I don't understand all the hate going on. I think it is okay to disagree and protest but not violently. These people are going after Trump like he is evil or something. Calm down people.
I don't understand all the hate going on. I think it is okay to disagree and protest but not violently. These people are going after Trump like he is evil or something. Calm down people.
I don't understand all the hate going on. I think it is okay to disagree and protest but not violently. These people are going after Trump like he is evil or something. Calm down people.
Trump brought that one on by his reaction to the KKK, his comments about " in the old days, we would ..." & " I would like to hit one of those protestors in the face"
Of course, TV video of AA being escorted out of his rallies with red-faced kids taunting them & resembling white supremacy folks didn't help either.
Geez, . . I guess he never heard of the "DAY of RAGE" in Chicago. I mean, really ! ! Chicago ! ! What was he thinking ?? Does he really want to revisit civil rights protests & riots - I thought this country was beyond that now.
I can understand if you want to protest but be respectful about it. Why start yelling and jumping on stage? Does that really help make a difference?
Because they are paid to be there. This was a George Soros operation to ambush Trump. Leftists trying to overthrow the United States all upset because Trump beat them intellectually and made them look like the gimps they are.
The left tried to paint Trump as a racist to keep their voting block balkanized. Trump reacted perfectly about the KKK. If you overreact you appear as a racist. A non racist would shrug it off exactly as he did and not play into simpering and whimpering like a loser letting the media tame him like he is their shrew. He didn't fall for it. That is why he only gets more popular by the second.
It is a paid force. That was a Satanic lashing out against Trump by the Illuminati who had that arranged. The forces behind Obama thought they were going to ambush Trump. He snuffed it out and now the left looks like the Nazis they are. .
You have to be kidding ! For a guy who reacts IMMEDIATELY to any other issue or comment (usually with bluster and insults) to NOT respond clearly the first time the KKK and David Duke was mentioned was VERY VERY telling. He said he couldn't respond because he didn't know anything about them. What a croc ! The next morning there were videos of a younger trump calling them racists. (Ouch !)
A NON-racist would say that he doesn't support or believe in groups like that. But, . . . he didn't want to do that because he wants those votes ! Even for Donald, that's being a "Wienie" ! Stand TALL or sit DOWN !
I was even considering Trump in the event that Hillary became the Democratic nomination, but . . this kind of crap rubs me the wrong way. He is smart enough to know better ! What's he going to do next - have a rally at the Black Panther's headquarters ??
On the other hand, if he was in his ivory tower and didn't understand cities like Chicago, he just got educated. Theses kind of blunders usually cost politicians elections. His mistake ? - He just alienated the people he will want to win over in the general. (Those who DON'T want to vote for Hillary is she is the nominee.)
So here's my bold prediction:
Trump supporters will start crashing Sanders events. More fights. Someone's going to get killed or seriously hurt. That's the next logical step here.
He's also talking about maybe paying the legal fees of the sucker puncher.Step one complete:
He fired a warningshot at Sanders, suggesting that his supporters
could disrupt the Vermont senator and Democratic hopeful's events after some of the Chicago protesters brought pro-Sanders signs.
"If conservative Republicans ever went into his rally, you would see things happen that would be unbelievable," Trump said, even as he denied that a tweet he'd posted Sunday morning saying that Sanders should "be careful" was a threat.
Trump haha yah he's so racist one of the smartest people ever running for office as a brain surgeon who happens to be black put his support behind Trump on Friday. The left can't stand Trump because he makes them look like a wart on the lip and makes them look like gimps. They turn over the chess board in frustration calling him racist which Trump laughed off. He isn't playing the gimp games of the left.
My advice to you is to put that dude on ignore. As you've no doubt noticed, he's a few bananas short...A lot of smart people run for office (Bill went to Oxford, Obama went to Harvard,etc..) but no party has cornered the support of this group - Obviously ! The rest of your comments and just crap, and usually that means you don't have anything meaningful to say.
Look, I get people are PO-ed ! I am too. We are ALL tired of being taken advantage of. But , . . if you want to point the finger at someone or some thing, the ILLUMINATI argument is a stretch at best. Maybe Bill just called his pals in Chicago and said can you believe this Sh$#t ! - My wife could use your help. The Bernie signs are just COVER for whoever is behind it. (ie If they are so visibly trying to show it's a Bernie supporter, it must be Bill and Hillary.) Politics suck !
PSST ! When you don't respond to the COMMENTS, you just UNDERSCORE them ! ! He screwed up on the KKK stuff. BIG TIME ! BIG !
PSS I was actually thinking about Trump (HATE the thought of Hillary) but this crap makes me think twice. The best thing about Trump is he would make the FUR FLY inside and outside of the country. The news would be interesting again - kind of like the invasion of IRAQ. Maybe he should add Kasich to the ticket to temper him a bit and show change in Washington is possible again.
