So, Robert Aaron Long


True Freshman
Apr 9, 2004
could not register to vote AND vote on the same day in Georgia, But he could buy a firearm and kill people on the same day in Georgia. Only D.C. and ten states have waiting periods for firearms purchases. D.C. and 21 states have same day registration for voting. Depressing how repugnantcans want more states to emulate Georgia and fewer to emulate D.C.
could not register to vote AND vote on the same day in Georgia, But he could buy a firearm and kill people on the same day in Georgia. Only D.C. and ten states have waiting periods for firearms purchases. D.C. and 21 states have same day registration for voting. Depressing how repugnantcans want more states to emulate Georgia and fewer to emulate D.C.

But what about the muslim terrorist who shot up the grocery store?
But what about the muslim terrorist who shot up the grocery store?
Did he buy his weapons the same day? No, he did not. And if Boulder's assault weapons ban had not been ruled unconstitutional, MAYBE Alissa would have been stopped before he could kill those people. Alissa and Long appear to be mentally unstable. Not sure if a comprehensive background check would have discovered that, but it would not have been unreasonable.
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could not register to vote AND vote on the same day in Georgia, But he could buy a firearm and kill people on the same day in Georgia. Only D.C. and ten states have waiting periods for firearms purchases. D.C. and 21 states have same day registration for voting. Depressing how repugnantcans want more states to emulate Georgia and fewer to emulate D.C.
haha man dc is a rathole. Go live in anacostia if you love it so much! Obviously you never go there...gun control doesn't work there!!
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Did he buy his weapons the same day? No, he did not. And if Boulder's assault weapons ban had not been ruled unconstitutional, MAYBE Alissa would have been stopped before he could kill those people. Alissa and Long appear to be mentally unstable. Not sure if a comprehensive background check would have discovered that, but it would not have been unreasonable.

I am an avid gun enthusiast
I firmly believe anyone wanting to own a fire arm should:
1) Go through a gun ownership and safety class.
2) Go through a stringent back ground evaluation.
3) Be required to carry a gun ownership permit.
4) Be required to take the above classes every 5 years to renew the license.

Now once the above is accomplished the license owner should be able to lawfully carry a fire arm in any State, County or City. He/She should also be able to purchase a fire arm without delay by presenting the license.
I am an avid gun enthusiast
I firmly believe anyone wanting to own a fire arm should:
1) Go through a gun ownership and safety class.
2) Go through a stringent back ground evaluation.
3) Be required to carry a gun ownership permit.
4) Be required to take the above classes every 5 years to renew the license.

Now once the above is accomplished the license owner should be able to lawfully carry a fire arm in any State, County or City. He/She should also be able to purchase a fire arm without delay by presenting the license.
I agree with 1-4 but states should be able to set their own rules for carry.........and there's no reason to be slinging an AR at the 7-11.
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I agree with 1-4 but states should be able to set their own rules for carry.........and there's no reason to be slinging an AR at the 7-11.
Agree on the 7-11 or any private business, court room, court house etc. that doesn't allow for any type of fire arm for obvious reasons. But I should be able to drive down Lake Shore Drive, in Chicago, with a fire arm in my vehicle.

Should states be able to set their own election laws? The constitution says so.
Currently HR-1 would not allow that.

I don't believe states should have the authority to over ride a constitutional right.
Did he buy his weapons the same day? No, he did not. And if Boulder's assault weapons ban had not been ruled unconstitutional, MAYBE Alissa would have been stopped before he could kill those people. Alissa and Long appear to be mentally unstable. Not sure if a comprehensive background check would have discovered that, but it would not have been unreasonable.
What is an assault weapon?
Did he buy his weapons the same day? No, he did not. And if Boulder's assault weapons ban had not been ruled unconstitutional, MAYBE Alissa would have been stopped before he could kill those people. Alissa and Long appear to be mentally unstable. Not sure if a comprehensive background check would have discovered that, but it would not have been unreasonable.
Yeah, I don't think we get to play the what if game here. Especially since the vast majority of shootings are caused by ILLEGAL guns. More gun laws won't help.
According to The Denver Post:
Of course, you don't agree with the Post's definition.
Why is the assault riffle the object of legal action against guns when it's the pistol that is the weapon of choice in the vast majority of mass shootings and murders? Riffles are extremely low on that list.

Out of the ~40,000 people killed every year by guns, less than 400 a year are killed by a riffle. Hell, knives kill almost 3 times the number of people as riffles do. Should we ban knives?
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Why is the assault riffle the object of legal action against guns when it's the pistol that is the weapon of choice in the vast majority of mass shootings and murders? Riffles are extremely low on that list.

Out of the ~40,000 people killed every year by guns, less than 400 a year are killed by a riffle. Hell, knives kill almost 3 times the number of people as riffles do. Should we ban knives?
Being a moron is a prerequisite for being a conservative. Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury?
Being a moron is a prerequisite for being a conservative. Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury?
I list a bunch of facts and your reaction is to claim I'm a moron??? I think you need to re-think this strategy of yours, because your projecting at this point.
I list a bunch of facts and your reaction is to claim I'm a moron??? I think you need to re-think this strategy of yours, because your projecting at this point.
Having no shame means sitting here defending assault rifles like they’re being bullied on a playground. Go back to your vacation, 03. Your brain needs a loooong break.
Having no shame means sitting here defending assault rifles like they’re being bullied on a playground. Go back to your vacation, 03. Your brain needs a loooong break.
How is stating facts having no shame? I didn't even get to the facts of how many times guns are used to SAVE lives. That little tid bit of info never makes it into the public discourse. Why? Because it's not convenient to the Left's narrative.

