Scholarships or lack there of


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2007
I looked at the roster, I see heading into this season only 12 of the allotted 15 were used, I can understand banking 1 or possibly 2, however, keeping 3 seems like a little much. With Murphy flunking out and Keys leaving that leaves 5 for next season, my guess is we'll probably see a girl or two leave, it usually happens. I hope that Versyp seeing how the roster played out this season realizes this and looks to add a graduate transfer or two if they come available, injuries and stuff happens, however, having a lineup where 6 girls play with 15 scholarships available is a little extreme. Kyle or anyone that covers the program, is this a question that can be asked of coach next time you talk to her?
I am sure that Coach V is aware of it and not happy about it. I would suspect she will do everything she can to not repeat what happened this season. Some depth would have easily put this team in the NCAA, which they may attain anyway. Currently with no additions, there are 13 players slated to be on the roster next season. If we do lose any and they are from the core of the returnees ( like McBride, Horrocks( maybe) and Murphy were,) then those who are pointing out that V can't keep a roster will have more ballast. A lot of teams lose players every year. (MD lost that superstar frosh pg for no reason I can fathom), but if it persistently happens to your program--particularly players who have played well and are expected to be major contributors ( MCBride and Murphy) then you have real problems. We will see because I believe if Coach V keeps a solid core for next year, this team will be formidable, at least in the BT.
I am sure that Coach V is aware of it and not happy about it. I would suspect she will do everything she can to not repeat what happened this season. Some depth would have easily put this team in the NCAA, which they may attain anyway. Currently with no additions, there are 13 players slated to be on the roster next season. If we do lose any and they are from the core of the returnees ( like McBride, Horrocks( maybe) and Murphy were,) then those who are pointing out that V can't keep a roster will have more ballast. A lot of teams lose players every year. (MD lost that superstar frosh pg for no reason I can fathom), but if it persistently happens to your program--particularly players who have played well and are expected to be major contributors ( MCBride and Murphy) then you have real problems. We will see because I believe if Coach V keeps a solid core for next year, this team will be formidable, at least in the BT.
Yep 13 scholies at this time are accounted for, however, that's including two girls coming off bad injuries and one not injured that never plays, I'm guessing 1 or 2 ladies will leave, ideally would like to see at least 1 solid grad transfer and possibly 1 late addition from the High school ranks that hasn't signed yet, guessing a few good ones are still left. McBride leaving was ridiculous, she would have been playing 30-35 minutes a night!
Whether players leave is always in question and the status of injured players too. But with 13 potential scholarship players I would hope we might have 10, or 11. Without Cooper and the others, during a promising season, we have 7 and Gray and Kiesler are still developing. We definitely need more depth and Keys will be as big a loss as Morrisette was last year.
Whether players leave is always in question and the status of injured players too. But with 13 potential scholarship players I would hope we might have 10, or 11. Without Cooper and the others, during a promising season, we have 7 and Gray and Kiesler are still developing. We definitely need more depth and Keys will be as big a loss as Morrisette was last year.
Thank you for your expertise regarding the women's team,I am a novice fan that does look at results every time they play.
I looked at the roster, I see heading into this season only 12 of the allotted 15 were used, I can understand banking 1 or possibly 2, however, keeping 3 seems like a little much. With Murphy flunking out and Keys leaving that leaves 5 for next season, my guess is we'll probably see a girl or two leave, it usually happens. I hope that Versyp seeing how the roster played out this season realizes this and looks to add a graduate transfer or two if they come available, injuries and stuff happens, however, having a lineup where 6 girls play with 15 scholarships available is a little extreme. Kyle or anyone that covers the program, is this a question that can be asked of coach next time you talk to her?

Only twice since Sharon Versyp became coach has the women's team had a full complement of scholarship players on the roster. 2007 -13 (because of loss of two scholarships mandated by sanctions against previous coaching staff); '08-15, 09-13, 10-12, 11-14, 12-14, 13-12, 14-12, 15-10, 16-11, 17-12. I base my count on the mid season roster since many roster changes occur well after the start of a season. As an example, a red shirt from 2015 was dismissed from the team in January 2018, but is part of the roster of 12 for the 2017-18 year. Red shirts and injuries are counted as players on the roster even if they are not able to play because it is their red shirt year or an injury shuts a player down for the balance of a season.

It is interesting to look at the progression of the class of 2014. Five players signed in November 2013. One red shirted for an injury in freshman year. Two transferred out after the freshman year, as did the red shirt player. One of remaining two red shirted because of injury in the junior year and then transferred out at the end of the red shirt, leaving only one scholarship player out of a class of five for the senior year. There is a similar pattern for the class of 2015. One player left out of four, although one of the four did not enter school and remained out of school, and re-entered in the class of 2016. The class of 2017 already has two potential red shirts because of injuries out of a class of five.