statements that they cited, there's all kinds of problematic things contained there, whereas they are, you know, like you're mentioned, they're often fact-checking opinions and providing counter-arguments to, you know, stated opinions.

All media is biased, now more than ever before
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FROM NPR, no less

HEMINGWAY: Well, there's a number of reasons why I arrived at that conclusion. One of the facts I pointed out in the piece was that the University of Minnesota School of Public Affairs had actually done a survey of PolitiFact, and they evaluated all 500 statements that PolitiFact had rated from January of 2010 to January of 2011.

And they found that of the 98 statements that PolitiFact had rated false, 74 of them were by Republicans. Now, I can think of a number of reasons why you might cite one party over the other more, in terms of, you know, who was telling the truth and who wasn't. But doing that at a rate of three to one strikes me as awfully suspicious, particularly when, if you delve into the specifics of the statements that they cited, there's all kinds of problematic things contained there, whereas they are, you know, like you're mentioned, they're often fact-checking opinions and providing counter-arguments to, you know, stated opinions.

All media is biased, now more than ever before
Either that, or Republicans are just 3 times more likely to lie.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Wasn‘t Biden part of the adm. that stated ‘You Didn’t Build That’?
I mean, technically, yes. But he was clearly talking about the public infrastructure that allows a business to be successful, not the business itself.

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What does that have to do with anything? Man, ten bucks for even one of y’all to stay on topic for once.
You stated that everyone should have equal access to education and healthcare. Wouldn’t that imply you think everyone should be admitted to college? How would it be equal if certain people were excluded? My question was completely on topic.
You stated that everyone should have equal access to education and healthcare. Wouldn’t that imply you think everyone should be admitted to college? How would it be equal if certain people were excluded? My question was completely on topic.
It wasn’t on topic at all but then again, you usually aren’t. Having access to education and wanting to go to college are different things. Your question had nothing to do with my original point.
It wasn’t on topic at all but then again, you usually aren’t. Having access to education and wanting to go to college are different things. Your question had nothing to do with my original point.
Your original point was that if someone wants to go to college, they should be able to regardless of money. I’m asking if you also think they should be allowed to go regardless if they have the resume to get admitted or not. It was an on topic question.
It's seems like the rallies for Trump in FL are getting massive levels of support. I saw video of the car rally in Miami which was pretty incredible. Not that rallies will mean much, but I haven't seen a single car, boat or other rally for Biden with anywhere near the turnout or energy of a Trump rally.
If people don’t get paid to attend or get some type of freebies, they aren’t going to attend a Biden speech. Soros has other things to spend money on.
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🤷‍♂️ Why reply in the first place? RE Scare tactics. The last time the Dems controlled the WH, House and Senate, they passed Obamacare. What do you think the next social program they pass will be? Universal Basic Income? Joe has already said he supports a $10k payment to all college debt holders. What will they pass after that?

RE Race relations. There are bad cops and I am all for having a minority cop with every white cop. Beyond that, I have faith the SJW will day out any one they deem racist.

As for the rest, I have faith that people like Tim Scott prove the situation is not as bad as you and your republican friends make it out to be.

I see Portland and Seattle as bigger cause for concerns. But the Democrats welcome that chaos.
What about that sounds bad to you? I don't understand why social programs are anathema to you right wingers. I'm sure you don't complain about social security, or at least you won't when you are collecting. We pay taxes because we live in a society. Better education benefits us all. Paved roads benefit us all. The tax-free Republican paradise would result in crumbling infrastructure and low quality education.

I don't mind paying taxes if there's an ROI. I haven't really stopped to think about the universal basic income, which Biden has not proposed to the best of my knowledge, but I don't have a major issue with it if the economics make sense.

