Randy Gregory- 7th positive


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2006
7th positive drug test, if the report is correct. I would say this is what the definition of addiction is. And he was a Purdue signee at one time. The guy had/has talent but down the tubes it seems.
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7th positive drug test, if the report is correct. I would say this is what the definition of addiction is. And he was a Purdue signee at one time. The guy had/has talent but down the tubes it seems.
Correction: He was a Purdue commitment twice, but never a signee (He wasn't academically eligible out of HS and went to JC, and out of JC he flipped to Nebraska after Danny Hope was fired)
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7th positive drug test, if the report is correct. I would say this is what the definition of addiction is. And he was a Purdue signee at one time. The guy had/has talent but down the tubes it seems.
Well about nine more failed drug test and he will be out of the NFL.
Hopefully he saved some of his money. Because after the NFL, no real company would hire him with his drug history.
If attorney general sessions had his way all Mary Jane users would be behind bars !
If attorney general sessions had his way all Mary Jane users would be behind bars !
if a clown like Pacman could stick around what kind of precedent does that show, I have no problem w/ people using reefer but in Gregory's case, teams could see it as a player who can't follow the rules at the very least. Teams like the Bengals or Raiders will give guys like a shot.
He was already on suspension until next December he looks to miss at least both the 2017 and 2018 seasons! I would call his NFL career over!
Don't understand the debate between reefers, recreational and hard drugs. I am NOT debating the merits. Makes no difference, if an action is deemed to be illegal, why jack with it? When one likes an illegal action more than $$$ I question the sanity.
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if a clown like Pacman could stick around what kind of precedent does that show, I have no problem w/ people using reefer but in Gregory's case, teams could see it as a player who can't follow the rules at the very least. Teams like the Bengals or Raiders will give guys like a shot.
No question it raises obvious judgement issues for any team picking him up. Didn't the Bengals pickup that QB who assaulted his girlfriend on camera? The only thing I ever assaulted while using pot was a pizza box. Just sayin
The Bucks Larry Sanders had the same issues. He even admitted he'd never stop no matter how many positive tests he took. Eventually, he retired from basketball rather than be suspended. He tried to come back this year with the Cavs, but his mind was no longer into the game, and the Cavs cut him after a couple of weeks. he was a great talent, but he'd rather smoke weed than follow the established rules of his employer.

I don't have anything pro or negative against smoking weed. But a person has to make up their mind whether to follow the rules of their employment, or to follow their mind's desires. Much like, drinking, smoking and porn. You have a choice. As does your employer. and if you're over 18, you should know what those rules are without an agent watching over you.
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Correction: He was a Purdue commitment twice, but never a signee (He wasn't academically eligible out of HS and went to JC, and out of JC he flipped to Nebraska after Danny Hope was fired)

Gem was correct: Gregory DID sign an LOI with Purdue in February 2011 while a senior at HSE. He just didn't qualify so he had to go Juco.
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he Bucks Larry Sanders had the same issues. He even admitted he'd never stop no matter how many positive tests he took. Eventually, he retired from basketball rather than be suspended. He tried to come back this year with the Cavs, but his mind was no longer into the game, and the Cavs cut him after a couple of weeks. he was a great talent, but he'd rather smoke weed than follow the established rules of his employer.

I don't have anything pro or negative against smoking weed. But a person has to make up their mind whether to follow the rules of their employment, or to follow their mind's desires. Much like, drinking, smoking and porn. You have a choice. As does you employer. and if you're over 18, you should know what those rules are without an agent watching over you.
Completely agree. When you move into a neighborhood you sign a letter stating you will pay dues. You may not like it but it is a rule to live there. Same with the NFL, NBA, ect.
As someone who routinely hires associates, I would rather have a pothead anyday over a drunk. The drunks always want to get in fights, the potheads show up and want as little attention as possible. Now don't think for a second that if a person shows up on my shift under the influence of ANY drug that I even hesitate to haul their butt in for a test. I have zero tolerance for any person who operates a car or comes to their factory job in a state that jeopardizes the safety of those around them.
As for pot being banned by sports organizations, I always thought it was comical that it was considered a PED. As more states and countries legalize it I personally think it should come off the testing list. A DUI is much worse than a failed pot test in my opinion
Is it actual drugs or just refer? I mean I know it is technically against the rules and it is extremely stupid to continue to fail drug tests that he knows are coming, but seriously why is that still considered a performance enhancing drug?

It's not a performance enhancing drug, it's an illegal drug. Doesn't matter what people think, as long as it's illegal in the state you are in, you can't do it.

