Absolute BS


May 2, 2003
Trice literally falls down and it's a foul on JO...other end JO gets bumped off his route and it's a travel. Complete screw-job.
I'm glad he's not just taking it without complaining. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get T'd up before this is over.
Meanwhile Izzo livid that Painter is talking to refs, really pissed. You are right absolute BS.
The refs are not calling anything on MSU, Purdue can't beat 8 players, worst this year by refs
Our big guys have been mugged under the basket all night and no fouls on MSU. I thought IU was the only place with lopsided officiating. Granted we're not playing too great, but when the refs won't call anything on MSU in the 2nd half - come on.
Combine their physical play with homer officiating and throw in trice and whoever else throwing their head back whenever you get close it's hard to watch.
If Purdue played an average game for them in conference play, Purdue would have won. That puts the loss, to me, on the Boilers.
We didn't lose because of officiating. We lost because we played like garbage the second half, plain and simple.
Having said that, I watched this game with a Michigan fan and a number of Iowa fans here in Iowa City and consensus was the officiating was absolutely miserable in the second half.
exactly...........the officiating was miserable, but I guess that had nothing to do with it
Purdue didn't deserve to win that game whether the officiating was amazing or not.

Blaming others for your problems will not fix much. Three of our starters were no-shows tonight.
Just calling it like I see it..........sure, PU didn't have it's best game, and we can argue why all night, but the fact is the officiating stunk and certainly came into play. Hell, Clizbsy and co. called it before the second half began...........they were interested to see what would happen after Izzo whined to each official while the teams were warming back up. I have no problem saying PU didn't respond well, but at the same time don't tell me that the officiating wasn't worth 6 points.
Did not see the game, reviewing play by play, first half half each team had 8 fouls. Second half, first 10 mins Purdue had 2 fouls and MSU had 4 fouls. Last 4 mins of second half Purdue went into foul mode and had 12 fouls. From the 10 minute mark of second half to the 4 minute mark, each team about 4-6 fouls. Just the facts and not calling anyone out.
i hope to see a rematch of Purdue / Mich St, on a neutral court in the Big tournament, we will see then who is the best team., well that is if Ted isn't one of the refs.
Here's a "fact": MSU was allowed to push, shove, slap and hack everything in the paint in the second half. They were allowed to negate our strength while keeping the final foul totals close. A no call was just as bad as a bad call in this game. It would be the same as our guards fouling the shit out of Trice and Valentine with no calls, taking them out of the game. It's not the number of fouls, it's when you call them. Absolutely BS.
A little point of correction, true that AJ, Octeus and Davis had off-games, but of those 3, I think AJ was getting mugged more than being "off". Octeus had an off game but still showed some hustle, and Davis just seemed completely out of whack. Not sure why.
Originally posted by PU pit bull:

Just calling it like I see it..........sure, PU didn't have it's best game, and we can argue why all night, but the fact is the officiating stunk and certainly came into play. Hell, Clizbsy and co. called it before the second half began...........they were interested to see what would happen after Izzo whined to each official while the teams were warming back up. I have no problem saying PU didn't respond well, but at the same time don't tell me that the officiating wasn't worth 6 points.
It was the no-calls that made me crazy. All the arm grabs, hip checks, and pushing that was allowed by MSU was almost beyond beleif. What a hose job.

Your pointing out the fouls at these times was fairly even is exactly the issue. They shouldn't have been anywhere close to even. msu should have been whistled and weren't; the disparity in the officiating was the fact they didn't call a foul when they should have. That said Purdue can't go soft when they get shoved and hacked; have to push back.
I also counted four obvious traveling calls that were missed on MSU. I would have sworn we were playing at Ass Hall.
I agree 100% with Schnelk and mathboy! I get way too excited watching these games. No life I guess. But I about had a heart attack yelling at the TV in the 2nd half. Early in big ten season, the refs were letting our bigs get raped down low. But the last few weeks, they been calling the fouls. In the first half of this game, they were calling the post fouls very good. But all of a sudden, in the 2nd half, the refs disappeared down low. They were raping our bigs down low. It was ubelievable!

Somebody above mentioned the number of fouls being fairly even. That's poor analysis. We are talking about fouls that were not being called. If both teams had 20 fouls in game, that still wouldn't negate a poorly officiated game if the refs failed to call an additional 20 fouls on my in the 2nd half. I was soooo pissed.

And I about lost it when they called that flagrant on AJ in the first half. The ms guy flopped first of all. I mean sure it may have been a foul, but he certainly flopped too! But what was ridiculous was the foul that was called down low on Purdue happened at least 3 or 4 seconds after the Flop at center court. How can they wait to blow any whistle until the foul down low and then tack on the missed flop foul at center court? CRAZY!

Thx for listening. Glad to get this off my chest! I really need to calm down for this next game against the illini! :)

This post was edited on 3/5 2:51 PM by Mr_Red

This post was edited on 3/5 2:53 PM by Mr_Red
One point of clarification: I'm not talking about Hammons getting his shots blocked. Those were pretty clean blocks. Hammons was rushing and playing bad. I'm talking about the msu bigs getting low and hip checking our bigs and blatantly pushing grabbing pulling our big guys trying to keep them from getting the ball.

How can ncaa call the perimeter hand checks so tight, but can let centers get pushed on like they were in this game? I just don't think refs are used to teams posting up as often as Purdue does. It's not very common any more and refs aren't used to it. The msu centers each had about 3 fouls in first half when refs were calling it legit. But then refs "let em play - cause this march" whatever! Absolute bs! IMHO of course. I have LOTS of riffing experience too. And yes I played this game in my younger days. And yes I was a big. :)
Actually, if the opposing player is shoving the offensive player in the back, while simultaneously attempting to block the shot, it's already a foul.