Supreme Court reform is critical to our democracy

Well, damn it, when the stacked Federal circuit court's attempts at social legislation get overturned by a Supreme Court that uses the Constitution for a guide, change is necessary.
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Well, damn it, when the stacked Federal circuit court's attempts at social legislation get overturned by a Supreme Court that uses the Constitution for a guide, change is necessary.
Still trying to win the 2016 election 8 years later.

RBG still waiting for HRC to pick her replacement.🤪
So changing the number of justices or putting term limits is a necessary change for an entity that hasn’t changed in 150 yrs.

That’s todays Democratic Party.


🤡 administration
Like spoiled children, when Dims don't like the outcome, they change the rules.
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Didn’t the repubs changed the voting rules in several states because they didn’t like the results of the 2020 election?
Some States had their Democratic Governors or Ag's relax the rules for the 2020 election due to covid.
Per the US Constitution only the State Legislature can modify voting rules.
The Democrats changed the rules. The Republicans want the rules followed for this election.
And yes some State Legislators passed laws that reinforced the original State Election Laws.
I believe some even added some conditions.
What rule would that be?
What do you mean what rule? We’ve been discussing this since 2020.

Voter ID, removed drop boxes in urban areas. Increased drop boxes in rural areas. Curtailed mail in voting. Curtail absentee voting. Reduced early voting days and hours. Removed Sunday voting. Etc.

The conservatives in the SCOTUS laid the ground work for these rule changes in 2013 when they gutted the 1964 Voting Rights Act. They took out where before any voting rule changes, the district or state had to ask the US DOJ for permission to make the change.
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What do you mean what rule? We’ve been discussing this since 2020.

Voter ID, removed drop boxes in urban areas. Increased drop boxes in rural areas. Curtailed mail in voting. Curtail absentee voting. Reduced early voting days and hours. Removed Sunday voting. Etc.

The conservatives in the SCOTUS laid the ground work for these rule changes in 2013 when they gutted the 1964 Voting Rights Act. They took out where before any voting rule changes, the district or state had to ask the US DOJ for permission to make the change.
Why are you opposed to requiring voter ID?
Why are you opposed to requiring voter ID?
I’ve said this several times. Out of all of the rule changes, voter ID I like. However, it’s the timing of requiring the voter ID is what I don’t like. The first wave of voter ID requirement came after the 2008 election when Obama won. The repubs did not like the results. The clever repub strategists noticed that a lot of blacks in the large cities that voted for Obama did not have a state ID for various reasons. A lot of older black people did not have a state ID anymore nor had their birth certificates anymore to get an ID.

Move forward to 2020, this voter ID requirement continued along with other voter suppression laws that target Dems in general like mail in, drop boxes, absentee, etc. I don’t think voter ID is much of issue anymore as folks I think adjusted and have ID’s. The other aforementioned voting methods are more of an issue now.
Didn’t the repubs changed the voting rules in several states because they didn’t like the results of the 2020 election?
Comparing packing the USSC or implementing term limits is a different universe from changing state voting laws that probably changed 4 years ago
I’ve said this several times. Out of all of the rule changes, voter ID I like. However, it’s the timing of requiring the voter ID is what I don’t like. The first wave of voter ID requirement came after the 2008 election when Obama won. The repubs did not like the results. The clever repub strategists noticed that a lot of blacks in the large cities that voted for Obama did not have a state ID for various reasons. A lot of older black people did not have a state ID anymore nor had their birth certificates anymore to get an ID.

Move forward to 2020, this voter ID requirement continued along with other voter suppression laws that target Dems in general like mail in, drop boxes, absentee, etc. I don’t think voter ID is much of issue anymore as folks I think adjusted and have ID’s. The other aforementioned voting methods are more of an issue now.
What's your thoughts on ballot harvesting?
I’ve said this several times. Out of all of the rule changes, voter ID I like. However, it’s the timing of requiring the voter ID is what I don’t like. The first wave of voter ID requirement came after the 2008 election when Obama won. The repubs did not like the results. The clever repub strategists noticed that a lot of blacks in the large cities that voted for Obama did not have a state ID for various reasons. A lot of older black people did not have a state ID anymore nor had their birth certificates anymore to get an ID.
Bullshit. You keep using this tired and factually incorrect argument of "the timing" of voter I.D., which, yet again, is another thing I've debunked for you and you refuse to learn.

The first wave of voter I.D. didn't come in 2008. It started years before that. I suggest you do some reading on this issue because it is easily debunked.

