Biden cover up?

Lol. There’s a transcript.
Lol. You're a dumba$$. I'm guessing you prefer to read lyrics and not listen to recorded music. You prefer to read books and never watch movies. Hiding Biden's performance behind written words is exactly why only the transcript is being offered. You just can't get the effect of the stumbling, mumbling, and pausing by reading the transcript.
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Lol. You're a dumba$$. I'm guessing you prefer to read lyrics and not listen to recorded music. You prefer to read books and never watch movies. Hiding Biden's performance behind written words is exactly why only the transcript is being offered. You just can't get the effect of the stumbling, mumbling, and pausing by reading the transcript.
So they confirm that Biden is bumbling and stumbling in the audio. Then what dipsht? They gonna impeach him for that? The last one hasn’t gone too well. It’s dead in the water. I suppose making a spectacle of this meaningless stunt might give them a soft landing. It’s just more BS from a Republican house that has done nothing but look like a gaggle of nitwits that threaten to remove the speaker if he doesn’t follow their orders and are more focused on investigations than legislating……..just as the dear leader demands.
So they confirm that Biden is bumbling and stumbling in the audio. Then what dipsht? They gonna impeach him for that? The last one hasn’t gone too well. It’s dead in the water. I suppose making a spectacle of this meaningless stunt might give them a soft landing. It’s just more BS from a Republican house that has done nothing but look like a gaggle of nitwits that threaten to remove the speaker if he doesn’t follow their orders and are more focused on investigations than legislating……..just as the dear leader demands.
Well for starters, if it shows that Biden isn't as bad cognitively as stated in the report as to why they didn't prosecute, then that proves there's a two tiered justice system. OTOH, if it proves he IS in a massive cognitive decline, then he wouldn't be fit for office and the 25th amendment could be invoked. Both ways, it's bad for Biden.
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Well for starters, if it shows that Biden isn't as bad cognitively as stated in the report as to why they didn't prosecute, then that proves there's a two tiered justice system. OTOH, if it proves he IS in a massive cognitive decline, then he wouldn't be fit for office and the 25th amendment could be invoked. Both ways, it's bad for Biden.
Oh ffs come on. The pubs in congress are gonna invoke the 25th based on an audio recording?

Robert Hur was appointed by trump. Did you read the report? He already pushed the boundaries to make Biden look bad. And then they wanted to threaten Garland if he doesn’t provide it?

Don’t you still have an impeachment inquiry going? Could this be more BS to deflect from the fact that it’s dead in the water?

You freakin people are the first to complain about a do nothing congress. The house has spent 3-1/2 years investigating anything and everything.

Are you opposed to the use of Executive privilege by the president? Like when trump used it to block the release of the unredacted Mueller report? Or when he used it to block witnesses and documents in the Ukraine investigation?
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Oh ffs come on. The pubs in congress are gonna invoke the 25th based on an audio recording?

Robert Hur was appointed by trump. Did you read the report? He already pushed the boundaries to make Biden look bad. And then they wanted to threaten Garland if he doesn’t provide it?

Don’t you still have an impeachment inquiry going? Could this be more BS to deflect from the fact that it’s dead in the water?

You freakin people are the first to complain about a do nothing congress. The house has spent 3-1/2 years investigating anything and everything.

Are you opposed to the use of Executive privilege by the president? Like when trump used it to block the release of the unredacted Mueller report? Or when he used it to block witnesses and documents in the Ukraine investigation?
The pubs in Congress won’t need to invoke the 25th Amendment, Joe is doing a nice nice of ushering himself out of office with the

High inflation
Crap Economy
Stance on Israel

And just plain incompetence
The pubs in Congress won’t need to invoke the 25th Amendment, Joe is doing a nice nice of ushering himself out of office with the

High inflation
Crap Economy
Stance on Israel

And just plain incompetence
High inflation is a problem.
The economy is not crap.
He supports Israel.
Border sucks. Efforts to make it better were shut down by those screaming about it the most.
Lies lol. Can I use the same excuse you people use for trump? All politicians lie. Trump is just elite at it.
Crime is DOWN, especially the murder rates that peaked in 2020. Who was president?

I guess you have nothing to say about the topic.
  • Haha
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High inflation is a problem.
The economy is not crap.
He supports Israel.
Border sucks. Efforts to make it better were shut down by those screaming about it the most.
Lies lol. Can I use the same excuse you people use for trump? All politicians lie. Trump is just elite at it.
Crime is DOWN, especially the murder rates that peaked in 2020. Who was president?

I guess you have nothing to say about the topic.
You get around to read HR2 (the House border bill) which passed several months before the Senate Bill? HR2 has yet to get a vote thanks to Chucky doing Dear Leader’s bidding. Yep I am back again to remind you how stupid it is to mention the Senate bill. Which I’ll guess you never knew when you regurgitated those talking points. Now tell us your critique of HR2.
Oh ffs come on. The pubs in congress are gonna invoke the 25th based on an audio recording?

Robert Hur was appointed by trump. Did you read the report? He already pushed the boundaries to make Biden look bad. And then they wanted to threaten Garland if he doesn’t provide it?

Don’t you still have an impeachment inquiry going? Could this be more BS to deflect from the fact that it’s dead in the water?

You freakin people are the first to complain about a do nothing congress. The house has spent 3-1/2 years investigating anything and everything.

