The Donald


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
After watching him last night and the last week, I give him "credit" for a couple of things:

1. He knows people. He knows that fear sells, and he knows that people who are afraid just want someone to tell them they are doing something...anything, doesn't matter what the details are. Which is why with a large minority of voters he is popular because he ignores the details, and he goes full-on fear like no one's business.

2. He knows people. The way he treats people seems to be, if you aren't a threat or you are nice to me, I'm nice to you. If you are a threat or you attack me in anyway, I go full-on nasty. Most people don't want full-on nasty because most people, even politicians are mostly non-confrontational. You saw it with Cruz last night. Cruz didn't rise to the attack challenge, and Donald pulled back. This leaves it where the folks who could challenge him because they are relatively close to him in the polls (Cruz, Rubio) don't out of fear of alienating his supporters. Leaving those to attack as being folks so far out it doesn't matter (Bush, Kasich, Fiorina and Paul) which makes the attacks ineffectual.

Thus, until Cruz or Rubio engage in attacking Trump, I think he's not going anywhere.
After watching him last night and the last week, I give him "credit" for a couple of things:

1. He knows people. He knows that fear sells, and he knows that people who are afraid just want someone to tell them they are doing something...anything, doesn't matter what the details are. Which is why with a large minority of voters he is popular because he ignores the details, and he goes full-on fear like no one's business.

2. He knows people. The way he treats people seems to be, if you aren't a threat or you are nice to me, I'm nice to you. If you are a threat or you attack me in anyway, I go full-on nasty. Most people don't want full-on nasty because most people, even politicians are mostly non-confrontational. You saw it with Cruz last night. Cruz didn't rise to the attack challenge, and Donald pulled back. This leaves it where the folks who could challenge him because they are relatively close to him in the polls (Cruz, Rubio) don't out of fear of alienating his supporters. Leaving those to attack as being folks so far out it doesn't matter (Bush, Kasich, Fiorina and Paul) which makes the attacks ineffectual.

Thus, until Cruz or Rubio engage in attacking Trump, I think he's not going anywhere.
He is the apex of a philosophy that grew a voice in the early 70's, it had no merit but from the 80's on made a few very wealthy, so much so it's taught in every university today, money, money, it's all that matters. No votes, voters.. are going to change any of it, a condemn structure isn't easily restored. for us GenXer's and above be content we once knew America, it is dead now. Go x,y,z candidate and make us great again!!!
Carly eats dog food.

She says that President Obama is a dog eater and that is why you should vote for a Republican.

She then gives the dogs a Republican persona.

Thanks I vomited a little in my throat

That little girl voice she does a couple of times in that video...I know she thinks it makes her more likeable, but coming out of her mouth, it's just, creepy. I'd say the same thing if Hillary ever tried that.
New Q-poll says 44 percent of Republicans would be proud to have Trump be President...only half would be embarrassed.

Noodle, still think I'm trolling?
After watching him last night and the last week, I give him "credit" for a couple of things:

1. He knows people. He knows that fear sells, and he knows that people who are afraid just want someone to tell them they are doing something...anything, doesn't matter what the details are. Which is why with a large minority of voters he is popular because he ignores the details, and he goes full-on fear like no one's business.

2. He knows people. The way he treats people seems to be, if you aren't a threat or you are nice to me, I'm nice to you. If you are a threat or you attack me in anyway, I go full-on nasty. Most people don't want full-on nasty because most people, even politicians are mostly non-confrontational. You saw it with Cruz last night. Cruz didn't rise to the attack challenge, and Donald pulled back. This leaves it where the folks who could challenge him because they are relatively close to him in the polls (Cruz, Rubio) don't out of fear of alienating his supporters. Leaving those to attack as being folks so far out it doesn't matter (Bush, Kasich, Fiorina and Paul) which makes the attacks ineffectual.

Thus, until Cruz or Rubio engage in attacking Trump, I think he's not going anywhere.
The leftists don't get it. And, really, I'm hoping you never do.

