Puerto Rico can be PROUD!


Oct 16, 2001
Nevermind that the death count hasn't been updated for 6 days due to the destruction wrought upon the island by Maria, let's all be proud this isn't a "real" disaster like Katrina.

This man cannot go 48 hours without saying something outrageous, but at least he says what he means unlike a normal politician, right? Drain the swamp, Gorsuch, blah, blah, blah. I just hope we get through his Presidency without some globally catastrophic F up

Every single thing he says, or does, or says he's gonna do has to be the best ever......and you dare not question it.
What does the average citizen think of someone that acts that way when they encounter them in their normal life?
Severe character flaw that his peeps just gloss over.
Nevermind that the death count hasn't been updated for 6 days due to the destruction wrought upon the island by Maria, let's all be proud this isn't a "real" disaster like Katrina.

This man cannot go 48 hours without saying something outrageous, but at least he says what he means unlike a normal politician, right? Drain the swamp, Gorsuch, blah, blah, blah. I just hope we get through his Presidency without some globally catastrophic F up

I can't put my finger on it... I am not sure if it is a complete lack of dignity, no decorum, or if he just an a-hole, I just cringe when he talks or tweets. I have tried to limit news consumption lately via television. Fighting with the mayor of San Juan on Twitter was my "for the love of all things holy" moment.
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I can't put my finger on it... I am not sure if it is a complete lack of dignity, no decorum, or if he just an a-hole, I just cringe when he talks or tweets. I have tried to limit news consumption lately via television. Fighting with the mayor of San Juan on Twitter was my "for the love of all things holy" moment.
You seem incapable of understanding that she took a swipe at him first - that started the flap. San Juan and Puerto Rico are flata$$ broke and that bitch has the nerve to come forward with her hand out asking for money from the US Government while at the same time taking pot shots at the titular head of the US Government.
You seem incapable of understanding that she took a swipe at him first - that started the flap. San Juan and Puerto Rico are flata$$ broke and that bitch has the nerve to come forward with her hand out asking for money from the US Government while at the same time taking pot shots at the titular head of the US Government.

"flata$$" vs "bitch" - which is more offensive? Shouldn't you have called her a "B!tch" instead? When acting like a child & calling people names, one should maintain some sense of decency, right?
Lol. Well so far we have a failed Trump agenda. .....and still have to listen to this butt wipe divide the country by telling his 35% exactly what they want to hear. The only swamp he's drained is his own administration.
Failed agenda? Let's see:

1) Got Gorsuch on the USSC. Is appointing conservative judges at all federal levels.
2) Implemented the Travel Ban and is changing immigration policy in a big way. The USSC has backed him on this. Congress will fund his wall. Is reducing immigration in general. Illegal immigration is going down and illegal felons are being targeted and deported routinely.
3) Is going to get tax reform done - on a bipartisan basis.
4) Has had numerous successful, needed foreign policy changes - Rekindled friendship with Israel. Has made peace with the Sunni Muslim nations (Lots of them). Got a UN resolution passed (including China and Russia) to cripple N Korea economically with sanctions - he's not cowing to Kim Jung Un like his predecessors. Has helped to basically destroy ISIS for good. Has made strides in repairing relationships with Japan, South Korea, Poland, the Baltic States.
5) Is implementing economic policies to get the US economy growing again. Is cutting regulations significantly. Is setting the stage for companies to bring jobs back to the US.

So far, his only real "Failure" in his agenda is repeal and replace of Obamacare. It sure as hell isn't for lack of trying. The R "leadership" (Ryan, McConnell) that you seem to love has failed to deliver any meaningful legislation on it. The Ds absolutely refuse to do anything to fix the abomination.

You are so blinded by hatred for Trump that you are absolutely incapable of seeing anything good he's done. If an Establishment R had done what Trump has done so far you'd be crowing about what a great job he's done. You're really no different than the Progressive hypocrites.
"flata$$" vs "bitch" - which is more offensive? Shouldn't you have called her a "B!tch" instead? When acting like a child & calling people names, one should maintain some sense of decency, right?
Give me a break. When you start treating anyone who disagrees with your liberal p-o-v "decently", then you can make statements like this. Otherwise, you're just being a hypocrite.
Give me a break. When you start treating anyone who disagrees with your liberal p-o-v "decently", then you can make statements like this. Otherwise, you're just being a hypocrite.