And let's talk about welcoming chaos, oh mighty Trump supporter ...
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If people don’t get paid to attend or get some type of freebies, they aren’t going to attend a Biden speech. Soros has other things to spend money on.
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What about that sounds bad to you? I don't understand why social programs are anathema to you right wingers. I'm sure you don't complain about social security, or at least you won't when you are collecting. We pay taxes because we live in a society. Better education benefits us all. Paved roads benefit us all. The tax-free Republican paradise would result in crumbling infrastructure and low quality education.

I don't mind paying taxes if there's an ROI. I haven't really stopped to think about the universal basic income, which Biden has not proposed to the best of my knowledge, but I don't have a major issue with it if the economics make sense.

And let's talk about welcoming chaos, oh mighty Trump supporter ...
RE a social security. How many times have you heard that it is going to go bankrupt. It’s going bankrupt because people take more than they contribute. I’m 52. I had a teacher tell me in 8th grade (so around 1982) that due to the number of baby boomers collecting SS and the inability of Congress to tie the retirement age to life expectancy, that I would be lucky to ever collect a SS check. I plan on retiring in about 10 you know when SS is expected to run out? Yep, probably about the day I retire.

That story is the exact reason I have a problem with social programs...why not just have everyone pay their own way? What’s wrong with that concept. It seems so simple to implement.

Government programs mean government employees and their accompanying fat pensions.

This world and the US would be In a much better place if people just worked harder, worked longer and didn’t expect a government handout at every turn. Nope, people want more vacation, more paid leave, free college, free healthcare, and basic universal income.

Given all of the above, why go to work?

RE crumbling infrastructure...that’s funny...all of the roads were I live have all been paved over in the past 2 years...Thanks Donald Trump!

Lower taxes mean more economic stimulus, which lowers in unemployment (3.4% prior to Covid) lowest in 50 years. Lower corporate taxes mean more profits, and higher wages. What’s wrong with that? Oh yeah, the last 5% to be employed actually have to pick up their lunch box off the table and go to a place called work for 8 hours instead of sitting at home and watching Price is Right. Universal basic income...that’s what they need.

more on social security...

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RE a social security. How many times have you heard that it is going to go bankrupt. It’s going bankrupt because people take more than they contribute. I’m 52. I had a teacher tell me in 8th grade (so around 1982) that due to the number of baby boomers collecting SS and the inability of Congress to tie the retirement age to life expectancy, that I would be lucky to ever collect a SS check. I plan on retiring in about 10 you know when SS is expected to run out? Yep, probably about the day I retire.

That story is the exact reason I have a problem with social programs...why not just have everyone pay their own way? What’s wrong with that concept. It seems so simple to implement.

Government programs mean government employees and their accompanying fat pensions.

This world and the US would be In a much better place if people just worked harder, worked longer and didn’t expect a government handout at every turn. Nope, people want more vacation, more paid leave, free college, free healthcare, and basic universal income.

Given all of the above, why go to work?

RE crumbling infrastructure...that’s funny...all of the roads were I live have all been paved over in the past 2 years...Thanks Donald Trump!

Lower taxes mean more economic stimulus, which lowers in unemployment (3.4% prior to Covid) lowest in 50 years. Lower corporate taxes mean more profits, and higher wages. What’s wrong with that? Oh yeah, the last 5% to be employed actually have to pick up their lunch box off the table and go to a place called work for 8 hours instead of sitting at home and watching Price is Right. Universal basic income...that’s what they need.

more on social security...

The "everyone should just work harder to pay their own way" nonsense is garbage. You were lucky to be born white. I guarantee you had an easier childhood than many, many people. If I'm wrong and you rose above the hardship, good for you. That's the exception, not the rule. Republicans strive to make sure the poor stay poor, which is vividly displayed by the opinions you continue to post.

If poverty could be reduced substantially by helping people with, gasp!, help from the government, it STILL benefits those like you and me who didn't have to scratch and claw to eat every day. I just don't understand why you people are so selfish and can't sympathize with people who haven't had any opportunities in their lives. It's absolutely appalling and sickening.