The rise of Trump is due to one thing: Obama's abject failure as a leader. Period!!~

People want to be secure. They're not. Until this clown understands that, he and his lackeys will continue to attribute his failures to his race ... and other inconsequential attributes. And ... I love it. It's a loser's mentality. That's Obama. A loser. That's why we are where we are.

Understand, I don't follow Trump. Couldn't care less about him. But, unless the radical leftists in the Democrat party abandon Marxist-Socialist positions, THEY are going to be the losers.

Obama was an outlier ... someone who got the job based on the CULT of personality, rather than ideas. Remember? He was a ... "blank slate".

There's a political cleansing in the works ... will the Repubes get rid of the RINOs? Will the Demoncrats lose the Socialists? Will we truly get back to a Constitutional Republic? Or, we will we continue to wallow down the path this cult of leftists has sent us?

The popularity of Trump is a sign ... for those who care to understand...
The leftists don't get it. And, really, I'm hoping you never do.

The rise of Trump is due to one thing: Obama's abject failure as a leader. Period!!~

People want to be secure. They're not. Until this clown understands that, he and his lackeys will continue to attribute his failures to his race ... and other inconsequential attributes. And ... I love it. It's a loser's mentality. That's Obama. A loser. That's why we are where we are.

Understand, I don't follow Trump. Couldn't care less about him. But, unless the radical leftists in the Democrat party abandon Marxist-Socialist positions, THEY are going to be the losers.

Obama was an outlier ... someone who got the job based on the CULT of personality, rather than ideas. Remember? He was a ... "blank slate".

There's a political cleansing in the works ... will the Repubes get rid of the RINOs? Will the Demoncrats lose the Socialists? Will we truly get back to a Constitutional Republic? Or, we will we continue to wallow down the path this cult of leftists has sent us?

The popularity of Trump is a sign ... for those who care to understand...

Yes, of our youngest Presidents, twice elected, Senator, Harvard Law...happily married with two great kids...not even in his 60s yet...but he's a "loser."
And even though he had a four-year record, he won the second time as a "blank slate."

OK. I have to laugh at someone who thinks EVERYTHING is the "fault of the leftists." Or someone who uses absolutely stupid language like "repubes" or "demoncrats." Laughter is the only response. Trump is exactly about people like you. People so freaking scared of something that rarely ever happens that they will toss away everything for "security."

Funny that you don't follow Trump, but you sound so much like him.
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Yes, of our youngest Presidents, twice elected, Senator, Harvard Law...happily married with two great kids...not even in his 60s yet...but he's a "loser."
And even though he had a four-year record, he won the second time as a "blank slate."

OK. I have to laugh at someone who thinks EVERYTHING is the "fault of the leftists." Or someone who uses absolutely stupid language like "repubes" or "demoncrats." Laughter is the only response. Trump is exactly about people like you. People so freaking scared of something that rarely ever happens that they will toss away everything for "security."

Funny that you don't follow Trump, but you sound so much like him.
They're scared of what they can't articulate, they can't articulate the problem because their confidence was in an ideology of illusion, the propaganda became belief, and it's damn near impossible for those duped by con men to accept and admit they were duped once the con becomes belief. That's why the anger and hate is frightening, it's real, because admitting they were fools is something most can't do until some sort of bottoming out, and historically they will be the ones who push to that bottoming out and will pull others down with them.
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They're scared of what they can't articulate, they can't articulate the problem because their confidence was in an ideology of illusion, the propaganda became belief, and it's damn near impossible for those duped by con men to accept and admit they were duped once the con becomes belief. That's why the anger and hate is frightening, it's real, because admitting they were fools is something most can't do until some sort of bottoming out, and historically they will be the ones who push to that bottoming out and will pull others down with them.

Thing is, many people read that and if they did not follow the thread would think that you were describing Obama and the left.

Actually liked her until I saw that video. Whoever told her this was a good idea should be fired. That she was talked into it, decided to do it, or thought it as a good idea on her own is worse.
After watching him last night and the last week, I give him "credit" for a couple of things:

1. He knows people. He knows that fear sells, and he knows that people who are afraid just want someone to tell them they are doing something...anything, doesn't matter what the details are. Which is why with a large minority of voters he is popular because he ignores the details, and he goes full-on fear like no one's business.

