Trump speaks the truth


Jan 27, 2007
North Carolina

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America​

If the Vice President (Mike Pence) had “absolutely no right” to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many other irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election? Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!

Don't know how it could be more clear. He wanted Pence to overturn the election.

Or there was the two draft Executive orders to seize the voting directing the Secretary of the Defense to take them and a second that intended to have DHS confiscate the machines (with Rudy being the go between for Trump). Trump also told Barr he had the power to obtain the machines. Barr disagreed.

Trump's statement also shows how the first plan was to have Pence unilaterally decertify the election. Only after it was clear Pence wasn't going to do it did he shifted the idea of sending it back to the states........All part of the Eastman memo.

Then we have the alternate electors from 7 states.........which were to be used if Pence could be persuaded to say the states' results were in dispute and send them back to the states. Subpoenas issued.

All this was probably cooked up at the Willard Hotel command center where Rudy, Eastman, Bannon, Bernie Kerik and others held court, complete with calls from the WH, to devise a way to keep trump in power.
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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America​

If the Vice President (Mike Pence) had “absolutely no right” to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many other irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election? Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!

Don't know how it could be more clear. He wanted Pence to overturn the election.

Or there was the two draft Executive orders to seize the voting directing the Secretary of the Defense to take them and a second that intended to have DHS confiscate the machines (with Rudy being the go between for Trump). Trump also told Barr he had the power to obtain the machines. Barr disagreed.

Trump's statement also shows how the first plan was to have Pence unilaterally decertify the election. Only after it was clear Pence wasn't going to do it did he shifted the idea of sending it back to the states........All part of the Eastman memo.

Then we have the alternate electors from 7 states.........which were to be used if Pence could be persuaded to say the states' results were in dispute and send them back to the states. Subpoenas issued.

All this was probably cooked up at the Willard Hotel command center where Rudy, Eastman, Bannon, Bernie Kerik and others held court, complete with calls from the WH, to devise a way to keep trump in power.


Give it up

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America​

If the Vice President (Mike Pence) had “absolutely no right” to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many other irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election? Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!

Don't know how it could be more clear. He wanted Pence to overturn the election.

Or there was the two draft Executive orders to seize the voting directing the Secretary of the Defense to take them and a second that intended to have DHS confiscate the machines (with Rudy being the go between for Trump). Trump also told Barr he had the power to obtain the machines. Barr disagreed.

Trump's statement also shows how the first plan was to have Pence unilaterally decertify the election. Only after it was clear Pence wasn't going to do it did he shifted the idea of sending it back to the states........All part of the Eastman memo.

Then we have the alternate electors from 7 states.........which were to be used if Pence could be persuaded to say the states' results were in dispute and send them back to the states. Subpoenas issued.

All this was probably cooked up at the Willard Hotel command center where Rudy, Eastman, Bannon, Bernie Kerik and others held court, complete with calls from the WH, to devise a way to keep trump in power.
For someone who you claim is a pathological liar, you sure do hang on every word he says as if it's the gospel.
For someone who you claim is a pathological liar, you sure do hang on every word he says as if it's the gospel.
He is a pathological liar. For someone who believes everything trump tells you, you don't believe him now? He says the VP could have overturned the election. Not that Pence could send the results back to the states as you have argued before. No, just that one man has the right to overturn the election. Tell me what precedent there is for that.
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He is a pathological liar. For someone who believes everything trump tells you, you don't believe him now? He says the VP could have overturned the election. Not that Pence could send the results back to the states as you have argued before. No, just that one man has the right to overturn the election. Tell me what precedent there is for that.
Aren’t most politicians pathological liars though? There’s plenty of precedent there.
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Aren’t most politicians pathological liars though? There’s plenty of precedent there.
Just based on definitions, I'd argue no. Most politicians have a reason when they lie. Pathological liars do it compulsively, or at least with no clear motive.
He’s gonna be your nominee in 2024. You can say he lives rent free but right wing media follows his every move and pumps it into the airwaves, so maybe drop that tired ass lie.
Wanna bet? The only place I hear about him is msnbc and cnn. Lib networks are dying without his ratings bump thanks to delusional nuts like you and bob.
Just based on definitions, I'd argue no. Most politicians have a reason when they lie. Pathological liars do it compulsively, or at least with no clear motive.
Good point. I guess my disdain for almost all politicians makes them all pathological liars in my mind and that’s admittedly unfair of me.
He is a pathological liar. For someone who believes everything trump tells you, you don't believe him now? He says the VP could have overturned the election. Not that Pence could send the results back to the states as you have argued before. No, just that one man has the right to overturn the election. Tell me what precedent there is for that.

