Purdue OWNS iu

Not into current events, are you?
Depends what your definition of current is. Most iu grads want to discuss events that happened 30+ years ago - not so current is it?

Anyone can pick an arbitrary date and say we own you. I choose to not play the arbitrary date game and include them all. In that case - Purdue OWNS basketball and football.

Ya got us in swimming and soccer - congrats on that!
In the last 70 years of bball, 1940 thru 2016, IU owns Purdue. IU also has 5 NCAA championships in that time period. Purdue 0. From 1912 thru 1939, the Broilees owned IU.
In the last 70 years of bball, 1940 thru 2016, IU owns Purdue. IU also has 5 NCAA championships in that time period. Purdue 0. From 1912 thru 1939, the Broilees owned IU.

Right, wanna go back in time...well....only so far....LOL. You wanna go farther than us winning 3 of 4......but not all the way back...LOL Duuuurrrrr......
Right, wanna go back in time...well....only so far....LOL. You wanna go farther than us winning 3 of 4......but not all the way back...LOL Duuuurrrrr......
s1939 is the modern era of bball, the NCAA tournament. Yes, I picked a date 76 YEARS (1940-2016) ago to start my era. That is not exactly picking and choosing. But , heck, if it makes you feel better....
s1939 is the modern era of bball, the NCAA tournament. Yes, I picked a date 76 YEARS (1940-2016) ago to start my era. That is not exactly picking and choosing. But , heck, if it makes you feel better....

Go back all the way....we own you.....go back 4 games.....we own you.....You wanna go back juuuuust far enough to make yourself feel better. LOL. Whatever.
In the last 70 years of bball, 1940 thru 2016, IU owns Purdue. IU also has 5 NCAA championships in that time period. Purdue 0. From 1912 thru 1939, the Broilees owned IU.
Correctly stated. Only 3 of the 5 NCAA championships would be considered national championships. The other two are from when the NCAA was the loser's tournament.

In the last 70 years of bball, 1940 thru 2016, IU owns Purdue. IU also has 5 NCAA championships in that time period. Purdue 0. From 1912 thru 1939, the Broilees owned IU.
1940? Purdue was big 10 Champs and the only big 10 team invited to the ncaa tournament. IU only got to play in the 8 team tournament because Purdue chose to not play. Brag all you want about that.
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1940? Purdue was big 10 Champs and the only big 10 team invited to the ncaa tournament. IU only got to play in the 8 team tournament because Purdue chose to not play. Brag all you want about that.
I don't think IU can claim any time in the history of the series where they owned Purdue. Even with your elite soach Mr. Knight the series was extremely close wth Keady having a winning record against Knight. Nice try though.
I thought all games counted, didn't know you could pick a year to start! Purdue over IU = domination! Sorry Loosiers but that's how it is!
Following is a history of the series:
1901-39 Purdue 51 IU 11
1940-1959 IU 25 Purdue 12
1940-2016 IU 78 Purdue 61

1960-2016 IU 53 Purdue 52 Talk about competitive!

Now that is a great rivalry.
Yeah, and Ohio U. owns OSU, too!

Little brothers...sigh.

Wrong (as usual); OSU leads the b-ball series 16-5 and is 7-0 against Ohio University in football.

And, just like PURDUE against IU, they have NEVER had a losing record against them in either sport.

And (again), just like PURDUE against IU, they NEVER will in our lifetime either, regardless of how old anyone is.

"Little brother" indeed:

Yeah, and Ohio U. owns OSU, too!

Little brothers...sigh.

Since this is worth repeating:

Wrong (as usual); OSU leads the b-ball series 16-5 and is 7-0 against Ohio University in football.

And, just like PURDUE against IU, they have NEVER had a losing record against them in either sport.

And (again), just like PURDUE against IU, they NEVER will in our lifetime either, regardless of how old anyone is.

"Little brothers" indeed:


Dumb effing HILL BILLYski wants to bring up tennis? The dodge and deflection of our LITTLE BROTHERS is hilarious!!

I didn't know I needed to clarify how that applies.
But nadal has a huge advantage in head to head over federer. But federer has what most people would say is more decorated career.
It'd be nice to have the head to head advantage, like Purdue or nadal, but at the end of the day, I'd rather be federer.

If you'd rather have nadals career over federer, well then you are backing the appropriate team.
Yeah, and Ohio U. owns OSU, too!

Little brothers...sigh.

I say the following as an Ohio University alumnus:
Go ahead and tout the Bucknuts athletically all you want, just don't call Ohio University "little brother." It's not accurate.

Ohio University was founded in 1804 - the first university founded in the Midwest; 9th oldest public university in the country.
Ohio State was founded in 1870 at about the same time as Purdue and most of the other land grant institutions.
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I say the following as an Ohio University alumnus:
Go ahead and tout the Bucknuts athletically all you want, just don't call Ohio University "little brother." It's not accurate.

Ohio University was founded in 1804 - the first university founded in the Midwest; 9th oldest public university in the country.
Ohio State was founded in 1870 at about the same time as Purdue and most of the other land grant institutions.
I like how you refer to Ohio State as an "Institution". I am not certain there is much of a university in Columbus, but there is an "institution" for sure.

By the way, this thread gets my award for the most pointless. Just like a pile of dung, all it does is attract troll-flies.
