Shooting survivors are paid actors


Dec 14, 2006
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Oh they aren't.

I'm sure SDBoiler and his ilk will be in here shortly to let us know that the New York Times is part of the jewish globalist plot to destroy America.
The real story will come from a link like
Those folks are the truth tellers doing the real, hard news.
I feel for these kids. I think back ground checks are a good idea. I think a person should be required to get a license to own firearms. Once he has the license he can own, buy, possess a firearm in any county in any state in this country.
How times have changed and what happened? When I was in high school I brought my grandfathers shotgun to shop class and made a stock for it. I buddy brought his bow to school and we shot arrows, at straw bales, in the football field during lunch. The football coach took part.
Oh they aren't.

I'm sure SDBoiler and his ilk will be in here shortly to let us know that the New York Times is part of the jewish globalist plot to destroy America.
The real story will come from a link like
Those folks are the truth tellers doing the real, hard news.
I admit I had no idea what this thread/story was about but I did get a kick out of the last line of the Times article - "Within an hour, it had been shared on Facebook more than 150 times."

150 shares on Facebook? Oh the horror!!!!
Oh they aren't.

I'm sure SDBoiler and his ilk will be in here shortly to let us know that the New York Times is part of the jewish globalist plot to destroy America.
The real story will come from a link like
Those folks are the truth tellers doing the real, hard news.
Bugger off. I never said anything remotely close to your snarktacular harangue.
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Oh they aren't.

I'm sure SDBoiler and his ilk will be in here shortly to let us know that the New York Times is part of the jewish globalist plot to destroy America.
The real story will come from a link like
Those folks are the truth tellers doing the real, hard news.
Jack@$$. I’ve said before that I personally know people who lost children in the Sandy Hook shootings. It’s nearly destroyed some families. One little boy was shielded by Victoria Soto - she was shot and killed and he ran behind the deranged lunatic Adam Lanza, was shot at a few times as he ran down the hallway, and then ran with a few other classmates to a house nearby where an elderly gentleman sheltered them in his house. He has had to get serious mental health counseling ever since - nightmares.

Some people on-line said Sandy Hook was a false flag event. I know better. Eff off indy35, these school shootings hit particularly close to me and my sphere.
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Jack@$$. I’ve said before that I personally know people who lost children in the Sandy Hook shootings. It’s nearly destroyed some families. One little boy was shielded by Victoria Soto - she was shot and killed and he ran behind the deranged lunatic Adam Lanza, was shot at a few times as he ran down the hallway, and then ran with a few other classmates to a house nearby where an elderly gentleman sheltered them in his house. He has had to get serious mental health counseling ever since - nightmares.

Some people on-line said Sandy Hook was a false flag event. I know better. Eff off indy35, these school shootings hit particularly close to me and my sphere.

So people like this have no credibility to you with regards to their conspiracy theories around false flag shootings, perfect. We agree on this. Why do you believe people in this sphere of "news" on other topics, or are their reprehensible falsehoods limited to shooting survivors, they're on the up and up with everything else?
Ever tried to do anything about them?
Well, yes I have gr8. I helped lobby for increased security at schools in CT, such that people like Adam Lanza couldn’t get in them without passing through a metal detector and physically having guards at the doors. Some school districts pushed back despite a CT bill. It eventually died in conference as many bills do in CT.
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Well, yes I have gr8. I helped lobby for increased security at schools in CT, such that people like Adam Lanza couldn’t get in them without passing through a metal detector and physically having guards at the doors. Some school districts pushed back despite a CT bill. It eventually died in conference as many bills do in CT.
Good for you. Sounds like you did slightly more than nothing with this thing that touched you and your sphere so deeply.
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Well, yes I have gr8. I helped lobby for increased security at schools in CT, such that people like Adam Lanza couldn’t get in them without passing through a metal detector and physically having guards at the doors. Some school districts pushed back despite a CT bill. It eventually died in conference as many bills do in CT.
Good for you. Sounds like you did slightly more than nothing with this thing that touched you and your sphere so deeply.
Guy says he leans right but never speaks to liberals on here in such tone and manner. Gr8 is is Gr8 big d-bag.
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HA! from someone who has security at every fort or building he's worked in. What a trite little comment. Childish at best.
I don't work on forts, and I've stood the watch armed, taken myself and my commands into areas where people die, and directly interacted with those who would mean to do harm to me and my shipmates. I don't need to qualify my comment to a GS behind a desk who doesn't know the first damn thing about what I've done and what I do, but consistently pretends like he does because he happens to possess the same security clearance that I've had for more than 20 years.
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I don't work on forts, and I've stood the watch armed, taken myself and my commands into areas where people die, and directly interacted with those who would mean to do harm to me and my shipmates. I don't need to qualify my comment to a GS behind a desk who doesn't know the first damn thing about what I've done and what I do, but consistently pretends like he does because he happens to possess the same security clearance that I've had for more than 20 years.
good for you. sounds like you did slightly more than nothing.
Well, yes I have gr8. I helped lobby for increased security at schools in CT, such that people like Adam Lanza couldn’t get in them without passing through a metal detector and physically having guards at the doors. Some school districts pushed back despite a CT bill. It eventually died in conference as many bills do in CT.

