Good question. Unless he's playing for the NC, not sure what counts as a "meaningful" bowl game.
Another question: Over the past 30-40 years (or whatever time frame of choice), how many players have been injured in a bowl game, affecting their draft status, or even NFL opportunity?
Only one immediately comes to mind for me (but, admittedly, there might be more): Miami RB (McGahee) with a knee injury in the NC game vs. OSU. (He had a very successful 10-year career in the NFL after that.)
For what it's worth, I might be missing it, but I don't see a contingent of people criticizing the decisions, just a lot of conversation. It seems like there is an effort to demonize (not you, MBF) anyone who brings up the subject, or remotely questions the practice.
EDIT: I missed your response before posting,