Trump Tariffs.....good or bad?

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Generally Tariffs are a "tax" on goods. Can be bad as Harris inflation "tax", but not quite.

But not what Trump is talking about.

As I understand Trump's Tariffs he wants Tariffs on specific, targeted incoming items ONLY where America makes the product & makes a plethora of it well. An example would be foreign cars. Another example would be John Deere moving business to Mexico where he wants them to stay here. In other words if America makes the product well, he wants American companies to compete on an even field.

It should be noted that if American companies want to sell cars in most other countries, the other country charges a Tariff. So T's specific, targeted Tarrifs seem more fair and good for America & American companies & workers.

What wouldn't be good for anyone if Trump charges Tariffs on say Chinese production where we do not have the same product being produced here. Haven't heard of him wanting to do that, but as much as he hates China, certainly is a possibility. That would be terrible.

Broad reaching tariffs cause trade wars and are bad for everyone.....whereas there is less chance with specific targeted Tariffs.

Bottom line......huge difference between specific targeted Tariffs VS. broad ranging Tariffs. The former reasonable people should understand & be ok with.......the latter be 100% against.
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Generally Tariffs are a "tax" on goods. Can be bad as Harris inflation "tax", but not quite.

But not what Trump is talking about.

As I understand Trump's Tariffs he wants Tariffs on specific, targeted incoming items ONLY where America makes the product & makes a plethora of it well. An example would be foreign cars. Another example would be John Deere moving business to Mexico where he wants them to stay here. In other words if America makes the product well, he wants American companies to compete on an even field.

It should be noted that if American companies want to sell cars in most other countries, the other country charges a Tariff. So T's specific, targeted Tarrifs seem more fair and good for America & American companies & workers.

What wouldn't be good for anyone if Trump charges Tariffs on say Chinese production where we do not have the same product being produced here. Haven't heard of him wanting to do that, but as much as he hates China, certainly is a possibility. That would be terrible.

Broad reaching tariffs cause trade wars and are bad for everyone.....whereas there is less chance with specific targeted Tariffs.

Bottom line......huge difference between specific targeted Tariffs VS. broad ranging Tariffs. The former reasonable people should understand & be ok with.......the latter be 100% against.
Yes, the tarrifs Trump has talked about have been targeted at specific goods and specific countries. They would overall be good.
Generally Tariffs are a "tax" on goods. Can be bad as Harris inflation "tax", but not quite.

But not what Trump is talking about.

As I understand Trump's Tariffs he wants Tariffs on specific, targeted incoming items ONLY where America makes the product & makes a plethora of it well. An example would be foreign cars. Another example would be John Deere moving business to Mexico where he wants them to stay here. In other words if America makes the product well, he wants American companies to compete on an even field.

It should be noted that if American companies want to sell cars in most other countries, the other country charges a Tariff. So T's specific, targeted Tarrifs seem more fair and good for America & American companies & workers.

What wouldn't be good for anyone if Trump charges Tariffs on say Chinese production where we do not have the same product being produced here. Haven't heard of him wanting to do that, but as much as he hates China, certainly is a possibility. That would be terrible.

Broad reaching tariffs cause trade wars and are bad for everyone.....whereas there is less chance with specific targeted Tariffs.

Bottom line......huge difference between specific targeted Tariffs VS. broad ranging Tariffs. The former reasonable people should understand & be ok with.......the latter be 100% against.
Has he tried to explain this........sometime, somewhere?
Has he tried to explain this........sometime, somewhere?

I seem to know exactly what he will do only by listening to the radio. Sorry you are uniformed.

But listen, even Biden has some tariffs....they have been used successfully forever by multiple Presidents.

My worry is how he deals with China. I see a possible trade war there. But never had one last time with T. So perhaps that worry is overblown.

Speaking of communicating policies....did you check out Harris's MSNBC interview today?? Part of that was on tariffs. I thought the Oprah deal was bad, but this one was a train wreck. Well at least she's consistent.
I seem to know exactly what he will do only by listening to the radio. Sorry you are uniformed.