Why do Trump lies bother you so.....Its a psychological condition with you. Seek help. NEVER have seen a post by you on the many Biden lies. But tons on Trump lies.

Politicians lie. Not a shocking story.
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Why do Trump lies bother you so.....Its a psychological condition with you. Seek help. NEVER have seen a post by you on the many Biden lies. But tons on Trump lies.

Politicians lie. Not a shocking story.
Is that poster a political science major or a professor, I wonder? He is really “all in” on this stuff.
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Wanna bet? The only place I hear about him is msnbc and cnn. Lib networks are dying without his ratings bump thanks to delusional nuts like you and bob.
Who’s gonna challenge him? Your attempt at deflection is lame at best. As long as people like Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cruz and their ilk continue to bow down to him and openly fawn about him, he’s it. You don’t need “lib networks” to tell you that. I know you know all this, of course.
I would suggest engaging in good faith then and not letting what some of these other folks on here are saying influence you.
Thanks. Do you engage in good faith by posting a divisive “Typical Republican” post after mentioning stupidity and hypocrisy that I think I read?
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Thanks. Do you engage in good faith by posting a divisive “Typical Republican” post after mentioning stupidity and hypocrisy that I think I read?

All I’m saying is the guys who are liking some of your posts aren’t posting in good faith. As for my posts, don’t worry about them. And as for the one in question, interesting that you call me out but let the original one go. Quite curious.
All I’m saying is the guys who are liking some of your posts aren’t posting in good faith. As for my posts, don’t worry about them. And as for the one in question, interesting that you call me out but let the original one go. Quite curious.
Oh, ok. So take your direction but don’t worry about your posts that promote the opposite of the direction you’re telling me to take. Sounds a bit hypocritical but I won’t worry about that since you told me not to worry about your posts.

In all honesty, I didn’t pay any mind to the original post because I rarely click on links. I’ll go check it out though. What did it say?
I have but he didn’t answer when I asked. Thank you for the suggestion though.
I'm not a political science major or a professor. I am simply a citizen who takes an active interest in politics. That okay with you? Why are you quesioning why I post here and nobody else?

I referred to DeSantis as Ron because it was easier to type. There's no hidden meaning for doing it.
I'm not a political science major or a professor. I am simply a citizen who takes an active interest in politics. That okay with you? Why are you quesioning why I post here and nobody else?

I referred to DeSantis as Ron because it was easier to type. There's no hidden meaning for doing it.
That’s cool. Yes, it’s fine with me and nobody should care if it was or wasn’t fine with me. I don’t care who wastes their time in what fashion around here unless you’re like another poster posting complete divisive nonsense promoting himself as the “black perspective” because he does not represent that. Not even close. I do care about his posts.

The reason I brought up DeSantis was because I have a lot of family members of Cuban heritage that live in Florida who are huge DeSantis supporters. I just found it funny you called him “Ron”.
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I'm not a political science major or a professor. I am simply a citizen who takes an active interest in politics. That okay with you? Why are you quesioning why I post here and nobody else?

I referred to DeSantis as Ron because it was easier to type. There's no hidden meaning for doing it.
And the reason why I questioned you and nobody else was that you were posting about past Presidents and not current events. Didn’t know if you were some quasi-historian or professor that discusses Presidents from the past.
He’s gonna be your nominee in 2024. You can say he lives rent free but right wing media follows his every move and pumps it into the airwaves, so maybe drop that tired ass lie.
Do you follow right-wing media, puf, or are you just repeating what you hear left-wing media say about right-wing media?
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Oh, ok. So take your direction but don’t worry about your posts that promote the opposite of the direction you’re telling me to take. Sounds a bit hypocritical but I won’t worry about that since you told me not to worry about your posts.