Did you lobby to require increase security at schools or did you lobby to fund increased security at schools?
Oh they aren't.

I'm sure SDBoiler and his ilk will be in here shortly to let us know that the New York Times is part of the jewish globalist plot to destroy America.
The real story will come from a link like
Those folks are the truth tellers doing the real, hard news.
Maybe I’m off base but I believe the OP was pointing out the beloved SD’s love of each conspiracy theory to come down the pike! Now excuse me, Hillary just texted and I need to, ahem, snuff someone right after I place a pillow over a chief justices head.
Did you lobby to require increase security at schools or did you lobby to fund increased security at schools?
To increase security at schools. The bill that died in conference would have had the cities fund the increased security, with the state kicking in some of the funds. This is the way CT works. The state provides part of the funds.
So people like this have no credibility to you with regards to their conspiracy theories around false flag shootings, perfect. We agree on this. Why do you believe people in this sphere of "news" on other topics, or are their reprehensible falsehoods limited to shooting survivors, they're on the up and up with everything else?

SDBoiler, I'd love to hear your thoughts. We both find the "reporting" on these shootings from this sphere of "news" reprehensible. Clearly, 20 kindergartners were shot to death in Newtown, clearly the high school survivors of this recent school shootings are not paid actors. If these people writing articles will lie so readily about this topic, why in the world should they be given credibility with other topics (fake news mainstream media, Zionist globalist plots, deep state actors, Clinton's blown up scandal of the month, etc.)? Or does this sphere of "news" only throw aside their ironclad journalistic integrity when the topic is if the victims and survivors of mass shootings are real?
To increase security at schools. The bill that died in conference would have had the cities fund the increased security, with the state kicking in some of the funds. This is the way CT works. The state provides part of the funds.

Classic state legislative move. Unfunded mandates are the best.

At least it made it to a conference hearing. Bills have to be really bad to not get a hearing.
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SDBoiler, I'd love to hear your thoughts. We both find the "reporting" on these shootings from this sphere of "news" reprehensible. Clearly, 20 kindergartners were shot to death in Newtown, clearly the high school survivors of this recent school shootings are not paid actors. If these people writing articles will lie so readily about this topic, why in the world should they be given credibility with other topics (fake news mainstream media, Zionist globalist plots, deep state actors, Clinton's blown up scandal of the month, etc.)? Or does this sphere of "news" only throw aside their ironclad journalistic integrity when the topic is if the victims and survivors of mass shootings are real?
So some extreme news source creates a false story and therefore all center/right leaning news sources should be "thrown aside"? CNN/ABC/MSNBC have created more false stories than all other news sources combined in the past couple of years...but I'm willing to bet they get a pass from you and are still your source of news.
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You are a giant d-bag. You know nothing about S

So some extreme new source creates a false story and therefore all center/right leaning news sources to be "thrown aside"? CNN/ABC/MSNBC have created more false stories than all other news sources combined in the past couple of years...but I'm willing to bet they get a pass from you and are still your sources of news.
(Donald Trump Jr liked the tweets, Rush Limbaugh, Dinesh D'Souza, David Clarke, Ted Nugent, Former US Congressman Jack Kingston, Bill O'Reilly, a couple of state representatives, Russian bots are spreading the stories on social media to get it into the mainstream.) While not all of these folks have gone as far as Inforwars or Gateway Pundit stories, some of them have and the others have called into question the legitimacy of the survivors stories. This is hardly contained to a singular fringe news source.

Fox News will take a story that originates from Infowars or Gateway Pundit and sanitize it a bit to make it more palatable to a larger audience. They'll go right along with conspiracy theories for their viewers.

Trying to compare anything like this to ABC/NBC/CNN is laughable and doesn't even merit consideration. Ridiculous assertion.
(Donald Trump Jr liked the tweets, Rush Limbaugh, Dinesh D'Souza, David Clarke, Ted Nugent, Former US Congressman Jack Kingston, Bill O'Reilly, a couple of state representatives, Russian bots are spreading the stories on social media to get it into the mainstream.) While not all of these folks have gone as far as Inforwars or Gateway Pundit stories, some of them have and the others have called into question the legitimacy of the survivors stories. This is hardly contained to a singular fringe news source.

Fox News will take a story that originates from Infowars or Gateway Pundit and sanitize it a bit to make it more palatable to a larger audience. They'll go right along with conspiracy theories for their viewers.

