According to the Purdue Weather twitter account

Originally posted by hunkgolden:
2014 is currently the coldest year on record at Purdue.
Yep. That Indiana Localized Warming theory is totally debunked . . .

let me help you out:

1. weather is not climate, two different things
2. the weather in one place means nothing to the overall planet
3. Just because the theory is labeled "global warming" does not mean that cold weather won't happen (both because of 1, and because an increase in energy into the global weather system, means an increase in weather (that means more cold and more hot can happen).

I know, I know, it's futile.
Beeazlebub, a little off topic here, but by chance do you know Dr. Karen Kosiba? She received her PhD from Purdue, I think in 2010, in Atmospheric Sciences. I think she also taught some undergraduate classes there as well. I have seen her more than a few times on The Weather Channel as one of the experts on severe storms they interview from time to time.

Dr. Kosiba
Indeed, weather is not climate.

Of course, weather was used to by some zealots as proof of and caused by climate change when a hurricane happened to hit New York (Sandy in 2012). The same thing was bantered about when a hurricane had previously leveled New Orleans (Katrina in 2005).

I know most scientific papers on the topic don't usually stoop to such tactics, but the "faithful" often don't hold back.

Every time the weather goes to extremes the greenies use that to justify their political agenda.
what's your point

that someone made the same scientific error on the left (but not actually, ya know, the scientists who's opinions are the ones that matter)?

Actually, the argument was that you would see an alteration in hurricane and other long-scale/large scale weather PATTERNS because an increase in energy into the system will tend to generate an alteration in long-term patterns. Of course, that does not mean that every year will be "the most hurricanes ever" but it may very well mean that over a long period of time, hurricanes may increase more in some areas, decrease in other areas, get stronger in some areas, weaker in others.

Just like global climate change of ancient times turned the Sahara from green to sandy eventually over time.
Originally posted by TheCainer:
Beeazlebub, a little off topic here, but by chance do you know Dr. Karen Kosiba? She received her PhD from Purdue, I think in 2010, in Atmospheric Sciences. I think she also taught some undergraduate classes there as well. I have seen her more than a few times on The Weather Channel as one of the experts on severe storms they interview from time to time.
I vaguely recall seeing her around, but we never had any direct interaction. My main affiliation with EAPS didn't begin until after she had received her PhD. Pretty uncommon for a good looking woman to excel in this field!
Exactly. It seems like brains and beauty rarely mix in the scientific community, unless it's maybe a James Bond movie. vbg

I was just curious as she seems to be becoming more and more publicly visible. She seems to be a good ambassador for the university in the scientific;base64,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why doesnt it?

the fact that climate change comes from multiple sources doesn't mean that one of those sources isn't attributable to man.
That wasn't the argument

We were told repeatedly that the climate is, that its warming and its because its our fault. The "multiple sources" thing was never a thing because that undermines the justification for blaming it all on man.
This post was edited on 11/20 8:40 AM by GMM
Re: why doesnt it?

Originally posted by qazplm:
the fact that climate change comes from multiple sources doesn't mean that one of those sources isn't attributable to man.
The ever-changing goalposts of this argument...
It appears that most on this subject are younger than 50. In the 1950-70 era the fear was global cooling and another ice age. Most don't give near enough credence to what the sun does.

A side bar, my dad who taught at Purdue for YEARS (now deceased) a Phd in engineering, AND a registered meteorologist pretty much dismissed the Church of Global Warming (I refuse to call it climate change-it is always changing) arguments with way too many variables most of which are not even factored in. The BS that 97% of the scientists believe it is global warming is simply BS. Yes, we do pollute too much but, the debate is basically over done on man made.

This post was edited on 11/20 10:50 AM by threeeputtt
No it wasn't. Again, this a creation of the right wing think tanks. Since you seem to value meteorology, lets go right to the source. The American Meteorological Society and their paper, The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus.

The Myth of 1970s Cooling.
Then explain.....

.....the three (combined) covers of Time Magazine and Newsweek Magazine as well as the "In Search Of" (narrated by Leonard Nimoy) that warned us of global cooling.

Were those "right wing think tanks"?
This post was edited on 11/20 11:46 AM by GMM
Don't conflate.....

.....air pollution with CO2 emissions. They are opposites.
Re: why doesnt it?

Originally posted by gr8indoorsman:
Originally posted by qazplm:
the fact that climate change comes from multiple sources doesn't mean that one of those sources isn't attributable to man.
The ever-changing goalposts of this argument...
Originally posted by gr8indoorsman:
Originally posted by qazplm:
the fact that climate change comes from multiple sources doesn't mean that one of those sources isn't attributable to man.
The ever-changing goalposts of this argument...
I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you saying that greenhouse gas emissions aren't leading to global warming?
Or are you saying that the warming isn't leading to responses in the climate system (aka climate change)?

