Biden is going to win Arizona

Trump has a higher percentage of Republicans in polls supporting him than any Democrat or republican running for reelection in a long time. His problem isn't Republicans leaving, its independents and some democrats that voted for him last time have moved away (assuming the polls are reasonably correct).

After what happened in 2016, what gives you any confidence that polls are reasonably correct? Regardless of what the polls say, I think the silent majority (which by definition, a lot of conservatives tend to be) shows up on Nov 3rd and the pollsters are going to be like "Wait....what?"
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I hope you are right. I consider myself an independent that leans right (financial conservative, libertarian on drug policy, and liberal on the environment, but always emphasized conservative financial aspects to everything). I hope there are more like me that still believes NAFTA and TPP were bad deals for American workers, but a great deal for elites and non-workers. Trump challenges that, and I hope people still see that.

Agree with what you are saying. Trumps mistakes were his twitter, style, and not staying on message. His economic record would normally get a President reelected.
Are you freaking blind or just stupid. Prior to the Pandemic, Black & Hispanic unemployment hit RECORD LOWS. Both groups also experienced record wage growth, so how was Trump trying to prevent anything.

Everyone CAN pave their own path. I'm a prime example of that. I came to the US as a German immigrant in 1951 and lived in a small town in Illinois. Being a German immigrant was about as popular as being a Japanese immigrant in 1951. Everyone knew everyone, so I grew up being called, Hitler, Nazi and many similar endearing names. We had a suitcase and a trunk containing all our worldly possessions and about $20 in cash, when we got here. The Lutheran Church was our sponsor and they arranged an apartment and had a job lined up for my father. He was a mechanic, but since he was an immigrant, he wasn't paid at the same rate as the others at the car dealership, where he worked. My mother cleaned house for people. None of us spoke a word of English, when we got here. I don't think the obstacles I faced were any less than those of anyone in our country now. My first year out of HS, I worked on a Section Gang for the Illinois Central Railroad. I made more money that year, than my father did any year in his life and I was getting the Princely sum of $2.66 an hour.

I learned a work ethic early on. When I was old enough, I mowed lawns, shoveled snow and did any other odd jobs that were available. There were no government handouts available at that time.

Somehow, I got an education, worked at a wide variety of jobs and eventually Enlisted in the Navy. I ultimately got my degree and got a Commission in the Navy and retired as a Commander. I also ran my own business for 14 years and retired again. So you can make it, IF YOU WORK HARD.

Problems that we have now are school systems, especially in inner cities, that are spending more time indoctrinating students, than they are educating them. Trump is advocating School Choice, but the Dems are fighting him Tooth & Nail, since they have to protect the votes from the NEA.

Trump has also been creating Opportunity Zones in large cities to help Minorities create businesses and increase employment opportunities. How is that preventing anyone from succeeding. You really need to educate yourself about what is really happening in the country, since you seem clueless.
Thanks for telling the life story no one asked to hear. If you don’t understand that not everybody has access to even what you did, then there’s no getting through to you. Many people come out of the womb with the odds stacked almost impossibly against them.

Agree with what you are saying. Trumps mistakes were his twitter, style, and not staying on message. His economic record would normally get a President reelected.

He could have cakewalked to a second term. I guess people aren’t as fond as crazy wannabe dictators as some on here would like to believe. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Thanks for telling the life story no one asked to hear. If you don’t understand that not everybody has access to even what you did, then there’s no getting through to you. Many people come out of the womb with the odds stacked almost impossibly against them.

yep, they are called Democrats. Republicans pick themselves up...Democrats always need a hand, or a handout.
After what happened in 2016, what gives you any confidence that polls are reasonably correct? Regardless of what the polls say, I think the silent majority (which by definition, a lot of conservatives tend to be) shows up on Nov 3rd and the pollsters are going to be like "Wait....what?"
The difference this year imo is Clinton was hated by a significant portion of independents, I am no Biden fan....but he isn't polarizing for independents. Late deciding independents traditionally favor the challenger.