On a side note, the entire pro pot movement drives me kind of nuts. Here we have people pushing and constantly arguing to make smoking it legal while we have people pushing hard and arguing to basically make tobacco illegal. The whole thing just seem nuts to me.
On a side note, the entire pro pot movement drives me kind of nuts. Here we have people pushing and constantly arguing to make smoking it legal while we have people pushing hard and arguing to basically make tobacco illegal. The whole thing just seem nuts to me.
From the American Lung Association: "Smoking marijuana clearly damages the human lung, and regular use leads to chronic bronchitis and can cause an immune-compromised person to be more susceptible to lung infections. No one should be exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke. Due to the risks it poses to lung health, the American Lung Association strongly cautions the public against smoking marijuana as well as tobacco products."
From the American Lung Association: "Smoking marijuana clearly damages the human lung, and regular use leads to chronic bronchitis and can cause an immune-compromised person to be more susceptible to lung infections. No one should be exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke. Due to the risks it poses to lung health, the American Lung Association strongly cautions the public against smoking marijuana as well as tobacco products."
Yeah but you'll feel more mellow when you're suffering from lung cancer induced by marijuana than from tobacco!!!!
How many chances do athletes get? .. You think he would stay on the straight and narrow for 10 years (if he was lucky) Make the big NFL money... Retire at 30 something then smoke as much damn weed as he wants. But now he is a college drop out with a drug history who barely made it out of high school . And he is only 24 without many options in life once that rookie money get smoked.
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How many chances do athletes get? .. You think he would stay on the straight and narrow for 10 years (if he was lucky) Make the big NFL money... Retire at 30 something then smoke as much damn weed as he wants. But now he is a college drop out with a drug history who barely made it out of high school . And he is only 24 without many options in life once that rookie money get smoked.
Stupid is forever.
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From the American Lung Association: "Smoking marijuana clearly damages the human lung, and regular use leads to chronic bronchitis and can cause an immune-compromised person to be more susceptible to lung infections. No one should be exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke. Due to the risks it poses to lung health, the American Lung Association strongly cautions the public against smoking marijuana as well as tobacco products."

The American Lung Association is intertwined with big pharma. I mean hell they get their pockets stuffed to blabber pseudo-science about Marijuana being bad for your lungs short-term and long-term. Do you want bias? Read anything funded by big pharma/big oil, etc. do you want the truth? Read alternative news and independent studies and research who is involved with those organizations.
The American Lung Association is intertwined with big pharma. I mean hell they get their pockets stuffed to blabber pseudo-science about Marijuana being bad for your lungs short-term and long-term. Do you want bias? Read anything funded by big pharma/big oil, etc. do you want the truth? Read alternative news and independent studies and research who is involved with those organizations.

Anything "Independent" which is often pro pot is just as bad. A lot of independent studies I've read is that it's actually worse for you than cigarettes. The reason it isn't the problem is because it was illegal, so people who did smoke did it sparingly, as it becomes more and more legal and more readily used, it will become a problem.

Of course as far as true independent studies, they can be very hard to find as most start out with a bias and point they are trying to prove.


If you want radical leftist politics with your sports, tune into ESPN. Leave it off the football forum.

gee, and I thought this entire thread was about the pitfalls of smoking marijuana ! Wasn't the premise of this thread to talk about drug use and the law? it's kind of hard to talk about marijuana without also talking about the current and future laws involving its usage. I found out about Sessions' viewpoints from FOX, not ESPN !

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed. But the law is the law. if you break it, you suffer the consequences. if you break it 7 times, I have to ask how many more times did you break it, but were not caught? Much like drunk driving.

I don't know what your personal opinion is. Sessions has stated his. and that's not left or right, that's a public fact.
How many chances do athletes get? .. You think he would stay on the straight and narrow for 10 years (if he was lucky) Make the big NFL money... Retire at 30 something then smoke as much damn weed as he wants. But now he is a college drop out with a drug history who barely made it out of high school . And he is only 24 without many options in life once that rookie money get smoked.
Or be like Marshawn Lynch and retire for a year to 'relax' and come back with another team.
gee, and I thought this entire thread was about the pitfalls of smoking marijuana ! Wasn't the premise of this thread to talk about drug use and the law? it's kind of hard to talk about marijuana without also talking about the current and future laws involving its usage. I found out about Sessions' viewpoints from FOX, not ESPN !

