Rep Ryan's redundant refugee bill

Nov 24, 2012
Why is congress so inept? This redundant piece of legislature is nothing more than added bureaucracy wasted tax dollars. As republican rep Jeff Flake, a member of Foreign Relations panel, says vetting process is "pretty thorough and more robust" than has been described. It takes an average of 18-24 months before these refugees step foot in America. Over 2,100 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US since 9/11 resulting in zero terrorism arrests or deportations. So these refugees are the face of the
new evil to scare the weak minded.
More concerning is the fact then when Ryan was questioned about shoring up security in the issuance of visas, of which we do ~ 10 million times a year, he looked flummoxed and hastily moved to the next question. Business as usual I guess.
Don't worry, once Trump gets in there, there will effectively institute his Muslim-American tracking database he just proposed.
I'm sure there won't be any issues. Give me security...f^%^ liberty.
Don't worry, once Trump gets in there, there will effectively institute his Muslim-American tracking database he just proposed.
I'm sure there won't be any issues. Give me security...f^%^ liberty.

What is ISIS doing differently from the Prophet Muhammed?

ISIS is following the playbook of their Prophet. Or, ISIL if you are the President.
Why is congress so inept? This redundant piece of legislature is nothing more than added bureaucracy wasted tax dollars. As republican rep Jeff Flake, a member of Foreign Relations panel, says vetting process is "pretty thorough and more robust" than has been described. It takes an average of 18-24 months before these refugees step foot in America. Over 2,100 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US since 9/11 resulting in zero terrorism arrests or deportations. So these refugees are the face of the
new evil to scare the weak minded.
More concerning is the fact then when Ryan was questioned about shoring up security in the issuance of visas, of which we do ~ 10 million times a year, he looked flummoxed and hastily moved to the next question. Business as usual I guess.

Our "set-up" is nothing like the EU for a number of reasons. One, there's an ocean between. The EU is basically like a US in terms of countries being states and travel is more open now between those "countries". So it's just a matter of getting in the EU and you can travel pretty freely. I don't envy the EU given that they don't want it to hinder things traveling with a global economy.

That being said, the refugee hysteria is a bit over the top. Most of these attackers are home grown in France/Belgium. The real problem with this attack was not Syria's refugee problem, it was the inability to keep track of intelligence. France's intelligence services are incredibly overwhelmed and with more technology out there, it's much harder to track everything (there's been talk about how you can be communicating via PlayStation that's incredibly difficult for intelligence services to keep track of). Was Europe handling the screening of refugees in the best way? Absolutely not. But that was not happening and is not happening in the US. Also, it is important to remember that most of the victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. These people are fleeing their terror.
What is ISIS doing differently from the Prophet Muhammed?

ISIS is following the playbook of their Prophet. Or, ISIL if you are the President.

I see so you support registration and tracking of all Muslims in the US, citizens or no, yes?
It takes an average of 18-24 months before these refugees step foot in America
if Donald Trump convinced America he was a devout Christian by stating "I love the Bible," I'm pretty sure a Syrian refugee can figure it out in 18-24 months.
It takes a lot, lot less to come into this country as a tourist than as a refugee. Why aren't we closing the border to all tourists until the head of the FBI personally vouches they've checked out each tourist? Don't you people want to be absolutely 100 percent safe?!
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