Pre Debate Predictions

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Like the last debate, I like to make pre Debate Predictions....

✅ First I think K2 will do fine answering moderator questions. She will have her new K2 lies well polished and deliver them with the skill of a defense attorney like K2 almost knows what will be asked.
✅ Trump is not a good debater and will continue to say generalized statements that do not sway people. Example from last debate..."You were the worst President ever(referring to Biden)" - without saying why. While that may be true, if you don't link that statement to the issues you are just blowing hot air.
✅ ABC will have 2+ questions that are NOT related to top poling issues. Examples of lower poling issues they might ask.....
*** Climate change
*** Highlighting Trump court battles
*** Civil rights and racism
*** Terrorism
*** Abortion
*** IVF
*** Access to birth control
*** Sharp rise in Antisemitism
*** Child Care
*** Endorsements
✅ ABC will skip at least one issue that polls high to Americans. Here are the top issues poling wise....let's see how many are skipped? Below are the top issues in most polls....
*** Economy
*** Prices
*** Ilegal immigration
*** Secure Border
*** Polarization of our country
*** High Price of Health Care
*** Drug addiction
*** Deficit
*** Crime and gun violence
ONE of my poll sources ...
✅ ABC will also phrase some important issues, away from the central issues of the poll. Examples instead of asking about high price of health care, they will phrase it as availability of health care. Another example, instead of phrasing it as illegal immigration, they will say immigration or newcomers. Instead of talking about high prices they will phrase it as inflation or economy. Etc.
✅ I wonder if ABC moderators will be fair -- or if they abandon all partiality and side openly with K2. I think surely not??? I expect them to NOT be fair. It won't be the first time we have seen it from our "supposed journalists".
✅ Trump should try to get K2 to talk more to non moderator questions. Let her speak impromptu, that's when it gets interesting. Trump is NOT skilled enough to do this.
✅ Most of America will NOT watch as they could care less. Sad, but true.
✅ Both candidates will declare & spin victory, but in reality America is the loser with these 2 awful, damaged candidates

Your takes.....
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Like the last debate, I like to make pre Debate Predictions....

Most of America will NOT watch as they could care less. Sad, but true.
✅ Both candidates will declare & spin victory, but in reality America is the loser with these 2 awful, damaged candidates

Your takes.....
I’m guessing that roughly 45% of Americans will tune in or at least follow the debate results.

One thing people can thank Trump for is more people pay attention to presidential elections because he is involved (mainly due to his polarizing nature).

About two-thirds (66%) of the voting-eligible population turned out for the 2020 presidential election – the highest rate for any national election since 1900.

Like the last debate, I like to make pre Debate Predictions....

✅ First I think K2 will do fine answering moderator questions. She will have her new K2 lies well polished and deliver them with the skill of a defense attorney like K2 almost knows what will be asked.
✅ Trump is not a good debater and will continue to say generalized statements that do not sway people. Example from last debate..."You were the worst President ever(referring to Biden)" - without saying why. While that may be true, if you don't link that statement to the issues you are just blowing hot air.
✅ ABC will have 2+ questions that are NOT related to top poling issues. Examples of lower poling issues they might ask.....
*** Climate change
*** Highlighting Trump court battles
*** Civil rights and racism
*** Terrorism
*** Abortion
*** Access to birth control
*** Sharp rise in Antisemitism
*** Child Care
*** Endorsements
✅ ABC will skip at least one issue that polls high to Americans. Here are the top issues poling wise....let's see how many are skipped? Below are the top issues in most polls....
*** Economy
*** Prices
*** Ilegal immigration
*** Secure Border
*** Polarization of our country
*** High Price of Health Care
*** Drug addiction
*** Deficit
*** Crime and gun violence
ONE of my poll sources ...
✅ ABC will also phrase some important issues, away from the central issues of the poll. Examples instead of asking about high price of health care, they will phrase it as availability of health care. Another example, instead of phrasing it as illegal immigration, they will say immigration or newcomers. Instead of talking about high prices they will phrase it as inflation or economy. Etc.
✅ I wonder if ABC moderators will be fair -- or if they abandon all partiality and side openly with K2. I think surely not??? But if they do, it won't be the first time we have seen it from our "supposed journalists".
✅ Trump should try to get K2 to talk more to non moderator questions. Let her speak impromptu, that's when it gets interesting. Trump is NOT skilled enough to do this.
✅ Most of America will NOT watch as they could care less. Sad, but true.
✅ Both candidates will declare & spin victory, but in reality America is the loser with these 2 awful, damaged candidates

Your takes.....
Good to see you keeping an open mind.
Like the last debate, I like to make pre Debate Predictions....