Trump ran a pretty disciplined campaign the last several weeks in 2016. He hasn't shown that discipline at any point this year. Why he isnt spending more time talking about school choice is beyond me. That's a winning issue with independents and suburban woman.

I don't think this is the same as 2016, because you don't have the Clinton factor. That means their needed to be more outreach to independents and moderating the way Trump interacts on social media....and in interviews/debates. For whatever reason he chose not to do that.
yep, they are called Democrats. Republicans pick themselves up...Democrats always need a hand, or a handout.
And then there’s the flip side: the triggered white dude who thinks that it’s a level playing field because he only looks at things from the white man’s perspective.
After what happened in 2016, what gives you any confidence that polls are reasonably correct? Regardless of what the polls say, I think the silent majority (which by definition, a lot of conservatives tend to be) shows up on Nov 3rd and the pollsters are going to be like "Wait....what?"

I think a lot of the pollsters lean Left and they see polls as a way to shape opinion, rather than reflect it. They know people like to support a winner, so if they stack the people being polled with Dems, they can convey that the overwhelming support is for Biden. Fortunately, the Left is a lot more into Group Think than the Right is. We tend to be a lot more independent, sometimes to our own detriment, than the Left which moves and speaks in lock step together.

I get about a half dozen calls from pollsters a week and I've never responded to one of them. I'll respond to the poll on Nov 3rd.
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I get about a half dozen calls from pollsters a week and I've never responded to one of them. I'll respond to the poll on Nov 3rd.

Thats interesting, I have never gotten a call from a political pollster in my life. I have always wondered how they determine who to call?
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Thanks for telling the life story no one asked to hear. If you don’t understand that not everybody has access to even what you did, then there’s no getting through to you. Many people come out of the womb with the odds stacked almost impossibly against them.

Yet many of them still thrive. I've met several minorities that have gone to school in inner city Detroit, Chicago and Newark. They survived the crap schools, gangs and all the other obstacles to ultimately become successful. It wasn't easy for them, but few things worth having are easy.

Trump is providing the inner city minorities with an opportunity to succeed, while the Dems are offering them nothing but the status quo. The Dems rely on the minorities being oppressed, underemployed, frustrated and angry. That's the formula they've used for over half a Century to keep them on the Dem plantation. Before each election cycle, the Dems make the same hollow promises to get their votes, then they forget about the minorities, until the next election.

If Dem policies are so good for minorities, why are the worst slums, schools, gang problems, etc in Democrat controlled cities & states? Most of these cities & states have been almost in complete Dem control for many decades, yet nothing improves. Why is that?
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He could have cakewalked to a second term. I guess people aren’t as fond as crazy wannabe dictators as some on here would like to believe. 🤷🏻‍♂️

So Trump, the Dictator, delegated the responsibility to manage the Pandemic to the Governors of the states, yet Biden wants to issue National mandates in mask wearing & closing down schools and businesses. Wouldn't that make Biden a Super Dictator?

Never let the facts get in the way of what you want to believe...LOL
So Trump, the Dictator, delegated the responsibility to manage the Pandemic to the Governors of the states, yet Biden wants to issue National mandates in mask wearing & closing down schools and businesses. Wouldn't that make Biden a Super Dictator?

Never let the facts get in the way of what you want to believe...LOL
And I thought they are party who is for freedom to choose? LOL
The difference this year imo is Clinton was hated by a significant portion of independents, I am no Biden fan....but he isn't polarizing for independents. Late deciding independents traditionally favor the challenger.

Trump ran a pretty disciplined campaign the last several weeks in 2016. He hasn't shown that discipline at any point this year. Why he isnt spending more time talking about school choice is beyond me. That's a winning issue with independents and suburban woman.

I don't think this is the same as 2016, because you don't have the Clinton factor. That means their needed to be more outreach to independents and moderating the way Trump interacts on social media....and in interviews/debates. For whatever reason he chose not to do that.