You poor, poor, little man.
You seem incapable of understanding that she took a swipe at him first - that started the flap. San Juan and Puerto Rico are flata$$ broke and that bitch has the nerve to come forward with her hand out asking for money from the US Government while at the same time taking pot shots at the titular head of the US Government.
My expectations are that the President of the United States would rise above that. Develop thick skin, like the 44 before him. At best, as President, 50% of people still will not like you. When people take a swipe at you, ignore it. Or wait until an appropriate time to address claims. Not tweet trash talk and throw Bounty at people.
My expectations are that the President of the United States would rise above that. Develop thick skin, like the 44 before him. At best, as President, 50% of people still will not like you. When people take a swipe at you, ignore it. Or wait until an appropriate time to address claims. Not tweet trash talk and throw Bounty at people.
Obama had thick skin? Now that's a good one. LBJ had thick skin? Carter? Obama couldn't take any negative media coverage. He constantly lashed out at the WSJ and Fox News.
You seem incapable of understanding that she took a swipe at him first - that started the flap. San Juan and Puerto Rico are flata$$ broke and that bitch has the nerve to come forward with her hand out asking for money from the US Government while at the same time taking pot shots at the titular head of the US Government.
So, the "but she started it!" argument.
OMG, how crass. Scalia died under suspicious circumstances.

You "liked" a post in this thread hoping for Ginsburg to OD on laxatives, and yet you're unreflective enough to call another post "crass". Did you pray for her demise in church today?

I'll bet NWO assassins were hired by the Clinton foundation to wack Scalia, or was it lizard-man operatives from the Bohemian Grove?
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His a holishness throwing paper towels at people when he was bored being there did produce wonderful internet spoofs.

Thank you for the diagnosis, oh pious one. Will you be praying I choke on a chicken bone as well?
No. I am a sinner just like all men. I pray that you'll someday come to your senses in your political views, but I do not wish anyone dies choking on a chicken bone- except maybe Kim Jung Un and ISIS "leadership".
No. I am a sinner just like all men. I pray that you'll someday come to your senses in your political views, but I do not wish anyone dies choking on a chicken bone- except maybe Kim Jung Un and ISIS "leadership".

You keep praying for me, and I'll keep thinking for you. Deal?
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Failed agenda? Let's see:

1) Got Gorsuch on the USSC. Is appointing conservative judges at all federal levels.
2) Implemented the Travel Ban and is changing immigration policy in a big way. The USSC has backed him on this. Congress will fund his wall. Is reducing immigration in general. Illegal immigration is going down and illegal felons are being targeted and deported routinely.
3) Is going to get tax reform done - on a bipartisan basis.
4) Has had numerous successful, needed foreign policy changes - Rekindled friendship with Israel. Has made peace with the Sunni Muslim nations (Lots of them). Got a UN resolution passed (including China and Russia) to cripple N Korea economically with sanctions - he's not cowing to Kim Jung Un like his predecessors. Has helped to basically destroy ISIS for good. Has made strides in repairing relationships with Japan, South Korea, Poland, the Baltic States.
5) Is implementing economic policies to get the US economy growing again. Is cutting regulations significantly. Is setting the stage for companies to bring jobs back to the US.

So far, his only real "Failure" in his agenda is repeal and replace of Obamacare. It sure as hell isn't for lack of trying. The R "leadership" (Ryan, McConnell) that you seem to love has failed to deliver any meaningful legislation on it. The Ds absolutely refuse to do anything to fix the abomination.