✅ First I think K2 will do fine answering moderator questions. She will have her new K2 lies well polished and deliver them with the skill of a defense attorney like K2 almost knows what will be asked.
✅ Trump is not a good debater and will continue to say generalized statements that do not sway people. Example from last debate..."You were the worst President ever(referring to Biden)" - without saying why. While that may be true, if you don't link that statement to the issues you are just blowing hot air.
✅ ABC will have 2+ questions that are NOT related to top poling issues. Examples of lower poling issues they might ask.....
*** Climate change
*** Highlighting Trump court battles
*** Civil rights and racism
*** Terrorism
*** Abortion
*** IVF
*** Access to birth control
*** Sharp rise in Antisemitism
*** Child Care
*** Endorsements
✅ ABC will skip at least one issue that polls high to Americans. Here are the top issues poling wise....let's see how many are skipped? Below are the top issues in most polls....
*** Economy
*** Prices
*** Ilegal immigration
*** Secure Border
*** Polarization of our country
*** High Price of Health Care
*** Drug addiction
*** Deficit
*** Crime and gun violence
ONE of my poll sources ...
✅ ABC will also phrase some important issues, away from the central issues of the poll. Examples instead of asking about high price of health care, they will phrase it as availability of health care. Another example, instead of phrasing it as illegal immigration, they will say immigration or newcomers. Instead of talking about high prices they will phrase it as inflation or economy. Etc.
✅ I wonder if ABC moderators will be fair -- or if they abandon all partiality and side openly with K2. I think surely not??? But if they do, it won't be the first time we have seen it from our "supposed journalists".
✅ Trump should try to get K2 to talk more to non moderator questions. Let her speak impromptu, that's when it gets interesting. Trump is NOT skilled enough to do this.
✅ Most of America will NOT watch as they could care less. Sad, but true.
✅ Both candidates will declare & spin victory, but in reality America is the loser with these 2 awful, damaged candidates

Your takes.....
There is nothing to suggest that ABC is interested in as unbiased as possible event. It is clear or should be that ABC has a side it wants even "IF" questions are not supplied...or subject areas are not supplied beforehand. Also, a moderator can dictate how things go as well. He or she can lead the way. No matter what each says, none will matter as much as the history of the desires of the past rather than any mask put on as far as the "debate". The real issue is potential fraudulent voting on many fronts since all states do not desire fair elections.
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Well we do have 3 awful, damaged, disreputable characters here......

Trump, K2 & the ABC media.

Think I spelled that out fairly well
What you did was setup ABC to fail in your eyes, said Harris is going to lie and implied she's getting the questions before the debate.

Trump won't be specific. Really going out on a limb there. Harsh criticism.

Which lies will trump choose to use tonight? That kids go to school and come home transgender? Babies are being killed after they are born? Countries all over the world are emptying their mental institutions and prisons and sending the people here? I guess he can't lie about the crowd size.

She went to the rally attendance to piss him off and he went absolutely crrrraaaazy pants.

This is hilarious
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As usual both candidates telling fibs.

BUT so far moderators have "corrected" Trump 8 times......
K2..... NONE.

Thus, fair minds would have to conclude this has been the most unfair "debate" in history.

To be clear....that said.....Trump is possibly the worse debater in history, and did not come close to winning this "Debate". The moderators and K2 played T like a puppet.....and he obliged.

I will work on my scorecard of above predictions later this week.
This was the most unfair "debate" in history.

1. The unprecedented # of corrections to one candidate and not the other.....when both lied.
2. Specific one sided questions to make T look bad. These questions did NOT apply to both candidates, only Trump, and were used to make him look bad. Sure it worked, but the point is it was unfair.
3. Multiple low poling questions like abortion, tarrifs, race & climate change. Those were only asked as they are Dem issues, not issues that poll high.
4. ABC did not press her on her flip flopping. Sure they asked, but she never had to account for changes.