On the plus side, I believe the Trump Campaign has a much better ground game than it had in 2016. I also believe that despite the Left's cries of racism, there will be significantly more minorities voting for Trump this time vs 2016. They are more concerned about having police available in their neighborhoods, than the Left expects. Their defunding the Police campaign may come back to bite them in the ass.

Another factor is that Trump is making the effort to get out to talk to the people, whereas Biden & Harris are only making limited effort and seldom answering any questions at their rallies. People notice that.

Additionally, Trump has his whole family out campaigning, as well as Pence, so they are covering a lot more ground.

I agree that Trump needs to keep talking about the economy, all the good things they have done regarding the Pandemic and school choice, while maintaining discipline. He is his own worst enemy, when it comes to stepping on his own message. He'll do a couple noteworthy things in a week and before they hit the news cycle, he'll tweet something inane that takes focus away from the accomplishments.

He should be able to coast into his second term though, since Joe said that he was running for the Senate again TODAY. When will the Dems figure out that the elevator is no longer getting to the top floor?
And then there’s the flip side: the triggered white dude who thinks that it’s a level playing field because he only looks at things from the white man’s perspective.

Not everyone is as emotional as you, nor abandons thought or reason for preconceived prejudices. If you're a white man, what other perspective can you look from? Realize that ALL white men aren't the same and all Black men aren't the same. We all have different experiences and circumstances, which affect our perspective.

Do you think a white miner in Appalachia and Lebron James have the same perspective on life? Which one is more privileged?

I think you can make a stronger case for differences based on economic advantage/disadvantage, than you can for race. That's where the chasm lies between the haves & have nots or privilege or lack thereof.
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Thanks for telling the life story no one asked to hear. If you don’t understand that not everybody has access to even what you did, then there’s no getting through to you. Many people come out of the womb with the odds stacked almost impossibly against them.

If intelligence is any measure of the odds then you have no hope of overcoming that obstacle you came out of the womb with.
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Not everyone is as emotional as you, nor abandons thought or reason for preconceived prejudices. If you're a white man, what other perspective can you look from? Realize that ALL white men aren't the same and all Black men aren't the same. We all have different experiences and circumstances, which affect our perspective.

Do you think a white miner in Appalachia and Lebron James have the same perspective on life? Which one is more privileged?

I think you can make a stronger case for differences based on economic advantage/disadvantage, than you can for race. That's where the chasm lies between the haves & have nots or privilege or lack thereof.
I’m emotional because I think everyone should have equal access to things like education and health care? Guilty as charged I guess.
If intelligence is any measure of the odds then you have no hope of overcoming that obstacle you came out of the womb with.

Lol. The guy with quite possibly the dumbest user name on the boards is trying to shade others. I’ll say goodnight now, cray. I’m sure mommy is about to shut off your WiFi for the night.
And then there’s the flip side: the triggered white dude who thinks that it’s a level playing field because he only looks at things from the white man’s perspective.
What is your perspective? 99% says its from a white dudes as well just one that is really confused.
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Lol. The guy with quite possibly the dumbest user name on the boards is trying to shade others. I’ll say goodnight now, cray. I’m sure mommy is about to shut off your WiFi for the night.
Really Purdue fan 1? Likely the biggest dumbass big headed user on the board ? You aren't a fan of anything but your own dumb ass posts, GFY buddy. Ask your mommy if you can stay up past 9 and use her wifi you stupid POS.
I’m emotional because I think everyone should have equal access to things like education and health care? Guilty as charged I guess.

I agree that everyone should have equal access to education. The Democrat Party is eliminating that access in the inner cities, because they are in bed with the NEA, who doesn't want Charter schools or any school choice available for minorities. Thus the minorities end up in schools where a very small percentage of students is on par with accepted standards for either reading or mathematical abilities. It's hard to be competitive in the job market, if you can't read or do basic math.

One would think that the Party that screams about being Pro Choice, would want inner city kids to have some educational choices.
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I’m emotional because I think everyone should have equal access to things like education and health care? Guilty as charged I guess.

