Record droughts and massive unemployment


Oct 29, 2001
Over water shortage is getting worse. Solution? Import more people!

Anyone want to explain how importing more people (especially poor, unskilled, uneducated, non-English speaking people) is going to help Americans? Let's hear it.
So since these immigrants are finding jobs…..why aren't Americans? I thought unemployed Americans were lazy and just wanted to live on food stamps? Or maybe the immigrants are willing to take minimum wage salaries, which will not earn the average American a living wage. But then people say raising the minimum wage is bad for business. Oh, and now it's a huge immigrant problem that's causing environmental problems because we never had droughts before Hispanic immigrants. And we must never address ways to help these environmental problems.

It's quite the circle of hypocrisy you have going on here.
You sounds like a Democrat

I'm not gonna explain it, because it's not going to help.

You sound remarkably like a Democrat circa 10-15 years ago.

That was when Republicans and corporations wanted to go slow on immigration enforcement in order to depress wages and bust unions. "We need these people; they do the work that Americans won't do," went the rallying cry.

How soon they forget.
You have a terrible memory

Democrats have been for immigration, legal or otherwise, from the Third World for decades. Probably since before the 1965 immigration reform act. Hell, the unions are pro-immigration because they see them as future dues paying members.
Only some of them are finding jobs. Many go on welfare. The jobs they often find are low-paying and off the books. You're not comparing apples to apples.

I thought unemployed Americans were lazy and just wanted to live on food stamps?

Yeah, many do and the party you vote for makes it feasible.

Oh, and now it's a huge immigrant problem that's causing environmental
problems because we never had droughts before Hispanic immigrants.

Causing environmental problems??? No, dummy, if you have a drought going on you don't import more water consumers. Where the hell did you get the idea that I (or anybody) said that immigrants "cause environmental problems"?

It's quite the circle of hypocrisy you have going on here.

Three responses so far and............

.......nobody can explain how massive immigration (legal or illegal) is going to help Americans. No one should be surprised.
Re: Three responses so far and............

What are you looking for? It's not going to help. No one thinks it's going to help. You are arguing against air.
Re: Three responses so far and............


It needs to get under control and there are realistic and unrealistic ways for it to happen.

You have MILLIONS of illegal immigrants in this country now that have been coming in for decades over Democrats and Republicans leading the White House and Congress.

It is UNREALISTIC to deport millions of illegal immigrants and this notion that it's AMNESTY! is crazy. The Senate bill makes it a 13 year process. And again, there's no realistic plan on the table to deport millions of people (which would cost a TON of money).

This is an issue that you cannot deal with in pieces. You have to overhaul it all at once to have any meaningful results.

There are many Republicans that are fine with the Senate bill that passed last year. The vote on this bill in the Senate was 68-32 in favor of it.

This bill dealt with border security, undocumented immigrants, legal immigration, employer hiring, and a system that tracks people via their visas whether they've left the country or not when their visa expires. And the CBO even says this bill would SHRINK the deficit by almost $900 million!

A year late, the House still hasn't even held a vote on the bill and haven't come up with any legislation that solves even ONE of these problems that the Senate bill addresses.
Obama: "Our future rests on their success"

He was speaking about illegal immigrant children. Do you really think he's the only one who thinks this? Have you not heard elected Democrats make Biblical comparison to these illegal immigrant children? Have you not heard, countless times, that illegals do the work Americans won't do? Or something like "What would America do without Mexicans"?

No, I'm not arguing against air. I'm arguing against the Democrat party, the left, the GOP establishment, and the prevailing politically correct mindset that gives us idiotic slogans like Diversity Is A Strength and We Are Enriched By Multicultural Vibrancy. Of course clowns can say these things because they're rarely challenged on them. When people are challenged, like what I did in the original post, then suddenly the support for legal immigration or some form of amnesty for illegal immigrants vanishes.

If "no one thinks it's going to help" then why has the problem of illegal immigration persisted for so long? Somebody out there must think its going to help.

This post was edited on 8/3 1:26 PM by GMM
longer qazplm

I support what the open-borders crowd is doing but I can't admit it so, in order to shut down debate or change the subject, I'll just shout "waaaaaacist!!!!!!!!"

That would be the GOP Beltway establishment. The type that is easily bought off by corporate donors seeking cheap, compliant, foreign labor and the type that is desperately afraid of being called "racist" so they pander to Hispanics. At least they think they're pandering--sorry, "reaching out"--to Hispanics. It won't work but that won't stop them from trying. The sooner they stop fearing the left the better off this country will be. But its good to see you acknowledge I'm not "arguing against air".