Do you pay taxes? There's your paved road. Your facetious thanking of Trump aside, taxes pay for infrastructure. Cutting taxes for no other reason than, "cuz freedom!" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Cutting taxes on corporations has been proven to accomplish nothing more than to make shareholders richer. So if you're a wealthy individual holding a lot of stock, Thanks Trump!
RE a social security. How many times have you heard that it is going to go bankrupt. It’s going bankrupt because people take more than they contribute. I’m 52. I had a teacher tell me in 8th grade (so around 1982) that due to the number of baby boomers collecting SS and the inability of Congress to tie the retirement age to life expectancy, that I would be lucky to ever collect a SS check. I plan on retiring in about 10 you know when SS is expected to run out? Yep, probably about the day I retire.

That story is the exact reason I have a problem with social programs...why not just have everyone pay their own way? What’s wrong with that concept. It seems so simple to implement.

The other way is ripe with problems. Government programs mean government employees and their associated fat pensions. Beyond that there is government mismanagement, such as the example above. Government implements a program, the plan misses basic long term planning, then fails during an economic downturn.

This world and the US would be In a much better place if people just worked harder, worked longer and didn’t expect a government handout at every turn. Nope, people want more vacation, more paid leave, higher wages, free college, free healthcare, and basic universal income.

Given all of the above, why go to work?
The "everyone should just work harder to pay their own way" nonsense is garbage. You were lucky to be born white. I guarantee you had an easier childhood than many, many people. If I'm wrong and you rose above the hardship, good for you. That's the exception, not the rule. Republicans strive to make sure the poor stay poor, which is vividly displayed by the opinions you continue to post.

If poverty could be reduced substantially by helping people with, gasp!, help from the government, it STILL benefits those like you and me who didn't have to scratch and claw to eat every day. I just don't understand why you people are so selfish and can't sympathize with people who haven't had any opportunities in their lives. It's absolutely appalling and sickening.

Do you pay taxes? There's your paved road. Your facetious thanking of Trump aside, taxes pay for infrastructure. Cutting taxes for no other reason than, "cuz freedom!" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Cutting taxes on corporations has been proven to accomplish nothing more than to make shareholders richer. So if you're a wealthy individual holding a lot of stock, Thanks Trump!

I was one of three kids raised by a Alcoa union laborer for 42 yrs. We had one vehicle, my dad carpooled to work and my mom stayed at home. We got our second car when I was a teenager and my dad continued to carpool until he retired. We never starved, but my dad often found a way to turn a dollar into $5.

I can also say this, I commuted to Purdue for 5 years because I paid for my own college (and never expected my dad to pay for my well being). How many kids in debt from college made that sacrifice? I started working when i was 13, because my dad told me to. I worked through college and squeezed out an engineering degree. I watched several “smarter” kids party their way thru college on their parents dime. My sisters tried college but chased the money of a blue collar job (one at SIA). Both of them made more money than I did until I turned 29, if you included the time I spent in college, I probably didnot passed their wage mark until I was 33.

when I was 28, I maxed out my 401k and my sisters bought new cars and didn’t contribute to their 401k. People make bad decisions. I donot lose a lot of sleep over their bad decisions, but they should bring the hat around my house.

for 20 years I lived on bologna sandwiches, maybe people should learn to budget their money. I wanted to go to Michigan (500% higher in cost compared to living at home and commuting to Purdue. My dad said it was my choice, but after seeing the math, it was an easy decision. Sometimes the “best schools” aren’t the best choice).

I made the mistake of buying a new car ONCE. Never again. i doubt many college kids even think about buying a used car.

I have a niece, when she was going to college, she had a new car. She has about $50k in college debt. Biden is going to write her a check. She drives a more expensive vehicle than I drive by 150%. That seems a little out of balance...don’t you think?