“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids'' Like the way Biden does? You are literally the stupidest poster on this board and that isn't an easily earned title.
“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids'' Like the way Biden does? You are literally the stupidest poster on this board and that isn't an easily earned title.
I think there are a couple others I’d pick

Agree with what you are saying. Trumps mistakes were his twitter, style, and not staying on message. His economic record would normally get a President reelected.
Lol. Who are trying to convince after repeating that for the 8th time?

It's way past time you consider the judgement, character, and decision making process of the man who has posted all that garbage on Twitter. He has no problem with his tweets or his style........he thinks he's the best at both. What does that say about him?
The difference this year imo is Clinton was hated by a significant portion of independents, I am no Biden fan....but he isn't polarizing for independents. Late deciding independents traditionally favor the challenger.

Trump ran a pretty disciplined campaign the last several weeks in 2016. He hasn't shown that discipline at any point this year. Why he isnt spending more time talking about school choice is beyond me. That's a winning issue with independents and suburban woman.

I don't think this is the same as 2016, because you don't have the Clinton factor. That means their needed to be more outreach to independents and moderating the way Trump interacts on social media....and in interviews/debates. For whatever reason he chose not to do that.
You dont know why he's chosen to stick to what worked 4 years ago and ignore the good advice you gave........and his advisors have been giving him as well?
So Trump, the Dictator, delegated the responsibility to manage the Pandemic to the Governors of the states, yet Biden wants to issue National mandates in mask wearing & closing down schools and businesses. Wouldn't that make Biden a Super Dictator?

Never let the facts get in the way of what you want to believe...LOL
After he delegated the responsibility to the states he proceeded to tell them what they were doing wrong, criticized their methods, and undermined their message. He also put them in competition with the federal government and other states for PPE and testing.

He either needed to take charge of it or leave the states alone to do it themselves. He did neither........because it allowed him to attempt to shift blame to the states and attempt to take credit for anything positive........which he has had to lie about.
After he delegated the responsibility to the states he proceeded to tell them what they were doing wrong, criticized their methods, and undermined their message. He also put them in competition with the federal government and other states for PPE and testing.

He either needed to take charge of it or leave the states alone to do it themselves. He did neither........because it allowed him to attempt to shift blame to the states and attempt to take credit for anything positive........which he has had to lie about.

Good grief, but your TDS has twisted your mind. So you would prefer Biden's method, where he mandates everything from DC? You keep calling Trump a dictator, but when he delegates you're not happy either. Yet, you prefer a guy, who would like to dictate from the WH, although if the past is a prolog for the future, Biden would screw everything up.

The Left keeps trying to paint Trump as some sort of moron, but when he's on top of everything that's going on around the country related to CV-19 and he's reacting to what Governors are doing, you call that undermining the Governors. Would you prefer that he was just totally hands off, after he delegated the responsibility? That would go completely against his character. He's pretty involved and hands on in most things, which is what we should want him to be.

I suspect that there is NOT ONE THING that Trump could do that would satisfy you. Your abject hatred for the man has completely blinded you to all the good things he's done for the country. NONE of which Biden could or would have done.

You keep propagating the myth that the states were competing with the Federal Government for PPE & testing equipment. It's just NOT TRUE. What Trump told the Governors was for them to try to get what they needed directly, because they may be able to get it faster, than if the Feds got it and rerouted it to them. He also told them, that if they had problems or couldn't get the supplies they heeded, he would send it to them. They are NOT competing. They are just trying to find the quickest path to getting the supplies.

When it comes to Trump, you're just not capable of rational thought.
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Really Purdue fan 1? Likely the biggest dumbass big headed user on the board ? You aren't a fan of anything but your own dumb ass posts, GFY buddy. Ask your mommy if you can stay up past 9 and use her wifi you stupid POS.
And here you were crying on another thread about liberals being rude. Just scrolled through your posts on here. Touché, cray. Toufukkingche.

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