Wug results


Dec 30, 2006
Could they have any bearing on our preseason ranking?

Preseason rankings are very very important in my opinion . I could go into how I don't think they should start ranking teams until 4-6 weeks but I won't LOL
I doubt anyone will say they will, but I would have to think that the people who vote are watching or at least reading the box scores. There's not much else going on in college basketball right now, so junkies will take what they can get. So in my opinion, I would say yes, they will have an effect.
I believe they will if we win. If we lose, I believe they will say, oh well, they were just a top 20 team without Swanigan and we expected them to lose. A win could boost us up to the top 15. Anything less, and we'll till be top 25.
I think there will be a small impact. I would guess the national AP voters like Dickie V & Seth Davis and any B1G coach will know how Purdue performed and be influenced a bit. I would also guess the average, random AP writer that covers the local college team and the non-B1G coach who isn't following Purdue closely will just do the roster math for the initial rankings: how was the team last year, who did they lose, who did they add?
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