2. He knows people. The way he treats people seems to be, if you aren't a threat or you are nice to me, I'm nice to you. If you are a threat or you attack me in anyway, I go full-on nasty. Most people don't want full-on nasty because most people, even politicians are mostly non-confrontational. You saw it with Cruz last night. Cruz didn't rise to the attack challenge, and Donald pulled back. This leaves it where the folks who could challenge him because they are relatively close to him in the polls (Cruz, Rubio) don't out of fear of alienating his supporters. Leaving those to attack as being folks so far out it doesn't matter (Bush, Kasich, Fiorina and Paul) which makes the attacks ineffectual.

Thus, until Cruz or Rubio engage in attacking Trump, I think he's not going anywhere.

-Well, if you are going to be honest with yourself, Obama ignored a lot of details while campaigning as well, especially this early. In a way, that is why it can be an advantage to not have much of a government voting record or history when running. Be the cool guy, be engaging, be the new guy, be funny, just get liked, play people. Trump has a lot of similarities to Obama really. Sad in politics, but true.

-Hate to say it, if there is a major attack near the GE, and Trump is the candidate, I think he wins. He will manipulate that to no end.

-Obama also used a lot of fear tactics/emotions in regards to debt and health care. Made both a ton worse anyway.

-I think Trump says and acts like he does for two reasons: 1) He is hardly spending any money on this campaign now. Want to be in the news and dominate headlines? Say off the wall, controversial, stuff. 2) I think he realizes much of the reason Obama won in 08, and to a lesser extent in 12, was he dominated the news cycle much of the time. It is free coverage and a great strategy. Trump realizes it. Trump realizes the media is to the left and will not cover another standard candidate as much as someone that is acting like him. Poor reflection on society that people get caught up in it.

-Would Trump, if elected President actually do what he claims or says he will do? I doubt it. He has to get plans okayed by Congress and that will be tough. Has to find money for it and with interest rates going up that will be tougher yet.

-I really think it is much more basic than what you suggest as to why people like Trump, or at least why he polls well. Many are just sick and tired of the government not doing much about anything. Tax reform? Talked of all the time. Immigration and border control fixes? Talked about all the time. Corporate taxes? Fix the VA(huge Obama black mark)? Border control? I think with a lot of the issues on college campuses now many are tired of the political correctness gone overboard and with Trump he comes off as the outsider/ rebel.

-As for the full on nasty remarks, politicians are like that. Especially Obama, he just had other Pelosi and Reid take care of most of it for him. What is appealing to many about Trump, is that he does it himself.

Point is, while they are different people and different with how they go about things-I think their strategies have many more similarities than people would like to admit.
Did Donald just make fun of Hillary for returning late from a bathroom break by saying juvenile things yeecchh, I don't even want to talk about it and saying she got "schlonged" in the debate? Then saying he hates the press and repeatedly assuring that he wouldn't kill them? How utterly embarrassing it would be for this man to be nominated as a candidate
Did Donald just make fun of Hillary for returning late from a bathroom break by saying juvenile things yeecchh, I don't even want to talk about it and saying she got "schlonged" in the debate? Then saying he hates the press and repeatedly assuring that he wouldn't kill them? How utterly embarrassing it would be for this man to be nominated as a candidate

Remember's alllll Obama's fault.
That is funny.

I think that people who say there is no difference are subject to the con.
Well thank you, in your infinite wisdom you're vote will save me from my misguided beliefs because your candidate will be the f'ing differance maker!
Well thank you, in your infinite wisdom you're vote will save me from my misguided beliefs because your candidate will be the f'ing differance maker!
the supreme court is one vote away from all sorts of difference making decisions so yes it matters.
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Well thank you, in your infinite wisdom you're vote will save me from my misguided beliefs because your candidate will be the f'ing differance maker!

I would have no problem with you no longer voting.
If you like Bob Knight you probably like Donald Trump and visa versa. BTW, Bob Knight came out in favor of Trump.