Videotaping practices...

Bob Sienicki

Redshirt Freshman
Aug 2, 2004
Camp Verde, AZ
I don't know if they already do this or not, but because this year's group seems especially hard-working and may very well become a special team, they should tape entire practices to show future teams what kind of work ethic is expected of them.

Just a thought.
I know that the In The Arena series of shorts is giving us some glimpses of practices but I'm not sure whether or not the staff or athletic department records the practices on a regular basis.
I know that the In The Arena series of shorts is giving us some glimpses of practices but I'm not sure whether or not the staff or athletic department records the practices on a regular basis.

It would absolutely shock me more than imagined if practice was NOT taped. Taping practice in HS is used as it allows more teaching points. What is more of a question to me is whether Matt archives practices, but I would think a few of those would come in handy as well...