As the article said, the American people are against amnesty. That was true then and its true now. Even a majority of Hispanics support deportation of those illegal immigrant children. So, if a reliable majority is against amnesty and for deportation then why isn't it happening? Because to do so would result in charges of "racism", "nativism", "anti-immigrant", "anti-Hispanic", and other similar indictments. Thanks, political correctness.
or Reagan

who you know, actually GAVE amnesty to folks.

I'm sure GMM will add him to the list.
nice try

Amnesty wasn't his idea. Wanna take a guess at which party wanted amnesty?

It was a terrible deal but unfortunately he went along with it. You know, in the spirit of "compromise" and "bipartisanship" and "getting things done" and all that other crap that the (leftist) MSM only applies to things they want done. He later regretted the deal.

But at least we can thank him for a useful lesson in NEVER giving the left what it wants with regards to immigration. It never works out for the good of the American people.
Re: nice try

So GMM, since many Republicans aren't real Republicans, what's your solution to the illegal immigration problem? That means it needs to tackle multiple subjects regarding illegal immigration, not just border security.

And FYI, it's estimated to cost nearly (or more than) $300 billion to deport every illegal immigrant (that is if you know they are illegal immigrants and know where they all live). And fiscal conservatives will block anything (supposedly) that is not paid for and adds to the deficit. So good luck..
Re: nice try

Yes, it means many subjects but it doesn't mean they have to be done all at once. "Comprehensive" immigration reform is not necessary and likely a ruse for amnesty now and promises of border security later. Deals like that never work.

Typical tactic of talking about deporting every illegal immigrant. Its not about that. Its about making it difficult to remain here illegally. So difficult that self-deportation will take care of much of the problem. The deficit? Illegal immigrants add to the deficit. The sooner their gone the better. Solutions:

1) Never do anything, ever, in any situation to try to prove you're not a "racist". A complete waste of time and any effort will only serve to perpetuate the suicide of the West.

2) Fair Tax.

3) Repeal Obamacare.

4) For the most part, end legal immigration. End it entirely from third world countries. If foreign aid is given to a country right now that sends us illegal immigrants, then cut off the aid.

5) Get rid of the idiot "anchor baby" policy. Along with that, get rid of laws that forces hospitals to give "free" health care to anybody who shows up to any emergency room.

6) Eliminate all federal involvement in welfare for poor people. This will lead to even fewer benefits for the children of illegal immigrants.

7) Start deporting illegals. No apologies.

8) Secure the border.

There are other things that could be done but those are the main things. It starts with our collective mindset. Political correctness has, unfortunately, succeeded in weakening our societal immune system. Of course that was its goal. Its long past time we recognized that and started to act (again) like a sane, healthy society.
I'm impressed

I didn't think you could pack that much crazy into one post. Kudos.
Re: nice try

Yes, it does need to be done all at once.

There are issues that Democrats care more about and there are issues that Republicans care about more.

If you only deal with a part of it, why on earth would it give ANY incentive to get anything done on the rest?

For example, you can do legislation regarding border security, but it does nothing to address the millions already here. But if border security gets done, what are the chances of Republicans ever agreeing to anything regarding the millions here? Zilch.

With the Senate bill, there are issues that Republicans care greatly about that Democrats aren't huge fans of. There are issues that Democrats care about greatly that Republicans don't really care for. If you do it piecemeal instead of a broad reform, then you have no way of compromising.
Re: nice try

For example, you can do legislation regarding border security, but it does nothing to address the millions already here. But if border security gets done, what are the chances of Republicans ever agreeing to anything regarding the millions here? Zilch.
Well, it depends on which Republicans you're talking about but those that represent the base would still want to deport the illegals and make it difficult to remain here illegally. Why would they not want to do that once the border is secure?
So since these immigrants are finding jobs…..why aren't Americans? I thought unemployed Americans were lazy and just wanted to live on food stamps? Or maybe the immigrants are willing to take minimum wage salaries, which will not earn the average American a living wage.
The jobs the immigrants are taking won't get the average american off food stamps. You say so raise the minimum wage-food will go up along with everything else(inflation). So people will make more but still won't be able to afford to live without assistance. Immigrants make it work because they have 4 families in a two bed room house. Is this the American dream?
More immigrants means more competition for the existing jobs which means lower pay is required to fill these jobs-supply and demand. Keep the people out who are willing to work for minimum pay and supply and demand would dictate higher pay. So I ask who is really supporting BIG Business?

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