"Global warming refers to surface temperature increases, while climate
change includes global warming and everything else that increasing
greenhouse gas amounts will affect.

The overwhelming scientific consensus is:

A: The earth's climate system has changed in the past, and we cannot explain any spike in temperature without the added impact of greenhouse gases. This lecture on paleoclimate from Richard Alley is something you may actually watch, and it should answer many of your questions about the climate system.

B: Unlocking greenhouse gases from their sequestration within the crust is adding CO2 to the atmosphere, and that CO2 is trapping heat within the climate system. Responses in the climate system, like the decrease in permafrost and sea ice, are creating a positive feedbacks. +CO2 => +Temp => decrease in sea ice => less albedo => +Temp

C. No natural explanation exists for the current rise in temperature. In fact, the known natural forcings would indicate decreasing temperature. Humans have their fingerprints all over this phenomenon; the warming is unequivocal, and that warming is due to human activity.

The observed change is not consistent with natural variability.Known natural forcings would, if anything, be negative over this period.Known anthropogenic forcings are consistent with the observed response.The pattern of the observed change is consistent with the anthropogenic forcing.
Re: Then explain.....

It is explained in the paper I linked that you won't read. It would be easier if you simply admitted that you have no interest in learning about the topic.
Re: Then explain.....

Originally posted by GMM:
.....the three (combined) covers of Time Magazine and Newsweek Magazine as well as the "In Search Of" (narrated by Leonard Nimoy) that warned us of global cooling.

Were those "right wing think tanks"?
This post was edited on 11/20 11:46 AM by GMM
No, they were media sources looking at selling copies or increasing ratings by making bombastic claims.

"In Search Of"? I suppose that means science thought bigfoot exists or aliens have abducted humans?
Re: Then explain.....

Sorry, Ed one paper doesn't make a consensus. BTW, the engineering is now called Bio/Enviro engineering. Has something to do to with the environment (TIC). Simply put, there is plenty we don't know about. It is a worthwhile study for BOTH sides.

Here's a sample of 1970.

Stanford's Paul Ehrlich announces that the sky is falling.
"Air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone."
• Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist
"We are prospecting for the very last of our resources and using up the nonrenewable things many times faster than we are finding new ones."
• Martin Litton, Sierra Club director
"By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won't be any more crude oil. You'll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill 'er up, buddy,' and he'll say, `I am very sorry, there isn't any.'"
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist
"Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct."
• Sen. Gaylord Nelson
"The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age."
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist

This post was edited on 11/20 11:59 AM by threeeputtt
No, the paper didn't explain..... all those were "right wing think tanks". Many of them leaned left.
Re: Then explain.....

You've copy and pasted some...stuff from a website called I Hate the Media about Earth Day correct?

Why don't you read the paper and see what the climatologists were saying? I'll even give you a teaser - they review actual publications.

Is this really your source?
Re: No, the paper didn't explain.....

The think tanks profit from keeping the myth alive. Newsweek wanted to sell a magazine.

The important point is, now that you have been given data that counters your point, will you continue your disninformation campaign? You admitted you were wrong about your last talking point, water vapor. Will your honesty prevail again?
I suppose that's progress

The think tanks profit from keeping the myth alive. Newsweek wanted to sell a magazine.

Now, if only you would acknowledge that there's A LOT more money in promoting man-made global warming than denying it.

You admitted you were wrong about your last talking point, water vapor.

No, I didn't because I'm not. Water vapor is the #1 greenhouse gas.

You still haven't explained whether or not you believe that global warming causes [EDIT] increased CO2 in the atmosphere.

This post was edited on 11/20 12:21 PM by GMM
So much for the "separation of church and state"

What the left really meant was "separation of our Judeo-Christian heritage from ever influencing any public policy". Neither of which are in the Constitution.

Anyways, from Maryland:

Now Prince George's Country is offering a way for churches to avoid paying the tax, which is estimated to be an average of $744 per year for them - preach "green" to their parishioners.

So far 30 pastors have agreed to begin "'green' ministries to maintain the improvements at their churches, and to preach environmentally focused sermons to educate their congregations" to avoid being hit with the tax, The Washington Post reports.

Prince George's County's Department of Environment director Adam Ortiz told WBAL Radio churches "don't have to preach, per se," that they could avoid the tax if they "provide educational programs to teach them (parishioners) about how to be more sustainable. And to help them engage in grant programs and other way that they can control the runoff from their property."

Preach Environmentalism And Get A Tax Break
Re: I suppose that's progress

You're a hoot, GMM.

Honestly, your question doesn't make sense to me. Perhaps you can refine it.
Re: No, the paper didn't explain.....

