So, in your mind, Obama crawling in bed and pulling the covers over his head, and pretending that Islamic terrorists don't exist is the ideal solution. The Left wants to ignore the problem and hope it goes away, if they even acknowledge the problem exists. Neville Chamberlin would be proud.Originally posted by TheCainer:
Seems to me to just be another right wing nut job, of which, sadly, too many have been elected to Congress in 2014.
Isn't he the same guy who said that ISIS will attack us by collaborating with the illegal immigrants and Mexican drug cartels to take over Arkansas?
I hope that he is right. tic
What an idiot. How many more fools, besides those on this message board, are going to give this guy any legitimacy?
This country is going down the $hitter faster than those who give this guy the time of day.
America is doomed as long as we put these types of imbeciles in office.
It's time for a reality check, America.
I don't have an issue with most of this, except the "wasn't" part. It probably isn't warranted any longer.Originally posted by qazplm:
IF there was some sort of legit reason for having GITMO, if it were somehow necessary, then that would be one thing. It isn't, and it wasn't.
It most certainly is not NOW. There is no remaining intelligence value whatsoever to the folks remaining.
Terrorists do not fall under the provisions of the Geneva accords.Originally posted by gr8indoorsman:
Why on earth does it matter if there are 30 more people pissed off at the US? Cotton is right. Those people don't need a reason, they already have one.
I don't have a problem with some of the means we used at GITMO; I have a problem with others. I don't have a problem with a small number of folks sitting in prison while we vet them as terrorists. I don't think the impact it has is going to go start some sort of revolution that doesn't already exist.
And frankly, I want those people held at as remote a location as possible for two reasons: 1) they can't infect other Americans with their ideology in our prisons; 2) they aren't threats to be broken out because it's impossible to get there.
One of those is easily correctable, the other not so much considering our prison overcrowding issues, even at the Federal level.
I have no problem treating them as POWs rather than criminals. None whatsoever. I'd even not mind straying from the Geneva accords (as we have) in the name of national security, but obviously some of the insanity down there needed to stop.
Foreign terrorists aren't required to get due process and if you look at them as POWs, they don't get released until the war is over. I don't see this war being over any time soon.Originally posted by qazplm:
that was exactly what Obama proposed sooner after his first election..."to move these people to stand criminal trials and be put into supermaxes" but the republicans blocked that, and continue to block it.
It's a big deal for MORE than just the people being held. So you think GITMO only matters to the folks there, that our reputation only takes a hit for those handful of people?
SOME of them may be if your point is, some of them might be released, you don't have to close GITMO for that, most of them were released already in one way or another by multiple admins, a few more may be released as well because we don't have evidence and because we can't detain them til they die without even a tiny sliver of due process.
You are correct. I actually read about that yesterday, that during the Bush administration, they had ruled on it several times.Originally posted by qazplm:
they don't agree with you that foreign terrorists don't get due process.