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed. But the law is the law. if you break it, you suffer the consequences. if you break it 7 times, I have to ask how many more times did you break it, but were not caught? Much like drunk driving.

I don't know what your personal opinion is. Sessions has stated his. and that's not left or right, that's a public fact.

Apparently you're not following. The point had nothing to do with where you got your info, or where you "found out about Sessions' viewpoints." The point was politics and sports. If people want that they can tune in to ESPN.

Hope that helps.
Apparently you're not following. The point had nothing to do with where you got your info, or where you "found out about Sessions' viewpoints." The point was politics and sports. If people want that they can tune in to ESPN.

Hope that helps.
Obviously, you totally missed my point as well. Talking about Sessions is not talking about politics. It's talking about the law! He's no longer a politician. He's the Attorney General with new plans to create and enforce laws against smoking pot. And what he wants to do as Attorney General to people like Gregory! You can't talk about Gregory without also talking about the new laws coming down against pot smokers. This entire thread is not about football. It's about Gregory's off the field issues and desires.

Perhaps it was your point that had nothing to do with this thread. It's sad, but when people mention Gregory's name, they don't talk about his football accomplishments. They always talk about his off the field issues. Look at the title of this thread. It was not created to talk about football.
Obviously, you totally missed my point as well. Talking about Sessions is not talking about politics. It's talking about the law! He's no longer a politician. He's the Attorney General with new plans to create and enforce laws against smoking pot. And what he wants to do as Attorney General to people like Gregory! You can't talk about Gregory without also talking about the new laws coming down against pot smokers. This entire thread is not about football. It's about Gregory's off the field issues and desires.

Perhaps it was your point that had nothing to do with this thread. It's sad, but when people mention Gregory's name, they don't talk about his football accomplishments. They always talk about his off the field issues. Look at the title of this thread. It was not created to talk about football.

no, I got your point. That's why I commented as I did.

Whether you acknowledge it or not, yours was (or became?) a political post. Law and politics are intertwined. Especially in this context.
I didn't start the thread. But when the title of the thread and original post talked about testing positive, the replies can be expected to be about the act and the law rather than football. When you start a thread like that, you're not going to talk about QB sacks, especially if Gregory is the person involved. It's his 7th time he officially tested positive. How many other times were there when there were no tests? I merely pointed out our current attorney general wants to change the law and put people like Gregory behind bars. The laws concerning pot smoking may change. I provided no opinion if I agreed with the proposed changes or Sessions. Sessions is no longer a politician, and he is supposed to be non-partial. However, if he changes the law, I believe people like Gregory and others like him should know the potential consequences before he tests positive an 8th time and ends up in jail.
Don't understand the debate between reefers, recreational and hard drugs. I am NOT debating the merits. Makes no difference, if an action is deemed to be illegal, why jack with it? When one likes an illegal action more than $$$ I question the sanity.
Totally agree. Wait until your career is over and smoke it every damned day if that's your poison.
Correction: He was a Purdue commitment twice, but never a signee (He wasn't academically eligible out of HS and went to JC, and out of JC he flipped to Nebraska after Danny Hope was fired)
Boy....Hope really did his homework on that one!!!
I'm not familiar with this particular situation so I have no idea if it applies, but one thing we do have to keep in mind with regards to football players at the major college level and NFL is very many of them play in nearly constant pain... whether injured or not. Many players are rightfully concerned about the long term effects of opioids and other pain relievers and turn to what they believe to be a more "natural" form of pain management. When I was younger, alcohol was a much more prevalent method.

Players are getting bigger, stronger, and faster every year, but muscle and bone are the same density and strength as before. Maybe an argument can be made we have improved muscle quality a bit, but not nearly as much as we've increased the violence of player collisions.

I don't condone players breaking the law, but it does help to have some perspective on what they go through while representing our schools.
I didn't start the thread. But when the title of the thread and original post talked about testing positive, the replies can be expected to be about the act and the law rather than football. When you start a thread like that, you're not going to talk about QB sacks, especially if Gregory is the person involved. It's his 7th time he officially tested positive. How many other times were there when there were no tests? I merely pointed out our current attorney general wants to change the law and put people like Gregory behind bars. The laws concerning pot smoking may change. I provided no opinion if I agreed with the proposed changes or Sessions. Sessions is no longer a politician, and he is supposed to be non-partial. However, if he changes the law, I believe people like Gregory and others like him should know the potential consequences before he tests positive an 8th time and ends up in jail.
if you're responding to me, I didn't suggest you started the thread. Don't care who started the thread. My point remains.