Why did the IRS Adminstration lie?

It is just obvious that the democratic left is lawless and the press AND local liberals always want to give them a get of jail free card and just keep increasing the corruption. It stinks to high heaven!
I have a real problem with persons in power using that power to crush their political enemies. This stuff only happens in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia pre WWII.
Nixon broke into the DNC headquarters to find out about what the opposition was doing. I don't recall him ordering an agency to attack individuals who supported the opposition, or using the law to stiffle them.
If Nixon would have been a Dem the MSM would have declared these guys acting on their own. And the tapes would have never been found. Kind of like e-mails missing today of all IRS employees. Can't just get rid of the senders computer the recepients also have a record of what went on. Equivalent to Nixon erasing the tapes. Nixon took the fall for his actions.
Obama, and Hillory not so much.
Wait, you never heard of The Enemies List and the actions taken. Those were big issues, abuse of power, that came to light because of break ins and upset Americans, the break ins would of been blown off if there had been nothing else.
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