Stormy's Hush Money


Jul 15, 2006
So Stormy Daniels, a porn star that had at least some sort of relationship with, was paid $130,000 in hush money days before the election through a company set up in Delaware tied back to Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen claims he paid her the hush money so she wouldn't talk prior to the election - but that Trump had no idea he was doing it. He claims he paid it out of his own pocket without Trump's knowledge.

Of course this begs the question - if Trump didn't do anything, why would hush money need to be paid to her before the election?

Now she is suing - saying that Trump never signed the agreement under his alias - David Dennison.

Of course, the Evangelicals are a-ok with Trump having an affair with a porn star while his wife was pregnant at the time. And of course, someone's personal lawyer paying off someone to be quiet and his client "not knowing" is totally believable - and totally respectable.
So Stormy Daniels, a porn star that had at least some sort of relationship with, was paid $130,000 in hush money days before the election through a company set up in Delaware tied back to Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen claims he paid her the hush money so she wouldn't talk prior to the election - but that Trump had no idea he was doing it. He claims he paid it out of his own pocket without Trump's knowledge.

Of course this begs the question - if Trump didn't do anything, why would hush money need to be paid to her before the election?

Now she is suing - saying that Trump never signed the agreement under his alias - David Dennison.

Of course, the Evangelicals are a-ok with Trump having an affair with a porn star while his wife was pregnant at the time. And of course, someone's personal lawyer paying off someone to be quiet and his client "not knowing" is totally believable - and totally respectable.
I'm surprised they paid her at all. This wouldn't bring him down.
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I’m more surprised at how badly they seem to have botched this whole pay off the pornstar dealio. Hopefully they learn from this and do a better job in the future
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I'm no evangelical (I'm not even sure what that means) and I didn't vote for Trump but I doubt this guy would've given Obama a do over on something similar. Just like the media would not be so lenient on Trump if he had done what Clinton did. Hypocrisy everywhere!
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I'm no evangelical (I'm not even sure what that means) and I didn't vote for Trump but I doubt this guy would've given Obama a do over on something similar. Just like the media would not be so lenient on Trump if he had done what Clinton did. Hypocrisy everywhere!

Perkins and dobson both.

reminds me back in the day when ole newt gingerich confessed on dobson's show about having his own affair during the time he was trying to take down clinton.
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Franklin Graham said something along the same lines. They all probably got their stories straight on a conference call.
I see that a lot from CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, and etc. Party underlings put out the talking points and the sheep follow...
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I'm no evangelical (I'm not even sure what that means) and I didn't vote for Trump but I doubt this guy would've given Obama a do over on something similar. Just like the media would not be so lenient on Trump if he had done what Clinton did. Hypocrisy everywhere!
Keep in mind that any Obama affair would have been with a dude, and the left would have celebrated it.
Well since he didn't have an affair this is just all wishful thinking bullshit.

The man in the WH did. John Edwards says be careful.
The gay bathhouse stories about Obama in Chicago are real.

Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels in 2006. If affairs haven’t tanked Trump by now, they’re not going to. Seems you’re the one using “wishful thinking bullshit”.
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The gay bathhouse stories about Obama in Chicago are real.

Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels in 2006. If affairs haven’t tanked Trump by now, they’re not going to. Seems you’re the one using “wishful thinking bullshit”.
Lol. They're real cause you or some other Obama hater says so.

READ my post. Trump's real problems aren't going to come from his affair, it's clear his supporters have no problems with his character expect nothing moral from him.

John Edwards. Do you know who he is and what happened to him?
Lol. They're real cause you or some other Obama hater says so.

READ my post. Trump's real problems aren't going to come from his affair, it's clear his supporters have no problems with his character expect nothing moral from him.

John Edwards. Do you know who he is and what happened to him?
Ancient history. Not applicable NOW.
So Stormy Daniels, a porn star that had at least some sort of relationship with, was paid $130,000 in hush money days before the election through a company set up in Delaware tied back to Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen claims he paid her the hush money so she wouldn't talk prior to the election - but that Trump had no idea he was doing it. He claims he paid it out of his own pocket without Trump's knowledge.

Of course this begs the question - if Trump didn't do anything, why would hush money need to be paid to her before the election?

Now she is suing - saying that Trump never signed the agreement under his alias - David Dennison.

Of course, the Evangelicals are a-ok with Trump having an affair with a porn star while his wife was pregnant at the time. And of course, someone's personal lawyer paying off someone to be quiet and his client "not knowing" is totally believable - and totally respectable.
My question... If Donald, err, President Dennison, slipped one past the goalie and Stormy ended up with child, what would he have done? Raised that child in a home of love? No. Right to the clinic to take care of it. I hate the hypocrisy.
My question... If Donald, err, President Dennison, slipped one past the goalie and Stormy ended up with child, what would he have done? Raised that child in a home of love? No. Right to the clinic to take care of it. I hate the hypocrisy.
Maybe Trump would not have run in the first place if that had happened? Speculation like that is pretty useless.
Remember when CNN ran wall to wall coverage of all of Clinton's accusers? Yeah - me neither.

He, President Dennison, had such a great life... Banging porn stars, watching "Shark Week," hanging in one of his mansions. Why do this president thing?
Perfect example of meaningless whataboutism.
Come on that happened just the other day, 20 years ago. I do recall that none of the Clinton stuff back then was on Twitter or Facebook. I never saw one email about it. Not one story on my smart phone. GD Libtards.

Update: In addition it was not covered on one of my 30 cable channels (my parents had the high end package) and MSNBC, despite not being a thing yet, did not do one story about it. Stupid MSM. Drain the Swamp!
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Remember when CNN ran wall to wall coverage of all of Clinton's accusers? Yeah - me neither.


hmmm lets see.

years later in 2008, cnn and donald were still talking about it:
the Lewinsky scandal was "totally unimportant" and said it was "nonsense" that Republicans tried to impeach his friend Bill.

1998 cnbc:
called paula Jones a "loser" (lol)

also 1998 on fox news! :
"I don't necessarily agree with his victims. His victims are terrible. He is, he is really a victim himself. But he put himself in that position. These people are just, I don't know, where he met them - where he found them. But the whole group — it's truly an unattractive cast of characters. Linda Tripp, Lucianne Goldberg, I mean, this woman, I watch her on television. She is so bad. The whole group, Paula Jones, Lewinsky, it's just a really unattractive group. I'm not just talking about physical."