Purdue at Northwestern: MASTER DISCUSSION THREAD

Hate to keep harping on TKR, but he is the forward version of Nojel Eastern. Crazy athletic, but manages to make the simplest things so awkward.
The comment about FDU is ridiculous!!! Northwestern playing really good. We need to slow down and hit a few shots
NWestern just playing better. Better on D, better on O. Gonna take some luck to win.
Purdue may win, but they felt the pressure coming in like a 16 seed and they are not responding well.
Same old Purdue get ranked like crap.
Purdue scoring only 22 pts this half. Disappointing no matter how this turns out.
A #1 team scores @ 84+ a game rate.

Purdue not a #1 team.

Sure NW is playing well. But Purdue is losing the game on their POOR play
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