But listen, even Biden has some tariffs....they have been used successfully forever by multiple Presidents.

My worry is how he deals with China. I see a possible trade war there. But never had one last time with T. So perhaps that worry is overblown.

Speaking of communicating policies....did you check out Harris's MSNBC interview today?? Part of that was on tariffs. I thought the Oprah deal was bad, but this one was a train wreck. Well at least she's consistent.
Uhh, you made an assumption. So in your mind of course it makes sense but in reality, you have no idea because he’s never really explained it. I’m sure he will fully explain his concept of a tariff plan any day now.
Uhh, you made an assumption. So in your mind of course it makes sense but in reality, you have no idea because he’s never really explained it. I’m sure he will fully explain his concept of a tariff plan any day now.

Trump has already implemented tariffs, so there is a record on how he uses tariffs. In fact, Biden uses them too.

If they are bad, why hasn’t Biden eliminated them?
I seem to know exactly what he will do only by listening to the radio. Sorry you are uniformed.

But listen, even Biden has some tariffs....they have been used successfully forever by multiple Presidents.

My worry is how he deals with China. I see a possible trade war there. But never had one last time with T. So perhaps that worry is overblown.

Speaking of communicating policies....did you check out Harris's MSNBC interview today?? Part of that was on tariffs. I thought the Oprah deal was bad, but this one was a train wreck. Well at least she's consistent.
"I seem to know exactly what he will do only by listening to the radio. Sorry you are uniformed. "

Is this a joke? If I don't believe your interpretation of his policy, I'm uninformed? Would you accept that from someone talking about a Harris policy? Does saying I'm uninformed make you feel better about this BS thread?
"I seem to know exactly what he will do only by listening to the radio. Sorry you are uniformed. "

Is this a joke? If I don't believe your interpretation of his policy, I'm uninformed? Would you accept that from someone talking about a Harris policy? Does saying I'm uninformed make you feel better about this BS thread?

You admitted you were uniformed.
Quote: "Has he tried to explain this........sometime, somewhere?"

The reader would have to infer from the above that you have not heard his explanation.....thus since he has talked about this often, & has a record on are uninformed.

Not an insult.....just a fact given your quote.
Being from NW Indiana, the steel capital of North America, I was in favor of the Chump China steel tariffs initially. Our democratic congressman along with the congressman from other steelmaking area in Pittsburgh and Birmingham, AL fought hard for those tariffs. However those tariffs turned out to be a horrible idea as they created a trade war with the Chinese. If I recall farm prices of soy beans and other products were negatively affected by those China steel tariffs. The steel tariffs were way too aggressive. The steel tariffs that Bush the Younger had were much less aggressive.
You admitted you were uniformed.
Quote: "Has he tried to explain this........sometime, somewhere?"

The reader would have to infer from the above that you have not heard his explanation.....thus since he has talked about this often, & has a record on are uninformed.

Not an insult.....just a fact given your quote.
I am uninformed because I have not heard him give the explanation you did. He has talked about tariffs often. Since, according to you, he has talked about these details often it should be no problem for you to post a link. This is twice I've asked. I'll believe it if you can prove he actually said it.
Being from NW Indiana, the steel capital of North America, I was in favor of the Chump China steel tariffs initially. Our democratic congressman along with the congressman from other steelmaking area in Pittsburgh and Birmingham, AL fought hard for those tariffs. However those tariffs turned out to be a horrible idea as they created a trade war with the Chinese. If I recall farm prices of soy beans and other products were negatively affected by those China steel tariffs. The steel tariffs were way too aggressive. The steel tariffs that Bush the Younger had were much less aggressive.
Yes the tariffs hurt the Soybean farmers. That's why the money collected from the tariffs went to the Soybean Farmers.
It helped the steel industry.
Trump has also addressed this in his speeches. He will hold China to their agriculture products purchase agreement.
I think the main point is that Trump is proposing policies that will help American people, businesses and the economy while penalizing or disincentivizing activity that hurts Americans.
As Scratch mentions, there is some nuance in how it's administered and applied in terms of the positive impact.
I think the main point is that Trump is proposing policies that will help American people, businesses and the economy while penalizing or disincentivizing activity that hurts Americans.
As Scratch mentions, there is some nuance in how it's administered and applied in terms of the positive impact.
Here’s what I worry about:

