I must say I'm disgusted by the result of the game today, but I'm not ready to write off the season. I suggest anyone ready to give up take the advice of the lady in the video. It sucked, but it was one game.
I said it after the Iowa game; this is a critical part of the season when we are facing more consistently strong competition and thus may experience some losses, but we are by no means in a hopeless situation. A few teams have done our team and coaches the service of exposing weaknesses that can cause us to lose. Weaknesses like not being able to feed our centers because we wasted too much time getting past presses and traps or because we faced an aggressive ball-denying zone and found no way to beat it. Weaknesses like a generally anemic offense when we can't feed our centers or hit enough 3's. Weaknesses like getting a bit flustered & making some bad decisions when we get behind. Weaknesses like the coaches being too slow or not bold enough to make adjustments soon enough. And others... we have a number of weaknesses, but...
Remember that we also have a good number of strengths. More strengths than weaknesses, IMO. The team has shown before it can learn from mistakes and improve - remember the turnaround last year. I think it is quite likely this team cannot fully achieve its potential without some losses like the one today. I believe the team and coaches will take the opportunity to figure out what went wrong in these losses - the root causes - and make corrections. I agree the coaches made some mistakes, but even highly paid coaches have bad days. I've had some great employees at my company have terrible, costly days, and as upset and frustrated as I was at the time, I'm so glad I didn't make a snap judgment and fire them. CMP will have some bad days, but more good ones IMO. I'm glad he's our coach.
Part of reason we lost tonight was the other team shot a lot of 3's and made a high percentage of them, and we show fewer 3's and made a lower percentage... Even the best teams can lose to mediocre competition when that happens. Also, it seemed like the refs were calling fouls as tight as the first game of the season after the new rules changes and areas of emphasis. So many whistles. It REALLY affected the rhythm of the game, and our team dealt with it worse than our opponent. I don't usually call out the refs, but they were absolutely a factor tonight.
Boiler Up! Let's go win some games now.