All over this and other boards I read are posters going at each other from their traditional Dem vs Rep views. When I was a kid I asked my Mom and Dad what the difference between the groups were. Dems are for the people and Reps are for business was the answer. When I see this bickering continue her whether it is gun control, immigration, etc. it is just stupid.
The FACTS ARE that neither party gives one crap about any of us!!! All they want is power and money,! Until we all wake up and demand changes to the electoral system, i.e. Term limits and campaign finance reform we can all continue to sit back and spend our time attacking each other on boards like these and watch our "representatives" take our money and our freedoms.
1. Term Limits does what except make the same folks you say are in it for power and control fight even harder to get both (and the money that comes with both) while they can, while also making it more likely that unqualified or crazy folks get in with more frequency?
2. Democrats are on board with campaign finance reform. We passed bills about it (even with some Republican support). Your republican justices voted it down. But sure, both sides are the same.
There is nothing lazier than the whole both sides are equally to blame and they all suck folks. It's intellectually facile.
There are people, in both parties who are trying to do what they think is right. There are people, in both parties who, to varying degrees, have motives other than that. There are ideologues in both parties, and there are compromisers in both parties.
We had more compromise in earlier eras primarily because Republicans back then were better. Reagan was better. Bush Sr was better. The senators and republicans in the House were better. Better at what? Better at compromising. Better at trading this for that. Better at giving up in one area to gain in another.
Tip and Reagan made deals. Tip got domestic things he wanted, Reagan got the military/foreign policy stuff he wanted. Bush Sr. did the same thing...only right about then the Rush Effect started and instead of getting credit for compromising on taxes with a modest raise to address the economy, he ended up losing the election over it more or less.
From then on, one side has gotten more and more unwilling to compromise and more and more willing to label the other side not just as wrong, but evil, stupid, anti-American.
And yes, that certainly engender similar views from the other side.
I would love for conservatives to return to the mindset of Reagan and Bush Sr. I'd still disagree with their policies, but we'd have compromise, and we'd move forward on things like infrastructure, addressing a changing workplace, etc.
Instead, we get if Obama and the Dems are for it, then we are a'gin it, because Obama is stupid and evil and not American.