Once again it is game week and the start of another football season. Since the conclusion of last year season we have been reading on Black & Gold along with the local newspaper rag how each player has gotten faster and stronger and this is going to be the year. Personally I’m damm tired of reading all this buildup. While I love Black and Gold Illustrated and Knucklehead Central I am beyond ready to see this huge buildup translate to improved performance on the field. The last few years have forced me to adopt this “I’m from Missouri” attitude and I will believe it when I see it. The facts are that two years ago we were the worst college football team that I have ever seen. Last year we were simply a bad team and followed that up with the lowest ranked recruiting class of any team in the Big Ten. I have always considered myself an optimist, but really? After 40 plus years of being a season ticket holder I now sit home with an adult beverage and watch the games on TV. I love college football and at my age I will simply change channels rather than watch more of the same crap we have had to put up with during the past few years. Could they entice me back? Perhaps, but it all comes down to winning. I am not going to pay big money to watch a pathetic brand of football any more than I would pay to watch re-runs of Gilligan’s Island. Thank goodness for remotes as I can always “hit the clicker” and watch some of the big boys play and of course root for whoever plays IU. While not as much fun it doesn’t tear my heart out.