"I wish GBI would ban you but for some reason they haven't."
Gosh, you mean to tell me that humanity isn't perfect? Wow! I didn't know that at all!
Of course you can come up with examples of awful behavior from every group. You seem to think that settles it. You seem to think its your sacred duty to defend the good name of Islam by tearing down other groups. If you'd actually compare the amount of awful behavior from group to group you might actually notice a pattern. But doing that might result in politically incorrect thoughts so you'd never do that. If you'd actually compare the belief systems you might actually notice that it makes sense Muslims commit more violence than others. But, again, you wouldn't want to stray from politically correct orthodoxy so nevermind.
You are one sorry, racist POS.
Ha! You do know that Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc. aren't racial groups, right? Doesn't matter. Whether its the term "Islamophobe", "homophobe", "misogynist", "nativist", "climate denier", etc. they're all just different versions of the same word: "racist".
You have ranted on this board for years and have done nothing but point fingers at a part of the problem. When are you going to see the whole picture?
Yeah, much better to stick our heads in the sand and refuse to notice the problem. When are you going to cleanse your mind of Equality and see that some groups reliably behave worse than others?
I wish GBI would ban you but for some reason they haven't.
Typical fascist. This is what the left really means when they talk about "tolerance".
Since you won't be banned, I have elected to finally put you on Ignore. It seems to be the only solution as every time I see you have a new post I have a churning in my stomach and cringe as I click on your post to see your latest spewing of bile.
Well, totalitarians like yourself do have a tough time with dissent so I understand. Now, go back to your politically correct bubble where your soul won't be threatened by my "hatefacts".