Trump: "Everything [I say] is a suggestion"


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003

"Donald Trump on Monday did not refute a report claiming he told The New York Times editorial board in an off-the-record meeting that his immigration views are in fact more flexible than he has made them seem throughout his presidential campaign. 'Everything is negotiable,' Trump said Monday on Fox News, responding to a question about whether the report, which undermines Trump's hardline stance on immigration, was accurate."

"Asked on Fox News whether his plan to deport all estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. was negotiable, Trump also suggested some leeway on that position."
You mean... he's NOT going to do all this neat-o stuff he's said he was going to do and that his positions are going to change? Shocked I tells ya.

"Donald Trump on Monday did not refute a report claiming he told The New York Times editorial board in an off-the-record meeting that his immigration views are in fact more flexible than he has made them seem throughout his presidential campaign. 'Everything is negotiable,' Trump said Monday on Fox News, responding to a question about whether the report, which undermines Trump's hardline stance on immigration, was accurate."

"Asked on Fox News whether his plan to deport all estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. was negotiable, Trump also suggested some leeway on that position."
Luckily Hillary is a real straight shooter.

"Donald Trump on Monday did not refute a report claiming he told The New York Times editorial board in an off-the-record meeting that his immigration views are in fact more flexible than he has made them seem throughout his presidential campaign. 'Everything is negotiable,' Trump said Monday on Fox News, responding to a question about whether the report, which undermines Trump's hardline stance on immigration, was accurate."

"Asked on Fox News whether his plan to deport all estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. was negotiable, Trump also suggested some leeway on that position."

A few things-

1) He really no longer has to win a Republican Primary so expect him to drift back towards center(so that is drifting right and sometimes left with him). That way he appeals to the larger mass. If Hilary manages to get out of her email/server issues, and the new issues with the Clinton "foundation", and manages to secure Democrat nomination, expect her to stop competing with Sanders and drift back to the middle as well

2) This is really not new. It(comments to NYT) were brought up in a debate. He did not deny them. What he said was he respected an individual's right to speak off the record, and thought it should stay that way. This news has been out for awhile now. The one time he actually praised Rubio(same debate) a bit was with Rubio's stance(s) on immigration, and Trump actually said something along the lines of agreeing with Rubio because one needs to take and give a little bit.

Again, do not see myself voting for DT. That said, if one actually listens to a debate and not all of the wild and distorted news clips of him, it is pretty evident that he both 1)realizes the need to negotiate 2) would negotiate and has said as much more than once. A lot of the other people in DC should take that advice.

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