Sorry, our fine government manipulates so many things I have lost many bookmarks. The EPA even said go slow of this issue as recently as 3 years ago. MYSTERIOUSLY this link has disappeared!!! Our own Purdue had a study about 5 years ago debunking the economics of ethanol (that is related to our discussion). Interesting that this link is gone also. Go to the department and you can find the researcher(s)-I don't want to put them on the spot per my next sentence. You think this might be a coincidence when universities fight for grants from Washington?

Here is another article however on ethanol that people think will save us. I realize this isn't 100% on the subject6 but there are simply too many variables and working pieces to define Global Warming and what is REALLY going on:
This post was edited on 11/20 12:36 PM by threeeputtt

This post was edited on 11/20 12:23 PM by GMM
Re: I suppose that's progress

Yeah, I left out the word "increased". The post has been edited. Its the same question though from awhile back. Why haven't you answered it? Are you not interested in learning?
Re: *delete*

I inferred increase was omitted. I'm still unclear.
Re: I suppose that's progress

Originally posted by GMM:
Yeah, I left out the word "increased". The post has been edited. Its the same question though from awhile back. Why haven't you answered it? Are you not interested in learning?
The lecture from Richard Alley I linked in response to Gr8 answers your question. Take some time to watch and see if his answer will suffice (if you're actually interested in learning about paleoclimate).
Re: Then explain.....

Originally posted by ecouch:
You've copy and pasted some...stuff from a website called I Hate the Media about Earth Day correct?

Why don't you read the paper and see what the climatologists were saying? I'll even give you a teaser - they review actual publications.
So we are to dispute a noted biologist and Sierra Club spokesman from Earth Day? They were sincere in their studies I presume regardless of "I Hate the Media"? LOL at as much as myself as anyone else. I love articles say "experts say" or "97%" say the climate is man made, they are usually a little goofy. Kind of like saying the pizza association of America says pizza is good for you. I have seen with my own eyes receding glaciers implying a warmer planet but it still begs why-so I am not debating if but why? There is so much we don't know why. The wobbl splites of the earth every several 1000 years did what? Solar activity and flares? How much did Mt. St Helen's eruption add 25 years ago (I have read it EQUALLED all of that years pollution-I have no idea if that is a low or high estimate). How would anyone know? I defer to my Dad from a prior post (Phd in Bio/Enviro Engr + Registered meteorologist plus knowing many in his department albeit several years ago. I would guess the split would be 50-50 or no more than 40-60 or 60-40 on this issue. The shrill shouts from Earth Day 40 years ago may very well be remembered similarly in 40 years on the Global Warming issue.
This post was edited on 11/20 3:54 PM by threeeputtt
I have no idea what he is saying either

I have no idea what goalpost he thinks is being changed.

No one has ever said that the ONLY source of climate change was man. No one.
The fact that things other than man have in the past, and will in the future affect the climate is debated by no one.
Guess what, the sun is going to get REALLY hot a billion years from now, enough that life probably won't be sustainable by then. Slight changes in the sun can cause temporary changes in climate as well.

But RIGHT NOW, manmade actions are having a significant effect on the climate. So yeah, no goalposts are being moved.

"In Search Of"

Was that the episode before the one about the Amityville Horror, or was it before the one on aliens or bigfoot?

Yes, you got us, those noted peer reviewed journals "Time" and "Newsweek."
Re: I have no idea what he is saying either

My entire point with respect to my "I don't care about climate change," because I don't, is that it has been happening for eons. Yes, I agree that greenhouse gas emissions are part of what causes climate change, but climate change is inevitable. Thus, we are wasting time, money, and resources by trying to solve a problem that existed before we did.

"Moving goalposts." - Climate change is man made. That's the story pushed by politicians. Not "part of the problem." But now the fact that we're just part of the problem is accepted as fact? Where's that been reported in the main stream. No, if you listen to liberals, it's all about man made carbon emissions, and we have to do everything in our power to stop it. Not once has a politician said, "we need to reduce our carbon footprint in order to delay the inevitability of climate change."

So. Yeah. That's my last post in this thread about this pointless subject. I'm sorry that some board members have dedicated their entire careers to its study without solving this unsolvable problem. Excuse me, Purdue's on.
Re: I have no idea what he is saying either

Here's the thing.

Climate change is continuous and big and always has been.

We've learned a lot about the 500,000 year cycles and 40,000 year cycles and so forth, all quite recently. A single eruption or impact can have an effect too.

The key reason we humans need to pay attention is in case it shifts to being continuous, big, and sudden, without an obvious natural cause for the sudden.
Nice dodge

Its not about whether or not they're credible or peer-reviewed. First of all, its about whether or not they're "right wing think tanks". They're not. Second, where did they get the ideas about global cooling? From scientists.