Consider this. There are anywhere from 100,000 to 3 million defensive uses of guns per year. Hard to put a solid number to it, because most cases go unreported. But let's just assume it's the lowest of the low at 100,000. That's still more than twice the number of people that are killed by guns each year. Oh yeah, and of the 40,000 people killed by guns each year almost 25,000 of those are suicide. So that means it's only around 15,000 people a year are killed by guns. Take a wild guess how many of those deaths are gang related. The gun control argument has no argument when you bring in all the facts. Thanks for trying to play.
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could not register to vote AND vote on the same day in Georgia, But he could buy a firearm and kill people on the same day in Georgia. Only D.C. and ten states have waiting periods for firearms purchases. D.C. and 21 states have same day registration for voting. Depressing how repugnantcans want more states to emulate Georgia and fewer to emulate D.C.

I would be fine with same day voter registration if it required an ID and an FBI background check.

Good to see you are pro voter ID laws.
How is stating facts having no shame? I didn't even get to the facts of how many times guns are used to SAVE lives. That little tid bit of info never makes it into the public discourse. Why? Because it's not convenient to the Left's narrative.

Consider this. There are anywhere from 100,000 to 3 million defensive uses of guns per year. Hard to put a solid number to it, because most cases go unreported. But let's just assume it's the lowest of the low at 100,000. That's still more than twice the number of people that are killed by guns each year. Oh yeah, and of the 40,000 people killed by guns each year almost 25,000 of those are suicide. So that means it's only around 15,000 people a year are killed by guns. Take a wild guess how many of those deaths are gang related. The gun control argument has no argument when you bring in all the facts. Thanks for trying to play.

Give me one reason why anyone should have an assault rifle. Just one. The rest of your babbling was just right wing nonsense talking points about people coming for all your guns, which no one is doing.
Give me one reason why anyone should have an assault rifle. Just one. The rest of your babbling was just right wing nonsense talking points about people coming for all your guns, which no one is doing.
LOL, you just proved to me that you know exactly DICK about guns. People have riffles for many reasons. Hunting, sport (such as target practice), and yes personal and home protection. This absolutely stupid claim that nobody needs more than 10 rounds in a magazine is not based on any facts whatsoever. Considering that police officers who are trained generally only hit once in 7 shots. If you only have 10 and there are multiple intruders. You're dead.
LOL, you just proved to me that you know exactly DICK about guns. People have riffles for many reasons. Hunting, sport (such as target practice), and yes personal and home protection. This absolutely stupid claim that nobody needs more than 10 rounds in a magazine is not based on any facts whatsoever. Considering that police officers who are trained generally only hit once in 7 shots. If you only have 10 and there are multiple intruders. You're dead.

I said assault rifle. Catch up.
He was talking about voting.
Yes, I know that, but in multiple posts now, you have proven you don't have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to guns. You probably believed that news program years back that claimed they were shooting an AR 15 into a watermelon. They then proceeded to shoot the watermelon with a 12 gauge shot gun and continued their story as if they didn't just pull some moronic bait and switch.
Give me one reason why anyone should have an assault rifle. Just one. The rest of your babbling was just right wing nonsense talking points about people coming for all your guns, which no one is doing.
What is an assault rifle? Let’s see another liberal try to define what one is.
Yes, I know that, but in multiple posts now, you have proven you don't have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to guns. You probably believed that news program years back that claimed they were shooting an AR 15 into a watermelon. They then proceeded to shoot the watermelon with a 12 gauge shot gun and continued their story as if they didn't just pull some moronic bait and switch.

You going to answer my question about why someone needs an assault rifle (and apparently I have to Be specific and say that I mean the kind used in so many of these mass killings) or are you going to just prattle on with more nonsense.

Also, why are you more concerned about voting than mass shootings? Talk about some fukked up priorities.
Oh god and here we go with the semantics. You know damn well what I’m talking about. Either make a point or move along.
No, I really don’t know because military grade weapons are already illegal so I’m trying to figure out what you all mean by an “assault rifle”.

Do you understand the reason behind the second amendment? Hint: It wasn’t for gun ownership.

And do you really believe that making these assault rifles you speak of, illegal will prevent people from possessing and having access to them?
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You going to answer my question about why someone needs an assault rifle (and apparently I have to Be specific and say that I mean the kind used in so many of these mass killings) or are you going to just prattle on with more nonsense.

Also, why are you more concerned about voting than mass shootings? Talk about some fukked up priorities.
You're well trained to feel this way. Jesus though you're very uneducated on the matter. FFS, I listed the facts. Mass shootings and all, less than 400 people killed every year by rifles. Yes that includes the dreaded assult rifle (whatever that is because the Dems like to move the goal posts). MOST mass shootings the guns are attained illegally. Most of those you don't hear about though because it doesn't fit the narrative. What narrative is that? That white people are evil and racist, because the vast majority of shootings or mass shootings for that matter are committed by black men. In fact black men are 6 times more likely to be a mass shooter than any other. Knives are used to kill 1,500 people a year. Almost 4 times the number of people killed by rifles.

Facts are that any legislation on guns will only take guns away from law abiding citizens and mass shootings with rifles won't go down one bit. Guaranteed.
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