You are so blinded by hatred for Trump that you are absolutely incapable of seeing anything good he's done. If an Establishment R had done what Trump has done so far you'd be crowing about what a great job he's done. You're really no different than the Progressive hypocrites.
Trump nominated Gorsuch. Congress made it happen. But per normal, Trump takes the credit but blames Congress when things don't get done.
Travel ban is in, congrats on changing a system that was already working. Wall is not built, lol congress will not pay for it, Mexico will! That's a fail.
Tax reform is not done, will not get done this year and is already being exposed. It does not do what he promised.
Foreign policy? Didn't know better relations with Poland was on the agenda. How many of our allies has he pissed off? Better relations with South Korea? Kim sold the UN on more sanctions all by himself with his actions.
I give him credit for tightening the southern border. Crossings are way down.
I was gonna applaude him for starting to work across the aisle on issues like DACA.....but he went back to calling the dems obstructionists. I guess he has cut the government payroll, mostly because he hasn't filled more than 400 positions......oh wait, I guess that's because of the minority dems as well.
Job creation is long term, will wait and see. Stock market is continuing to go up, that's a good thing.
No one wants to work for this admin. People have left in droves......not just the ones yoy see in the news, and it's only going to continue.
Approval around 35, disapproval about 55. I guess I'm not the only one dissatisfied with his performance.
Trump nominated Gorsuch. Congress made it happen. But per normal, Trump takes the credit but blames Congress when things don't get done.
Travel ban is in, congrats on changing a system that was already working. Wall is not built, lol congress will not pay for it, Mexico will! That's a fail.
Tax reform is not done, will not get done this year and is already being exposed. It does not do what he promised.
Foreign policy? Didn't know better relations with Poland was on the agenda. How many of our allies has he pissed off? Better relations with South Korea? Kim sold the UN on more sanctions all by himself with his actions.
I give him credit for tightening the southern border. Crossings are way down.
I was gonna applaude him for starting to work across the aisle on issues like DACA.....but he went back to calling the dems obstructionists. I guess he has cut the government payroll, mostly because he hasn't filled more than 400 positions......oh wait, I guess that's because of the minority dems as well.
Job creation is long term, will wait and see. Stock market is continuing to go up, that's a good thing.
No one wants to work for this admin. People have left in droves......not just the ones yoy see in the news, and it's only going to continue.
Approval around 35, disapproval about 55. I guess I'm not the only one dissatisfied with his performance.
it's amazing to me how those polls are always so far apart...until it's a few weeks before the election then boom suddenly it's 50/50. I'm gonna go with selection bias. The left better find solutions and quit griping or they are likely to end up with 4 more years of this. You think a rural voter in michigan gives a f*** about korea, daca or poland? Run on that agenda and let me know how it goes. I guess they could go back to vote for me because vaginas!
Trump nominated Gorsuch. Congress made it happen. But per normal, Trump takes the credit but blames Congress when things don't get done.
Travel ban is in, congrats on changing a system that was already working. Wall is not built, lol congress will not pay for it, Mexico will! That's a fail.
Tax reform is not done, will not get done this year and is already being exposed. It does not do what he promised.
Foreign policy? Didn't know better relations with Poland was on the agenda. How many of our allies has he pissed off? Better relations with South Korea? Kim sold the UN on more sanctions all by himself with his actions.
I give him credit for tightening the southern border. Crossings are way down.
I was gonna applaude him for starting to work across the aisle on issues like DACA.....but he went back to calling the dems obstructionists. I guess he has cut the government payroll, mostly because he hasn't filled more than 400 positions......oh wait, I guess that's because of the minority dems as well.
Job creation is long term, will wait and see. Stock market is continuing to go up, that's a good thing.
No one wants to work for this admin. People have left in droves......not just the ones yoy see in the news, and it's only going to continue.
Approval around 35, disapproval about 55. I guess I'm not the only one dissatisfied with his performance.
If HRC gets elected, do you think a great conservative justice like Gorsuch would be seated now? WTF. You'd probably have a more extreme justice than Merrick Garland. Without Trump, you don't have Gorsuch.

OMG. A system that's already working? It was completely broken until Trump came along - Ho its hands tied all of the time by Obama. Would HWe literally had an open border and the Ds actually encouraged illegals to come and domicile in sanctuary cities. You can't be that clueless. With HRC, the number of illegals and potentially unvetted Muslims would have skyrocketed. Hell, she ran on increasing the number of Muslims (getting in the front of the line) 5-fold!

We do have good relations with South Korea - even with their new more socialistic Prime Minister. You think holding the EU accountable for paying their fair share in NATO is a bad thing? Have they starting doing it? Hell yes, they have. Would HRC have done that? No.

On DACA, this is going to be a negotiation. The Ds will not accept have compromise it seems. Personally, I think the "Dreamers" will get a long path to citizenship. Trump wants to tighten other rules on immigration and yes, build the wall. Congress is looking to fund $10B for it. Will it make it in the final bill - none of us know.

