My daughter and son-in-law were given tickets to the Purdue-Vanderbilt game at Mackey. They were given to them by his seed dealer. When they arrived at the arena it was 30-40 minutes before tip off. There were some people sitting in their seats talking to others in the area so they sat in these seats (3 and 4) while they waited for the people talking to move to their seats. ln the meantime an older couple arrived and got very rude with my daughter and son-in-law and kept insisting very loud that they get out of their seats. They wouldn't listen to any explanation and kept yelling about them being in their seats. Total douche bags! And it was still 20-30 minutes before game time.
I hope most patrons to Mackey Arena are not like these two. Shows you how something like this can ruin it for somebody at a sporting event.
I hope most patrons to Mackey Arena are not like these two. Shows you how something like this can ruin it for somebody at a sporting event.