Will the FBI Investigate Joe Biden's Rape Accusation?

Listen Dude: quit starting new Anti- Biden threads. They need to be consolidated into one, MAYBE, two threads at the most.

Why, you ask? Gotta make room for more Trump Sucks threads. Duh.
Thanks for knocking some sense in to me. I need to get with the groupthink, Trump hate program.

Lesson learned.
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He's not been nominated for anything yet. He is the presumptive nominee, so perhaps that's the distinction here?
What distinction? Did each of, or any of, the accusations of sexual misconduct by Trump get investigated by the FBI?

It stuns me how people get sucked into these arguments proffered by sophists.
What distinction? Did each of, or any of, the accusations of sexual misconduct by Trump get investigated by the FBI?

It stuns me how people get sucked into these arguments proffered by sophists.
I mean I posted once in this thread... overreact much?
Or a self proclaimed intellectual could post why the FBI should investigate accusations against Biden instead of fallaciously asking why FBI is not.
For the record, I'm not hiding from this. This just is like the 35th thread on this topic. If you guys could keep the conversation consolidated in to a couple of threads that would be ideal.

I and many others have given our thoughts about this already. I just choose not to engage with every new thread that gets created about it.
But yet you still did didn't you?
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If it weren't so sad, it'd be funny.
Why do you think the MSM is protecting Biden?
The same reason they protected Andrew Gillum two months ago when he was caught passed out naked in a hotel bathroom with a male prostitute surround by coke and herion.
Or when CNN host Don Lemon sexually assaulted another man in the Hamptons last summer and there was very, very little coverage.
When the top brass at the MSM new outlets look at the hot stories of the day, they literally have to decide whether they're willing to risk their job if they're going to go after the protected class of the democratic party.

But, when a Republican does something, it's open season with both barrels blazin!
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Just an FYI.......Biden will be on Morning Joe on MSNBC tomorrow to discuss the allegations against him. I know that means nothing to the MAGA crowd on here since it's not on Fox and you'll claim his dementia will be what's talking and nevermind Trump has countless allegations against him, but just wanted to give the rabid base on here a heads-up. You may have to record Fox and Friends for a bit. I would hate for you to miss their latest segment entitled 'But her emails!'
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Just an FYI.......Biden will be on Morning Joe on MSNBC tomorrow to discuss the allegations against him. I know that means nothing to the MAGA crowd on here since it's not on Fox and you'll claim his dementia will be what's talking and nevermind Trump has countless allegations against him, but just wanted to give the rabid base on here a heads-up. You may have to record Fox and Friends for a bit. I would hate for you to miss their latest segment entitled 'But her emails!'
Oh boy, that’ll be great. Joe and Mika live from Jupiter, Florida. I’m sure they’ll hit Biden with some really tough questions.

“Joe, how do you respond to these Republican attacks?”
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Michael Stern. His twitter bio reads as follows...

USA Today opinion columnist. Former Justice Department prosecutor. #Resisting all things Trump. #BlueNoMatterWho #FBR #LGBT

Good source, Bob! Very fair.
So that means he's wrong......because he's anti trump.

So I can just disregard anything FOX says because they're pro trump.

That's where we're at. Truth is dependent on whether the source is on my side.
Oh boy, that’ll be great. Joe and Mika live from Jupiter, Florida. I’m sure they’ll hit Biden with some really tough questions.

“Joe, how do you respond to these Republican attacks?”

Now that I think about this a little bit more, I'm not sure why any of the maga crew on here would bother watching. It's not like any of yall gave a shit about the multiple allegations against Trump. Why bother now other than to be hypocritical?
Now that I think about this a little bit more, I'm not sure why any of the maga crew on here would bother watching. It's not like any of yall gave a shit about the multiple allegations against Trump. Why bother now other than to be hypocritical?
Good to hear you thought about things a bit more! And it always comes back to Trump because of course it does.

I’m just happy that Joey and Mika landed this interview. People will finally tune in to his show for the first time in a long time!

Mika really takes this stuff seriously by the way. So they’ve picked the right team for the job.