Trump has one of the best cabinets in years. His foreign policy team his top shelf. Are you upset that people like Steve Bannon and Priebus have left? Tom Price?

Do you actually believe the polls? The same ones that said HRC would run away with the 2016 election? No way is his real approval rating below 40% - not that it really matters. The Rs are very unpopular - the Ds are worse.

You are just a Never Trumper - like Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Kasich. Your neo-con view of the world is being dismantled - it's out-of-date, and the American people are damn tired of it.
Trump has one of the best cabinets in years. His foreign policy team his top shelf. Are you upset that people like Steve Bannon and Priebus have left? Tom Price?

Could not disagree with this more. The cabinet is filled with individuals either clueless on the area they are supposed to be leading (Devos, Carson, Perry), are actively looking to sabotage the department they run (Devos, Carson, Pruitt, Sessions), or are utilizing the office to enact policies to personally enrich themselves and their wealthy friends (Mnuchin, Pruitt, Devos, Mulvaney).
Could not disagree with this more. The cabinet is filled with individuals either clueless on the area they are supposed to be leading (Devos, Carson, Perry), are actively looking to sabotage the department they run (Devos, Carson, Pruitt, Sessions), or are utilizing the office to enact policies to personally enrich themselves and their wealthy friends (Mnuchin, Pruitt, Devos, Mulvaney).

Yup, very swampy in DC these days.
Could not disagree with this more. The cabinet is filled with individuals either clueless on the area they are supposed to be leading (Devos, Carson, Perry), are actively looking to sabotage the department they run (Devos, Carson, Pruitt, Sessions), or are utilizing the office to enact policies to personally enrich themselves and their wealthy friends (Mnuchin, Pruitt, Devos, Mulvaney).
Oh, please. This cabinet is a significant upgrade over Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, HRC, who were literally criminals. How exactly are Mnuchin, Pruitt, DeVos, and Mulvaney enriching themselves by serving in Trump's cabinet? Most of them would make significantly more in their previous positions, no?

Do you think General Kelly, General Mattis, Rex Tillerson are clueless? If so, you are clueless.

You are so blinded by your hate of Trump that you can't think rationally. You are afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, too.
Oh, please. This cabinet is a significant upgrade over Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, HRC, who were literally criminals. How exactly are Mnuchin, Pruitt, DeVos, and Mulvaney enriching themselves by serving in Trump's cabinet? Most of them would make significantly more in their previous positions, no?

Do you think General Kelly, General Mattis, Rex Tillerson are clueless? If so, you are clueless.

You are so blinded by your hate of Trump that you can't think rationally. You are afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, too.

I get that you love the term Trump Derangement Syndrome on whatever Breitbart, Inforwars, Fox News cesspool you heard it from. That doesn't deflect all legitimate criticism from this embarrassing administration. Also it's hilarious that you use the term blinded by hate, since that seems to be every post from you, it's always about some new world order, globalism, muslim, minority, democrats hate America bs, whatever the soup de jour is on the latest article you read.

No, Kelly, Mattis, and Tillerson are the adults in the room. That's why they have the pact if Trump goes after one, they'll stand together. They try to control Trump's outbursts but are largely unsuccessful. Their tenures will be short-lived as they won't want to be associated with the train wreck much longer.
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I get that you love the term Trump Derangement Syndrome on whatever Breitbart, Inforwars, Fox News cesspool you heard it from. That doesn't deflect all legitimate criticism from this embarrassing administration. Also it's hilarious that you use the term blinded by hate, since that seems to be every post from you, it's always about some new world order, globalism, muslim, minority, democrats hate America bs, whatever the soup de jour is on the latest article you read.

No, Kelly, Mattis, and Tillerson are the adults in the room. That's why they have the pact if Trump goes after one, they'll stand together. They try to control Trump's outbursts but are largely unsuccessful. Their tenures will be short-lived as they won't want to be associated with the train wreck much longer.
All innuendo and no substance. Maybe you need to back away from CNN, WaPo, Mother Jones, Vox, Huffington Post....These outlets are seriously corroding your brain.

I don't read (and have never read) Infowars or Breitbart.