Trying to compare anything like this to ABC/NBC/CNN is laughable and doesn't even merit consideration. Ridiculous assertion.
Oh yes, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN are unimpeachable in their coverage. With idiots like Morning Joe and Mika, Don Lemon, Cuomo, Madcow.....LMAO
Oh yes, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN are unimpeachable in their coverage. With idiots like Morning Joe and Mika, Don Lemon, Cuomo, Madcow.....LMAO

So that's your response, unsurprising but sad. Please point to anything, anything from those people that comes close to reporting that we've seen on the school shootings from your favorite sources. I'd hoped that school shooting coverage, which apparently doesn't hit that close to home, may help you come to question some of the motivations and sources that you have, guess not.
Maybe I’m off base but I believe the OP was pointing out the beloved SD’s love of each conspiracy theory to come down the pike! Now excuse me, Hillary just texted and I need to, ahem, snuff someone right after I place a pillow over a chief justices head.
or a standard run of the mill ad hom attack that seem to be increasingly popular among those unable to posit non fallacious arguments.
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(Donald Trump Jr liked the tweets, Rush Limbaugh, Dinesh D'Souza, David Clarke, Ted Nugent, Former US Congressman Jack Kingston, Bill O'Reilly, a couple of state representatives, Russian bots are spreading the stories on social media to get it into the mainstream.) While not all of these folks have gone as far as Inforwars or Gateway Pundit stories, some of them have and the others have called into question the legitimacy of the survivors stories. This is hardly contained to a singular fringe news source.

Fox News will take a story that originates from Infowars or Gateway Pundit and sanitize it a bit to make it more palatable to a larger audience. They'll go right along with conspiracy theories for their viewers.

Trying to compare anything like this to ABC/NBC/CNN is laughable and doesn't even merit consideration. Ridiculous assertion.
omg. How many times has the main stream media been proven to be completely and totally wrong about a news story in the past couple of years? I've lost count its happened so often. And not just that - in some cases that have knowingly and willfully created false news stories. Those one time respected new outlets are trash now. You just don't want to accept it because you agree with their agenda. News flash - they're news agencies...they shouldn't have an agenda.

I will give those news outlets credit though - at least they no longer hide their agenda like they did for several decades. Fox News basically forced them out of the liberal closet.
omg. How many times has the main stream media been proven to be completely and totally wrong about a news story in the past couple of years? I've lost count its happened so often. And not just that - in some cases that have knowingly and willfully created false news stories. Those one time respected new outlets are trash now. You just don't want to accept it because you agree with their agenda. News flash - they're news agencies...they shouldn't have an agenda.

I will give those news outlets credit though - at least they no longer hide their agenda like they did for several decades. Fox News basically forced them out of the liberal closet.

Nope. Just because you don't like a story doesn't mean it's false. Just because it doesn't fit with what you want to believe doesn't mean they made it up.
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Nope. Just because you don't like a story doesn't mean it's false. Just because it doesn't fit with what you want to believe doesn't mean they made it up.
What are you saying "nope" to? That your sources of news have been wrong or in some case have created false news?
What are you saying "nope" to? That your sources of news have been wrong or in some case have created false news?

You just have selection bias because outlets with actual journalistic integrity own up to their mistakes and retract errors. It's a normal thing that has always happened but now you have a bunch of right wing nutjobs who lose their shit every time it happens.
What are you saying "nope" to? That your sources of news have been wrong or in some case have created false news?
Journalists have made mistakes, right now there is a rush to be first to break a story. Mistakes are corrected. That's hardly the same as a widespread conspiracy to create false stories out of thin air, there is a misinformation problem but it's on the right.
You just have selection bias because outlets with actual journalistic integrity own up to their mistakes and retract errors. It's a normal thing that has always happened but now you have a bunch of right wing nutjobs who lose their shit every time it happens.
Indy was grouping all non left wing news sources into one basket. That's like saying The View is the same as 60 Minutes.
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Journalists have made mistakes, right now there is a rush to be first to break a story. Mistakes are corrected. That's hardly the same as a widespread conspiracy to create false stories out of thin air, there is a misinformation problem but it's on the right.
CNN has been pushing the Trump/Russia story 24/7 for over a year without a shred of evidence. They've been on an anti-Trump campaign since he got elected. You don't see it as a conspiracy to create a false story out of thin air because you hate Trump and believe everything CNN tells you. Your perspective is not allowing you to be objective on this topic.
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So I thought some of you would get a kick out of this. The DailyKos put out a list of new sources grouped under left leaning, neutral, or right leaning. Some of these I've never heard of but I got a chuckle out of the fact that they think the New York Times is "middle" and that CNN and Slate are "right".

Just goes to show you that when you are so far left, you think anything right of you is either middle or right.

Political News Sources: Left to Right

Campaign for America's Future
Daily Kos
Democratic Underground
Crook & Liars
Political Carnival
Mother Jones
ThinkProgress (wonkroom)
Rolling Stone Politics
American Prospect
Center for American Progress
Media Matters
New Republic
Huffington Post
Daily Beast
Foreign Policy
National Journal
Talking Points Memo TPM
Guardian (UK)
New York Times
MSN News
RealClearPolitics RCP
Washington Examiner
Washington Independent
Politics Daily
Al Jareeza
The Hill
Washington Post
Financial Times (UK)
American Conservative
Wall Street Journal
National Review
Free Republic
Weekly Standard
Washington Times
Blaze (Glenn Beck)
World Net Daily
Big Government (Breitbart)

Others (neutral)

New Yorker
Vanity Fair

This Week
US News & World Report



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