So how many teams from Indiana make the Dance?


Aug 8, 2009
North Central Indiana
Valpo, PU, ND, Butler.....guess that's it. If Valpo can win their tourney. They beat Cleveland State tonight.

I think if PU wins one in the B10 tourney they're at lest a nine and could be a seven seed.
I don't see a 7 seed unless we play on Sunday - and maybe a 6 if we make a competitive game of it. If we win the first game against a quality opponent that will help. I really hope we are not on the 8-9 line. I would prefer a 10 to a 9.
Fair assessment. IU's loss should really knock them out. They were 3-6 in their last 9 BT games. Hardly NCAA tournament committee impressive statistic.
I hate to disagree, but I think IU is in.

I've seen this movie before.

IU will get in. The first round games are there to generate cash for the NCAA. Most teams have no chance of playing on the second weekend. The Committee recognizes this and knows that 3500 mouth breathers will show up to cheer for IU regardless of where they place them. IU will make the field for this reason. The Committee will place them at the outer reaches of humanity; the 3500 mouth breathers will sell their SNAP benefits to travel to Omaha; IU will lose to Timbuktu U; and the legion of mouth breathers, 3500 strong, will pelt the Timbuktu players with spit and racial slurs.

This post was edited on 3/8 9:30 AM by mk_peters
Get the emotion out of it . . . IU's fate, being a firm bubble team, will be determined by the number of conference upsets (Like Belmont winning theirs) and whether the Committee still chooses to tap another team (Murray State, who was ranked) from the same conference on the shoulder.

Like it or not, this is what makes March Madness and the Selection Show what it is . A rush of adrenaline when your school's name is flashed on the board as "dancing"!

Enjoy the rush and of course, Go Boilers!
Re: I hate to disagree, but I think IU is in.

Originally posted by mk_peters:
I've seen this movie before.

IU will get in. The first round games are there to generate cash for the NCAA. Most teams have no chance of playing on the second weekend. The Committee recognizes this and knows that 3500 mouth breathers will show up to cheer for IU regardless of where they place them. IU will make the field for this reason. The Committee will place them at the outer reaches of humanity; the 3500 mouth breathers will sell their SNAP benefits to travel to Omaha; IU will lose to Timbuktu U; and the legion of mouth breathers, 3500 strong, will pelt the Timbuktu players with spit and racial slurs.

This post was edited on 3/8 9:30 AM by mk_peters
You're right about the "generation of cash" theory. But it's also there to promote those mid-majors who are now better and competitive because of what happened a few years back...the NCAA lowering the number of scholarships per University. That has created parity, which creates upsets and allows the Wichita State's and the Valpo's and the Butler's to make runs and create fans.

I think you're absolutely wrong when you say IU is in. Now if they win two in BTT, they might be, but you can't take a team that has lost 8 of their last 12, lost to Northwestern, and to a MSU without their best player at home. Not when, as someone else said, you have Murray State, who was ranked all year and has a better resume than IU sitting home.

And if you think they don't watch and listen to the IU fan base's disgust with, and disdain for Tom Crean....and factor that in....have another cup of coffee.
I hope IU is out just so I can see CBS interview Clappy with all the sad faces around him during the selection show next week.
I don't think iu is in right now. I think lunardi agenda has them in but that agenda doesn't mean as nythibg to the selection committee.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
IU doesn't deserve to be in the Dance. They have lost the last 3 home games to unranked teams as well.
not the type of resume that gets you in. The good news is we have a GREAT coach...
Originally posted by hoosier48:
The good news is we have a GREAT coach...
Man, I have no clue what you're brewing in the basement but you need to leave that chit alone. It's got your head all screwed up.

BTW....what is Crean's record against Northwestern?
Originally posted by Heller:
Honestly Twin, I think Crean is a huge tool, but his record with no post presence is pretty amazing this year.
It sure is Heller. In a weak B10, IU came out smoking and in the last half of the season when everyone else is getting better they've lost 8 of their last 12. In the first half playing the Sisters of the Poor, IU outrebounded everyone by crashing the boards. The last half of the season when everyone adjusted their defensive pressure and schemes, not so much.

And might I mention, they lost their last three at home. He had 5-Star HMP in the post except for when he was injured, he recruited Priller and April and didn't redshirt either and never played them to help with their development.

Again, when everyone else was getting better, IU got a lot worse which comes down to coaching regardless of the lack of a big man. When your offense revolves around living by the three, which it did even with Cody and Noah, you take one hell of a risk.

There's problems in the locker room Heller, and it killed their momentum.
There's problems in the locker room Heller, and it killed their momentum.
ive heard about problems in the IU lockerroom mentioned repeatedly? Specifically, what are they?

FYI - heard from an IU student (take it fwiw) that Fischer transferred because he didnt 'fit in' with the culture of the other teammates like williams. Examples like they would lock him out of his room when he went to shower, picked on him for variety of trivial stuff, and generally just liked to make fun of him. How much fun is that from your own teammates?

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