What can Painter do right now to peak this team?


Apr 11, 2007
Just my opinion here...

Shut off the green light for Swanigan from 3. I think it's OK if he takes a 3, but it needs to be a good open look that comes relatively deep into the possession.

Get Swanigan the ball inside! He can score on that fadeaway down low. He just doesn't get many opportunities there.

Don't take Edwards out of the game at critical junctures. Furthermore, encourage h to create off the dribble. I believe Vince has the ability to carry this team at times, so let that happen.

Find a way to make these kids play smarter. It just seems like way too many dumb plays happen. Hill turning it over going 1 on 4, the turnovers on stupid post entries...

This game was supposed to be a loss anyways, so no reason to be too upset. You're not going to beat that team going 2-23 from deep at their place. But there are things that I feel are correctable, and that's up to the staff. Get it done.
Just my opinion here...

This game was supposed to be a loss anyways, so no reason to be too upset. You're not going to beat that team going 2-23 from deep at their place. But there are things that I feel are correctable, and that's up to the staff. Get it done.

Make no mistake about it Purdue came out there with this in mind. Purdue surrendered this game. The second half was a forfeit. Any team that thinks tonight was supposed to be a loss before the game played could play a million years of this and not win a single title. This is a team that should have national title being targeted and is probably going to be a 500 team or worse in the big ten. This season can quickly turn into an epic disaster if that were to come true. Right now Purdue is 7-4 in conference play with wins against one worthy team in Michigan at home and a loss to Illinois. If Purdue loses the games it is "supposed to lose", they will lose to MSU, and then back to back losses at Michigan the following game. At this point they will be 7-6 in conference play and not ranked. They'll then probably win against Northwestern. 8-6. Then they will lose at IU and follow that up with another loss against Maryland. 8-8. Then play the last game against Nebraska at Nebraska. A team Purdue struggled with already. Only when Purdue plays at Nebraska this time they'll be facing a team playing for an NCAA tourney on the line. 8-9 is a distinct possibility with this Purdue team given that the mind set of Purdue is to be obedient to the other team's wishes and desires instead of a nightmare for them.
Make no mistake about it Purdue came out there with this in mind. Purdue surrendered this game. The second half was a forfeit. Any team that thinks tonight was supposed to be a loss before the game played could play a million years of this and not win a single title. This is a team that should have national title being targeted and is probably going to be a 500 team or worse in the big ten. This season can quickly turn into an epic disaster if that were to come true. Right now Purdue is 7-4 in conference play with wins against one worthy team in Michigan at home and a loss to Illinois. If Purdue loses the games it is "supposed to lose", they will lose to MSU, and then back to back losses at Michigan the following game. At this point they will be 7-6 in conference play and not ranked. They'll then probably win against Northwestern. 8-6. Then they will lose at IU and follow that up with another loss against Maryland. 8-8. Then play the last game against Nebraska at Nebraska. A team Purdue struggled with already. Only when Purdue plays at Nebraska this time they'll be facing a team playing for an NCAA tourney on the line. 8-9 is a distinct possibility with this Purdue team.
What a nice straw man argument. You sure don't sound like anyone who has played organized sports, ever. In fact, you don't sound like much of a Purdue fan to me either. You have us losing a bunch of games that haven't been played yet, just to forward you position. WTF is wrong with you?

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What a nice straw man argument. You sure don't sound like anyone who has played organized sports, ever. In fact, you don't sound like much of a Purdue fan to me either. You have us losing a bunch of games that haven't been played yet, just to forward you position. WTF is wrong with you?

I don't have them losing these. Painter has them losing these games. Who can deny that the second half of the Maryland game was but a forfeit. They didn't go down swinging. They came out with the white flag. I am not at all mad about the loss. My expectations have been met. A team that was embarrassed about being up at the half. Purdue had a 19 point lead against Iowa at home and lost the game. They forfeited that game too. All I ask is to see some anger in the faces instead of smiles. Act like Maryland's bigs. Push people around and show anger. None of that in any of these games unless they play a team like Rutgers. Winners want to play teams better than them to bring somebody down. That is not the character of this Purdue team.
Make no mistake about it Purdue came out there with this in mind. Purdue surrendered this game. The second half was a forfeit. Any team that thinks tonight was supposed to be a loss before the game played could play a million years of this and not win a single title. This is a team that should have national title being targeted and is probably going to be a 500 team or worse in the big ten. This season can quickly turn into an epic disaster if that were to come true. Right now Purdue is 7-4 in conference play with wins against one worthy team in Michigan at home and a loss to Illinois. If Purdue loses the games it is "supposed to lose", they will lose to MSU, and then back to back losses at Michigan the following game. At this point they will be 7-6 in conference play and not ranked. They'll then probably win against Northwestern. 8-6. Then they will lose at IU and follow that up with another loss against Maryland. 8-8. Then play the last game against Nebraska at Nebraska. A team Purdue struggled with already. Only when Purdue plays at Nebraska this time they'll be facing a team playing for an NCAA tourney on the line. 8-9 is a distinct possibility with this Purdue team given that the mind set of Purdue is to be obedient to the other team's wishes and desires instead of a nightmare for them.

