Why doesn't Purdue go to Florida and practice

They are afraid to scrimmage the HS teams.

In reality, it doesnt matter until Hazell is gone.
maybe we should go to college station so sumlin can get a head start on evaluating our "talent"
Florida does have a history with the Circus, I believe Barnum and Bailey started in Sarasota.
Yeah but circuses today are all about getting rid of inhumane treatment. Making people watch Boiler FB while trying to enjoy FL in the spring would definitely fall in the inhumane category.
Typically spring practice in Indiana has weather that is not too bad. Temperatures in the 50's to 70's and it is mild. This year it is an exception. But then, that is what the indoor training facility is for.

Unless Purdue is really, really good and has the $$$ to practice in Fla., it aint gonna happen.
NCAA just outlawed it anyway, correct?
Yep. The SEC got the NCAA to ban such programs out of fear that the rising Purdue juggernaut would rip prime recruits out of the south with the promise of winters in IN where they could learn to rock the turtleneck look themselves.