At the federal level, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires a voter ID for all new voters in federal elections who registered by mail and who did not provide a driver's license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number that was matched against government records.[1] Though state laws requiring some sort of identification at voting polls go back to 1950, no state required a voter to produce a government-issued photo ID as a condition for voting before the 2006 elections. Indiana became the first state to enact a strict photo ID law, which was upheld two years later by the U.S. Supreme Court.[2][3] As of 2021, 36 states have enacted some form of voter ID requirement.[2][4] Lawsuits have been filed against many of the voter ID requirements on the basis that they are discriminatory with an intent to reduce voting.[5] The proliferation of voter ID laws has prompted non-partisan, non-profit organizations like League of Women Voters and VoteRiders to work with and for U.S. citizens so that everyone who is eligible to cast a vote can do so.[6][7]

Move forward to 2020, this voter ID requirement continued along with other voter suppression laws that target Dems in general like mail in, drop boxes, absentee, etc. I don’t think voter ID is much of issue anymore as folks I think adjusted and have ID’s. The other aforementioned voting methods are more of an issue now.
Voter I.D. today is to combat the mass cheating that is involved with mail in ballots and drop boxes. Most civilized countries require an I.D. when they vote AND they DO NOT ALLOW mass mail in voting. Do you want to take a guess as to why?
Bullshit. You keep using this tired and factually incorrect argument of "the timing" of voter I.D., which, yet again, is another thing I've debunked for you and you refuse to learn.

The first wave of voter I.D. didn't come in 2008. It started years before that. I suggest you do some reading on this issue because it is easily debunked.

At the federal level, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires a voter ID for all new voters in federal elections who registered by mail and who did not provide a driver's license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number that was matched against government records.[1] Though state laws requiring some sort of identification at voting polls go back to 1950, no state required a voter to produce a government-issued photo ID as a condition for voting before the 2006 elections. Indiana became the first state to enact a strict photo ID law, which was upheld two years later by the U.S. Supreme Court.[2][3] As of 2021, 36 states have enacted some form of voter ID requirement.[2][4] Lawsuits have been filed against many of the voter ID requirements on the basis that they are discriminatory with an intent to reduce voting.[5] The proliferation of voter ID laws has prompted non-partisan, non-profit organizations like League of Women Voters and VoteRiders to work with and for U.S. citizens so that everyone who is eligible to cast a vote can do so.[6][7]

It requires thinking. Very tough for sheep who allow themselves to be brainwashed by MSNBC.
Never heard of it.
Come on man.
This practice, known as ballot collecting or ballot harvesting, has been effective at increasing voter participation. But it has also generated controversy and concern about election fraud. Some see the practice of ballot collection as a voter service that can help many groups, such as:

  • Elderly voters
  • People with disabilities
  • Native American voters living on remote reservations
Others see it as a political tool that can easily lead to voter fraud. Whether ballot harvesting is legal depends on your state's absentee voting laws and mail-in voting rules.

Give a lib a list of those elderly voters and you might as well put a rooster in charge of Kentucky Fried.
Come on man.
This practice, known as ballot collecting or ballot harvesting, has been effective at increasing voter participation. But it has also generated controversy and concern about election fraud. Some see the practice of ballot collection as a voter service that can help many groups, such as:

  • Elderly voters
  • People with disabilities
  • Native American voters living on remote reservations
Others see it as a political tool that can easily lead to voter fraud. Whether ballot harvesting is legal depends on your state's absentee voting laws and mail-in voting rules.

Give a lib a list of those elderly voters and you might as well put a rooster in charge of Kentucky Fried.
Ooh! Helping the elderly vote can lead to voter fraud? Y’all are a piece of work.
Bullshit. You keep using this tired and factually incorrect argument of "the timing" of voter I.D., which, yet again, is another thing I've debunked for you and you refuse to learn.

The first wave of voter I.D. didn't come in 2008. It started years before that. I suggest you do some reading on this issue because it is easily debunked.

At the federal level, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires a voter ID for all new voters in federal elections who registered by mail and who did not provide a driver's license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number that was matched against government records.[1] Though state laws requiring some sort of identification at voting polls go back to 1950, no state required a voter to produce a government-issued photo ID as a condition for voting before the 2006 elections. Indiana became the first state to enact a strict photo ID law, which was upheld two years later by the U.S. Supreme Court.[2][3] As of 2021, 36 states have enacted some form of voter ID requirement.[2][4] Lawsuits have been filed against many of the voter ID requirements on the basis that they are discriminatory with an intent to reduce voting.[5] The proliferation of voter ID laws has prompted non-partisan, non-profit organizations like League of Women Voters and VoteRiders to work with and for U.S. citizens so that everyone who is eligible to cast a vote can do so.[6][7]


Voter I.D. today is to combat the mass cheating that is involved with mail in ballots and drop boxes. Most civilized countries require an I.D. when they vote AND they DO NOT ALLOW mass mail in voting. Do you want to take a guess as to why?
Several westernized countries require 2 IDs to prove residency. And absentee ballots are very restricted. We need to make a national Election Day.