Lol chill a little bit there. Lord knows I get pissed and sometimes think things are worse than they are, but dang man...I'll just say this: we absolutely will not be under .500 in the league. And you never know, some noise could be made in the postseason.
Play Ray and Biggie less !!! Set some screens for the shooters.

The shooters get screens. Sometimes the shooters even get reallly nice looks from the perimeter. The shooters, however, don't knock those shots down like we want/need them to. The shooters don't shoot at the level they were hyped to be able to. Swanigan is playing, simple as that. So limit him from 3 and put him in a position to be more efficient offensively. Davis is playing as well, so get used to that. He just needs to take the open jumpers he gets and attack the basket when he's on the move.
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Go 10 deep, full court press and hope for lots of lay-ups. Half court offense is predictable and terrible. All D has to do is put 5 guys in the lane and let Purdue shoot 3s after running the weave for 15 secs. pretending to be the f'ing Globetrotters. Team has the personality of their coach no offense, no passion, too complacent in their roles.
Our shooters are hesitant.....I don't know why.....too much emphasis on going inside, coach has them afraid to miss, I don't know. Perimeter shots need to come in rhythm and without hesitating or fear. If we hit 6-7 threes a game, we are very difficult to beat. Our defense and rebounding are very good, our offense just sucks. Today if we go 8-24 from three...or shoot 33% from there, it's a very different game. Instead I think we were 3-24 which is pathetic.
Our shooters are hesitant.....I don't know why.....too much emphasis on going inside, coach has them afraid to miss, I don't know. Perimeter shots need to come in rhythm and without hesitating or fear. If we hit 6-7 threes a game, we are very difficult to beat. Our defense and rebounding are very good, our offense just sucks. Today if we go 8-24 from three...or shoot 33% from there, it's a very different game. Instead I think we were 3-24 which is pathetic.

Our shooters are not hesitant. They MISS. Big difference.
Stop subbing AJ out when he hits two or three buckets in a row. Absolutely kills momentum. He does it nearly every game too.

I agree it seems like he often pulls guys when they seem to get on a roll, but today I didn't get that feeling with Hammons. He went out with fouls, and I was surprised at how soon he was back in with 3.
Stop subbing AJ out when he hits two or three buckets in a row. Absolutely kills momentum. He does it nearly every game too.

Painter loves to take AJ out when he starts getting hot. I am not impressed with the way Painter is using AJ against worthy competition. He needs to be in the game most of the time. Did AJ even play tonight? Was he even in the game outside of the first half? From a perception standpoint that seems to be the Purdue way, you have a big guy who can play, I mean why use him while we have him? Let us just squander him away this year and end up as a 10 loss team before the tourney even starts to get a stupid 7-8-9 seed and get embarrased again in the tourney. With this lineup the worst Purdue should be right now is a two loss team. In 3 of the 5 losses if Hammons was in there when he should have been Purdue wins those games.
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Foolme may be a little melty, and a little doomy and gloomy, but he does make some valid points.

I like the passion.

God forbid we finish sub-.500 but the way our guys are playing who knows. The MSU game is HUGE RE our trajectory for the rest of the season, IMO.
Half century Terp fan here. Purdue brought the best collection of players into our 18K house than any other visiting team all year. Your squad was relentless most of the game, and simply went unexpectedly cold at the 3 ball line. They played terrific defense most of the game. The fouls were weighted our way, at times unfairly, but you gotta drive the lane to get to the stripe. Painter hesitated on the sideline, and seemed to not manage your subbing and not call timeouts more efficiently. We loved having Ryan Kerrigan there at the game. He is a terrific player and class act for our nearby Redskins, and he is a loyal and proud Purdue man. Best to you guys the rest of the way.