What factors typically play into allowing a recruit to reclassify and move up or down a class? When someone is allowed to move up a class (a la Swanigan going from 2016 to 2015), is it due to them being given that opportunity if they previously repeated a year in grade or high school? I've wondered how this works. I know each case is different. It seems to have become more common-place in college hoops over the past 5-10 years.
I understand why programs are happy to have recruits move up a class: in Purdue's case, it would be nice to have a Bryan Penn-Johnson or Emmanuel Dowuona fill out this coming season's roster to gear up for a championship season.
I understand why programs are happy to have recruits move up a class: in Purdue's case, it would be nice to have a Bryan Penn-Johnson or Emmanuel Dowuona fill out this coming season's roster to gear up for a championship season.