Are you opposed to the use of Executive privilege by the president? Like when trump used it to block the release of the unredacted Mueller report? Or when he used it to block witnesses and documents in the Ukraine investigation?
Hey Legal Eagle. He already waived executive privilege when he testified (and the transcript was subsequently released).

Second the investigation covers actions from when he was a Senator and VP, not President. So Executive privilege doesn’t apply - is what a high school civics student would tell you.

Jump in that chat room and message IH8CheetoMan88 that he gave you bad info again.

As for a do nothing House. They have recently passed 2 bills to deport migrants convicted of DUI and assaulting a police officer (despite Dem opposition) and Chucky sits on it doing the bidding of Dear Leader. You support these bills? There’s actually a lot of bills sitting. I can give you a list if interested and want to learn.
High inflation is a problem.
The economy is not crap.
He supports Israel.
Border sucks. Efforts to make it better were shut down by those screaming about it the most.
Lies lol. Can I use the same excuse you people use for trump? All politicians lie. Trump is just elite at it.
Crime is DOWN, especially the murder rates that peaked in 2020. Who was president?

I guess you have nothing to say about the topic.
The economy is garbage. How you can say that it isn't at all is ridiculous. I saw something the other day about how Obama/Biden fixed their unemployment numbers by including people that are doing part time jobs. A LOT of people were working multiple part time jobs, thus boosting the "unemployed" numbers. Biden is doing the same thing.

Biden is the bigger liar. Period. You need to wake up to this.
The economy is garbage. How you can say that it isn't at all is ridiculous. I saw something the other day about how Obama/Biden fixed their unemployment numbers by including people that are doing part time jobs. A LOT of people were working multiple part time jobs, thus boosting the "unemployed" numbers. Biden is doing the same thing.

Biden is the bigger liar. Period. You need to wake up to this.

Part of economy is ok. And liberal media uses these few positive items in messaging to try to fool easily manipulated minds on things like employment & consumer spending.....for example, how many jobs Biden's added, even though we know those were COVID jobs coming back. And the media has been successful to weak minded Dems as 32% still back him.

But economy is not poling well due to 4 things...
1. Prices.
2. Inflation
3. Available cash for vacations, car down payment
4. Family Net Worth

Although related, the long term inflation has prices at intolerable levels to the poling public. Inflation that went down a little is still going up.

Tragedies are available cash & Net Worth though for average family has gone up.....
Biden In first 3 years......... 0.6%
Trump's first 3 years........ 16%
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High inflation is a problem.
The economy is not crap.
He supports Israel.
Border sucks. Efforts to make it better were shut down by those screaming about it the most.
Lies lol. Can I use the same excuse you people use for trump? All politicians lie. Trump is just elite at it.
Crime is DOWN, especially the murder rates that peaked in 2020. Who was president?

I guess you have nothing to say about the topic.
Crime is down you say. Retail crime is at an all time high. Does this count in your world? A lot of other crime goes on unreported. Nothing being done about it except catch and release so many times it’s ignored.
Crime is down you say. Retail crime is at an all time high. Does this count in your world? A lot of other crime goes on unreported. Nothing being done about it except catch and release so many times it’s ignored.

Crime and unreported crime is a big issue turning heads of minority voters. Your point on unreported crime is spot on.

Add in prices, inflation, no cash and flailing family net worth.....and Trump is adding to his poling, a small but very significant % of Black and Latino voters that are breaking away from the false & failed policies of the Dems.

This drives the left batty....and why you see Biden trying hard to pander & placate minorities this past week.
Crime and unreported crime is a big issue turning heads of minority voters. Your point on unreported crime is spot on.

Add in prices, inflation, no cash and flailing family net worth.....and Trump is adding to his poling, a small but very significant % of Black and Latino voters that are breaking away from the false & failed policies of the Dems.

This drives the left batty....and why you see Biden trying hard to pander & placate minorities this past week.
And I see now that uncle Chuckles is going to bring a single line item on the border for a vote in the senate. I wonder why now? :rolleyes:
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High inflation is a problem.
The economy is not crap. (It is, especially if you takeaway the inflation inject numbers from the stock market)
He supports Israel.
Border sucks. Efforts to make it better were shut down by those screaming about it the most.
Lies lol. Can I use the same excuse you people use for trump? All politicians lie. Trump is just elite at it.
Crime is DOWN, especially the murder rates that peaked in 2020. Who was president?

I guess you have nothing to say about the topic.
High inflation is a problem. Slam dunk
The economy is not crap. It is crap, especially when you takeaway the inflation (20%) injected numbers from the stock market gains (38%)…or a net 18% over 3.5 years for a. annual ROI of 4.8% compared to 14% under Trump). CRAP

He supports Israel. Not all the time…don’t attack Rafah or else…(I missed your Rafa comment)
Border sucks. YEP. Efforts to make it better were shut down by those screaming about it the most. Biden can implement any border specific improvements he wants…just like forgiving college debt, but he wants to make his proposed improvements conditional on Ukraine money. Just fix the border Joe. Use your pen…Nope
Lies lol. Can I use the same excuse you people use for trump? All politicians lie. Trump is just elite at it. I thought Biden campaigned on No lies!
Crime is DOWN, especially the murder rates that peaked in 2020. Who was president? Link please. Oh and gauge versus 2017-2020, not just 2020.

RE: comment on the topic…if you keep your comments to the Topic, I’ll keep mine to the topic. But you say pubs gonna invoke 25th amendment.
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