Was it really the hottest year on record or were the scientists fibbing?

May 25, 2013
Was it really the hottest year on record or were the ones in charge of the data just making things up? Years after climategate showed everyone how partisan the warmist scientists really are. I am very dubious of anything they say. Apparently there is a lot of massaging of the data going on.

Questions about the temperature records
Did Brian Williams report that 2014 was the hottest year on record?

If he did then it must be true.
Re: Did Brian Williams report that 2014 was the hottest year on record?

Originally posted by GMM:
If he did then it must be true.
Dan Rather will attest to that...
Re: Did Brian Williams report that 2014 was the hottest year on record?

It was one of the coldest winters on record in Iniana.
Three straight days of -27 F for lows. It was no where near the warmest year on record here.
There is always climate change. Man made? I guess man did master fire about the time the glaciers started to melt. Coincidence? I think notk, it took a lot of carbon emissions(fossil fuels) to keep his cave warm and his wooly mammoth roasted.
honest question

do you think that it being the hottest year on record for the entire planet must then mean that each and every spot on the planet must also have the hottest year on record for that spot?

Because your response suggests that's what you think, otherwise it would be a complete non sequitur.

But I just want to confirm.

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