It is a paid force. That was a Satanic lashing out against Trump by the Illuminati who had that arranged. The forces behind Obama thought they were going to ambush Trump. He snuffed it out and now the left looks like the Nazis they are. In Nazi Germany they were the National Socialists. The only difference between the Nazis and the left is the left is the Nazi party under an international plan rather than specifically for one nation versus the others. It represents the end of America. So naturally when Trump gets up there and says make America great again bring our jobs back here, it really upsets the left who want to see America crumble and burn. This is why you see communist flags heralded by the left. They are the mob of mindless idiots. What has Trump really said in a nutshell? Common sense basic things. You need not look any further than Bush to be able to see the entire Illuminati infiltrators of the US government are out to get Trump because he represents restoration of America. The left criticized Bush but then hates Trump for bringing down Bush. Trump calls out Bush for the missing 28 pages on 911. The illuminati took Bush off the stage THE NEXT MORNING. Trump's message is be loyal to America. Obama and the left message is you are no longer an American citizen anymore you are a subject of the state under a global government. It is most certainly diametrically opposed. It really is the American revolution all over again. The left is feverishly in favor of international takeover of America so they'll be violent. You seen the educational system at work last night. A bunch of bullies upset because Trump slapped them in the face and made them look like the retards they are. They lashed out because Trump is going to restore the United States and they know it. The mistake the left is making is they think if Trump loses this that is going to make this go away and they are dead wrong. The American public has never been more aware of the Illuminati and THE NEW WORLD ORDER. A fight is coming people so get ready.
Satan, satire...is it a coincidence they both start the same??Is this satire?
It is ironic. The very same lefties who are always clamoring and protesting, are more than happy to try and stop people from expressing differing opinions, often by force. They are total hypocrites.You know, there have been candidates in the past that I thought were loony toons. Al Gore specifically. I would never, ever, spend a second of my time protesting him on the campaign trail. These people in chicago are the same ne'er-do-wells that have no jobs, no education, and in general nothing to do with their lives. All they want to do is silence another person's 1st amendment right by yelling and throwing things until they incite some kind of incident they can brag about in the media. These events are private events. They have no business being there interrupting them. You've got to be able to respect other peoples rights to organize and speak. These are hateful people. They will be hateful and unsuccessful no matter the result of the election.
It is a paid force. That was a Satanic lashing out against Trump by the Illuminati who had that arranged. The forces behind Obama thought they were going to ambush Trump. He snuffed it out and now the left looks like the Nazis they are. In Nazi Germany they were the National Socialists. The only difference between the Nazis and the left is the left is the Nazi party under an international plan rather than specifically for one nation versus the others. It represents the end of America. So naturally when Trump gets up there and says make America great again bring our jobs back here, it really upsets the left who want to see America crumble and burn. This is why you see communist flags heralded by the left. They are the mob of mindless idiots. What has Trump really said in a nutshell? Common sense basic things. You need not look any further than Bush to be able to see the entire Illuminati infiltrators of the US government are out to get Trump because he represents restoration of America. The left criticized Bush but then hates Trump for bringing down Bush. Trump calls out Bush for the missing 28 pages on 911. The illuminati took Bush off the stage THE NEXT MORNING. Trump's message is be loyal to America. Obama and the left message is you are no longer an American citizen anymore you are a subject of the state under a global government. It is most certainly diametrically opposed. It really is the American revolution all over again. The left is feverishly in favor of international takeover of America so they'll be violent. You seen the educational system at work last night. A bunch of bullies upset because Trump slapped them in the face and made them look like the retards they are. They lashed out because Trump is going to restore the United States and they know it. The mistake the left is making is they think if Trump loses this that is going to make this go away and they are dead wrong. The American public has never been more aware of the Illuminati and THE NEW WORLD ORDER. A fight is coming people so get ready.
The left tried to paint Trump as a racist to keep their voting block balkanized. Trump reacted perfectly about the KKK. If you overreact you appear as a racist. A non racist would shrug it off exactly as he did and not play into simpering and whimpering like a loser letting the media tame him like he is their shrew. He didn't fall for it. That is why he only gets more popular by the second.
Roll your eyes all you want. Both parties are quickly running out of viable establishment candidates. Rubio is, for all intents and purposes, done. He says he'll continue whining about Trump in all 50 states, but after he gets shellacked in FL tomorrow, he is as good as finished.Yes, the US will be far better off with Trump, Cruz or Sanders as president, rather than an establishment candidate. Excuse me while I go roll my eyes somewhere.
Trump embarrasses the left for who they are. A bunch of losers who want to be losers. Trump made them look so foolish by simply telling the truth that they are in a frenzy right now like a clumsy fat lineman that can barely make a lap around the track versus an NFL line on team Trump. They got run over embarrassment slap styled. They got humiliated and their treason is exposed so loud and clear. What makes Trump so amazing is that he so far is even better than Ron Paul at revealing how the entire government is a British Aristocracy playing games with America. You have International Socialist Party (a multiplication of the Nazi party National Socialists) and that is the only party there is in America and they control the Republican Party. Then Trump comes up there exposing how they have deliberately gut the country for takeover and Americans are paying the price losing all their wealth right now (because we can't produce it without manufacturing). Trump says all the logical things like if we are poor perhaps we need to square these trade deficits up and bring jobs back here so we can PRODUCE our own wealth and not depend on enemy countries to do it. Currency doesn't mean a hell of a lot if you can produce your own wealth but it sure does when other countries have all the means of production at America's expense while they gut a US dollar that isn't even backed by gold. Our GDP is zero right now. What are we going to buy our resources with our Wendy's hamburgers? We going to throw hamburgers at the world?
ON VIDEO people - find out why the Nazi left is so angry - Because Trump fool slapped these gimps