Trump had plenty of adults at the start of his first administration. Mattis, Mnuchin, Kelley, Cohn, McMaster, on and on and on. He hated them all. By the very end of His first administration he was desperately trying to install sycophants and intellectually incurious cabinet members—holy hell he already tried to get Jeffrey Clark, Ronny Jackson, and Kash Patel in positions of extraordinary authority!

So those policies you liked? Wait until you have Stephen Miller or Kari Lake in charge of a federal government department.
I am uninformed because I have not heard him give the explanation you did. He has talked about tariffs often. Since, according to you, he has talked about these details often it should be no problem for you to post a link. This is twice I've asked. I'll believe it if you can prove he actually said it.

Refers to what he did last time on tariffs..... he will do the same starting Jan 22, 2025. So same.

Looks like the media & even Ol' Mitch McConnell have plenty of negativity about tariffs per the articles out there.

So it looks like Dems will have plenty of coder on tariffs starting Jan 21.

Me I am lukewarm on tariffs as per above. But if you understand competition, you see why they can be good for America if used sparingly. But if he goes overboard, I will condem it. He did not last time.....thus don't think he will this time based on history.

However, in speeches this fall he has talked about broad 10 & 20% tariffs. Even mentioned 200% on John Deere. Other than John Deere, that is overboard, NOT what he did last time and should've condemned unless they turn out to be targeted Tariffs.
He might have saved your job.

That's the purpose of these targeted Tariffs.

Trouble with Trump he is a such a poor communicator, he gives the lib media openings to slay him on tariffs, as they are hardly interested in accurate reporting. Just google Trump & Tariffs and you will see examples.

There are millions on the left that cannot think for themselves, or remember Trump Tariffs before, and they gobble the above slanted BS articles up as truth.
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In the meantime, the Vice Puppet was elaborating on her policies, calling on voters to move on from “failed policies” that “we have proven don’t work” during a speech meant to detail her economic plans.

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Refers to what he did last time on tariffs..... he will do the same starting Jan 22, 2025. So same.

Looks like the media & even Ol' Mitch McConnell have plenty of negativity about tariffs per the articles out there.

So it looks like Dems will have plenty of coder on tariffs starting Jan 21.

Me I am lukewarm on tariffs as per above. But if you understand competition, you see why they can be good for America if used sparingly. But if he goes overboard, I will condem it. He did not last time.....thus don't think he will this time based on history.

However, in speeches this fall he has talked about broad 10 & 20% tariffs. Even mentioned 200% on John Deere. Other than John Deere, that is overboard, NOT what he did last time and should've condemned unless they turn out to be targeted Tariffs.
For Pete's sake. Still nothing. I read the part about fair trade. The word tariff was mentioned once. No specifics. Certainly nothing like what you posted. Zero about targeted tariffs.

Are you sure your post wasn't what you think he should do as opposed to what he says he will do?

This was his answer the other day when asked about tariffs and their effect. Seemed like a perfect time to explain his if he even understands who really pays for the tariffs. Instead, he deflects to.......?.........congress approving them?

In the meantime, the Vice Puppet was elaborating on her policies, calling on voters to move on from “failed policies” that “we have proven don’t work” during a speech meant to deta

I gave you a holistic view of his vision for tariffs. Does a holistic look only count for Dems.? I understand it's all the rage. You know....holisticly

Apparently, you disagree with T on tariffs. Since you are not voting for him why are you so concerned?

Scenario 1 ....I'm correct on what he is planning.
Scenario 2 ....I'm wrong.

Either way you're not voting for him under either scenario.....and under both you are going to believe what lib media tells you anyway . That's my holistic look at it you know. LOL
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