Another Islamic beheading


Oct 29, 2001
Another example of why we need the 2nd Amendment.

Alton Nolen, 30, decapitated one woman before he was shot by another employee at Vaughan Foods while actively stabbing a second woman.

Moore Police spokesman Jeremy Lewis said the suspect "recently started trying to convert some of his co-workers to the Muslim faith". However, it is not clear if his beliefs played any role in the attack. The FBI is also investigating the incident.

OK, its not clear. Its just an amazing coincidence that yet another Muslim decides to behead a non-Muslim. Not like there's any passages in the Koran commanding them to do that. Or any examples of The Perfect Muslim doing that. Nope, no pattern to recognize. Move along.
BTW, does this count as part of the War on Women?

Man Beheads Woman At Food-Processing Plant
Re: Another Islamist beheading

There, fixed it for ya.
"Islamism" and "Islamist" are Western inventions.

Tell us, what's the difference between Islamism and Islam?

Did he try to convert others to Islam or Islamism?

Did he attend a mosque that preached Islam or Islamism?

Did he call for Sharia Law or Shariaist Law?

Was Mohammed an Islamist?
and he was black too, so it's a two-fer for you huh?

Of course, the fact that he'd just been fired probably had nothing to do with it. I mean we never hear of someone going nuts and killing folks right after being fired. It HAS to be about religion. I mean if he'd had a gun, he'd have just killed a half dozen people or so like usually happens in these situations.
Qu'ran Chapter 8 Verse 12 has God saying:

'I shall cast into the unbelievers' hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them.'
LOL at the people who are the first to condemn the police yet are the first to defend Muslims.

where is he being "defended?"

You reveal yourself with that post, just like GMM, only GMM at least has the balls (sometimes) to admit what he is.
and he was black too, so it's a two-fer for you huh?

What's a leftist to do if he can't call somebody a "racist"? So, YOU inserted race into this story. Therefore, YOU think his crime was racially motivated, right?

Of course, the fact that he'd just been fired probably had nothing to do with it. I mean we never hear of someone going nuts and killing folks right after being fired.

People get fired all the time. Its incredibly rare for such violent retaliation--especially to behead somebody. But, Muslims beheading somebody and acting violently? Yeah, there certainly is a pattern. His statement of support for Sharia law and actively trying to convert others to Islam show that his Islamic beliefs played a role in his life. But, go ahead and dismiss the idea that his Islamic beliefs played a role in murder and attempted murder. Its your duty as a leftist to defend the politically correct (Muslims) no matter what they do.

It HAS to be about religion.

If you want to be logical then you HAVE to include his beliefs as reasons for what he did.

"Context! You're taking it out of context!!!"

Strange that so many Muslims take that verse literally. Why is that?
Coverts to Islam in prison.
Supports terrorism online.
Tries to convert coworkers to Islam.
Talks of wanting to kill women for not wearing bags on their head or showing their ankles.
Gets fired for such discussions.
Returns after being fired and beheads woman.
Muslims show up at presser chanting praise Allah.
FBI investigating.

Yeah, just your run of the mill workplace violence.

The first point is the problem. Prisons are a breeding ground for extreme Islam.
I understand very well why you, of all people, would want to characterize an extremist as being closely connected with mainstream thoughts and beliefs.

But it doesn't work that way.
"In a bizarre coincidence"

How very politically correct for the reporter to start the article that way. What would it take for Nolan Clay to not think it was a "bizarre coincidence"?
Re: "In a bizarre coincidence"

>>What would it take for Nolan Clay to not think it was a "bizarre coincidence"?

Um, maybe the second guy residing in Kansas or Texas, or anyplace else besides Oklahoma?

Just sayin'.
Another interesting Moore,OK suspect with a thick Arabic accent. Reports are he walked into a school, asked how many police are on campus and how far away was the police station.

Again, FBI investigating.

Another OK Arab incident