In all honesty, I didn’t pay any mind to the original post because I rarely click on links. I’ll go check it out though. What did it say?
Yeah So I really don’t GAF how you take my posts, to be quite honest. You do you. And I’m no more hypocritical than you are since you’ve chided BNI for spending too much time on here when you’ve been speed posting since you randomly showed up.
Do you follow right-wing media, puf, or are you just repeating what you hear left-wing media say about right-wing media?
Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? If you don’t think he’s not going to be the nominee right now, you’re even dumber than I thought. It’s not some kind of stretch here.
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Yeah So I really don’t GAF how you take my posts, to be quite honest. You do you. And I’m no more hypocritical than you are since you’ve chided BNI for spending too much time on here when you’ve been speed posting since you randomly showed up.
You’re probably reacting like this because I’m calling out your hypocrisy about your posts regarding good faith and hypocrisy. No problem here.

I believe he’s posted thousands of times and all he does is divide and be negative. I don’t think I’m anywhere close to that but I’ll have to take a look. I took advantage of the Rivals deal a couple of months ago after a friend of mine that I went to Purdue with told me about the site and Brian Neubert’s content.

Do you have a problem with me being here? You seem a little perturbed between telling me not to worry about your posts and then you telling me that you “don’t GAF” how I take your posts.
He is a pathological liar. For someone who believes everything trump tells you, you don't believe him now? He says the VP could have overturned the election. Not that Pence could send the results back to the states as you have argued before. No, just that one man has the right to overturn the election. Tell me what precedent there is for that.
When did I ever say I believed everything he tells me? Oh I know... never.

Trump says a lot of things that are incorrect. This is one of them. The "lies" you guys always complain about is mostly inaccurate statements made by Trump. He's not intentionally lying. He just doesn't fully know wtf he's talking about. Again, this is one of those situations.
Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? If you don’t think he’s not going to be the nominee right now, you’re even dumber than I thought. It’s not some kind of stretch here.
Puf, I was doubting your claimed expertise about what right-wing media is claiming. The post was about you, not Trump. Is that too complicated for you to understand?
And the reason why I questioned you and nobody else was that you were posting about past Presidents and not current events. Didn’t know if you were some quasi-historian or professor that discusses Presidents from the past.
Bob has been obsessing about Trump for 5+ years now. This is the mild version compared to when he was in office. He is obsessed with everything Trump. My thoughts are he was hoarding plywood and OSB in his back yard so when Biden can keep a $10-12 product up to $40 where it is again he is selling on the blackmarket and likely not paying taxes on the profits.
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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America​

If the Vice President (Mike Pence) had “absolutely no right” to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many other irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election? Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!

Don't know how it could be more clear. He wanted Pence to overturn the election.

Or there was the two draft Executive orders to seize the voting directing the Secretary of the Defense to take them and a second that intended to have DHS confiscate the machines (with Rudy being the go between for Trump). Trump also told Barr he had the power to obtain the machines. Barr disagreed.

Trump's statement also shows how the first plan was to have Pence unilaterally decertify the election. Only after it was clear Pence wasn't going to do it did he shifted the idea of sending it back to the states........All part of the Eastman memo.

Then we have the alternate electors from 7 states.........which were to be used if Pence could be persuaded to say the states' results were in dispute and send them back to the states. Subpoenas issued.

All this was probably cooked up at the Willard Hotel command center where Rudy, Eastman, Bannon, Bernie Kerik and others held court, complete with calls from the WH, to devise a way to keep trump in power.
Hey Bob - are you getting a tax deduction for your investment in Pedos R Us ???
The only times Trump tells the truth is when he's tryign to make another lie, but screws it up (again) and actually says something truthful.
The saddest part is all the conservatives that aren't bothered by that.
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The only times Trump tells the truth is when he's tryign to make another lie, but screws it up (again) and actually says something truthful.
The saddest part is all the conservatives that aren't bothered by that.
So all the conservatives aren’t bothered by Trump’s lies but he’s losing the party according to you in another post? Are you a brain dead tard? Yes