BTW, I do understand the need to make college more affordable. I would propose a government backed program for 0-1% interest on all college loans as long as the student is current in making payment (is they are unemployed, they can make no payments). One could argue this would better than a one time $10k payment for a good portion of the students (likely for anyone with $30 debt at 6-8% interest). This does two things, incentivizes student to pay their loan and it does not cost the tax payer. The only people who would complain are the banks who are milking the students.
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. Cutting taxes for no other reason than, "cuz freedom!" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Cutting taxes on corporations has been proven to accomplish nothing more than to make shareholders richer. So if you're a wealthy individual holding a lot of stock, Thanks Trump!
Prior to Pandemic:
1) lowest unemployment rate in 50 years for all races.
2) big gains in closing wealth gap for lowest income groups
3) stock market performing very well

Post Pandemic
1) unemployment rate beating all forecasts from March/April
2) stock market back to record levels
3) best economy in 2020 of all G7 nations

Now this isn't all because of taxes, but cutting Corporate and individual taxes is one of the reasons. It isn't just "cuz freedom".
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I said the states had to compete with the federal government and other states.......because their was no central authority coordinating the response.

How many do you want?

AGAIN, we're not talking about Biden. He wasn't in charge.

Taking charge of coordinating a national response to a deadly virus isn't dictating, it's being a responsible leader. Refusing to honor subpoenas and firing government officials tasked with oversight who are investigating you is being autocratic.

You really said this. "he's on top of everything that's going on around the country related to CV-19".

When he suggested we might open by Easter, when he pushed for reopening before states had met the thresholds set BY HIS OWN TASK FORCE, when he made fun of masks wearing and refused to set an example for the country, when he criticized one Dem governor after another for their actions and for not opening up when he wanted.........all those actions were undermining the governors he said we're in charge of their state response.

I thought his response to the ventilator issue was excellent. Why he didn't use the DPA when it came to other issues I have no idea.

Realize that Obama & Biden had left the cupboard bare with no masks or ventilators, so Trump had to start replenishing the stock from ground zero. He mobilized a lot of industries to make masks & build ventilators. 3m wanted to sell their masks overseas and Trump reminded them that they were headquartered in the US and that's where their first allegiance should lie. He also got Ford and GM building ventilators. The first article did actually mention at that early stage of the Pandemic, that the WH had said that some equipment was being redirected to Covid hot spots.

When every Governor in the country wants everything, Trump's people redirected the assets to the Hot Spots, where they were needed most. Don't forget that at that time, China was the biggest supplier of masks in the world and they decided to horde their supply. So building that supply chain from the ground up was a monumental achievement.

Test kits didn't exist early on. The WHO gave us about 50k (I could be wrong on that number), but they were determined to be ineffective, due to false positives. This required us to develop viable tests and manufacture them in sufficient quantities to meet the need.

If you have any clue about the development & manufacturing process, you don't just walk in and produce product on day one. It takes time to build/equip the facilities, assemble the necessary raw materials, get the people to do mass production and then distribute the products, whether they be masks, test kits or ventilators. If you can get away from your political bias for a minute, you would realize our national response to the Pandemic was nothing short of miraculous.

I don't blame you for not talking about Biden. Yesterday he was running for the Senate again and today he believes that Trump is running for his Third term. At first I thought Pelosi was starting all the 25th Amendment talk to get under Trump's skin, now it appears that they will use it on Biden, should the American voters be dumb enough to elect him. Think long and hard about whether you want Kamala as your President. She is blindly ambitious and the most radically Leftist Senator we have.
It's seems like the rallies for Trump in FL are getting massive levels of support. I saw video of the car rally in Miami which was pretty incredible. Not that rallies will mean much, but I haven't seen a single car, boat or other rally for Biden with anywhere near the turnout or energy of a Trump rally.

In the last couple Biden rallies, there were as many Trump supporters there, as there were Biden supporters. Trump has the enthusiasm behind him. Biden needs to have a landslide of mail in ballots, which will need to be scrutinized closely. If we can keep the dead from voting 2-3 times, I think Trump is going to win again.

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