Sure Trump lost, not questioning that. Took the bait and got played. He lost.

But geez any fair minded person would have to agree, this "debate" handled by ABC was an unfair disgrace.
This was the most unfair "debate" in history.

1. The unprecedented # of corrections to one candidate and not the other.....when both lied.
2. Specific one sided questions to make T look bad. These questions did NOT apply to both candidates, only Trump, and were used to make him look bad. Sure it worked, but the point is it was unfair.
3. Multiple low poling questions like abortion, tarrifs, race & climate change. Those were only asked as they are Dem issues, not issues that poll high.

Sure Trump lost, not questioning that.

But geez any fair minded person would have to agree, this "debate" handled by ABC was an unfair disgrace.

Lol. Your candidate got bested by moderators but we are supposed to believe he is going to be able to handle Putin and negotiating the end of global wars?

Dude can't even handle a journalist.

What a loser.

Maybe he can go eat some bear with RFK Jr and follow it up with some pets for desert.

Heck they can talk about their plan to replace Obamacare... He has only had 9 years to figure out that plan...

Go back to Maralago Donnie. You are done.
This was the most unfair "debate" in history.

1. The unprecedented # of corrections to one candidate and not the other.....when both lied.
2. Specific one sided questions to make T look bad. These questions did NOT apply to both candidates, only Trump, and were used to make him look bad. Sure it worked, but the point is it was unfair.
3. Multiple low poling questions like abortion, tarrifs, race & climate change. Those were only asked as they are Dem issues, not issues that poll high.
4. ABC did not press her on her flip flopping. Sure they asked, but she never had to account for changes.

Sure Trump lost, not questioning that. Took the bait and got played. He lost.

But geez any fair minded person would have to agree, this "debate" handled by ABC was an unfair disgrace.
Wow. You’re crying about it even earlier than I thought you would.

Thanks for letting us know you thought he did a terrible terrible job. Then again, you think the pet-eating thing is real so no wonder you’re upset.
Lol. Your candidate got bested by moderators but we are supposed to believe he is going to be able to handle Putin and negotiating the end of global wars?

Dude can't even handle a journalist.

What a loser.

Maybe he can go eat some bear with RFK Jr and follow it up with some pets for desert.

Heck they can talk about their plan to replace Obamacare... He has only had 9 years to figure out that plan...

Go back to Maralago Donnie. You are done.
He has a “concept of a plan”. Get it right. 😂😂
He was fine particularly on the economy and foreign policy. Nobody GAF what race Kam is.
In what ways. Please elaborate because I was too busy rolling on the floor with comments like “they’re eating pets”, “they’re giving trans surgeries to prison inmates” and “I have a concept of a plan” for healthcare. I mean hot damn I don’t need to hear anything else to know that this guy is fully with it and has grand plans if he returns to office!
This was the most unfair "debate" in history.

1. The unprecedented # of corrections to one candidate and not the other.....when both lied.
2. Specific one sided questions to make T look bad. These questions did NOT apply to both candidates, only Trump, and were used to make him look bad. Sure it worked, but the point is it was unfair.
3. Multiple low poling questions like abortion, tarrifs, race & climate change. Those were only asked as they are Dem issues, not issues that poll high.
4. ABC did not press her on her flip flopping. Sure they asked, but she never had to account for changes.

Sure Trump lost, not questioning that. Took the bait and got played. He lost.

But geez any fair minded person would have to agree, this "debate" handled by ABC was an unfair disgrace.
So you want a President who knows that his adversary is going to try to trigger him, and then gets triggered “bigly”
Lol. Your candidate got bested by moderators but we are supposed to believe he is going to be able to handle Putin and negotiating the end of global wars?

Dude can't even handle a journalist.

What a loser.

Maybe he can go eat some bear with RFK Jr and follow it up with some pets for desert.

Heck they can talk about their plan to replace Obamacare... He has only had 9 years to figure out that plan...

Go back to Maralago Donnie. You are done.

I think I have been pretty honest here. I have called both these candidates damaged & terrible.

Would you like to try honesty? Do you think it was fair for ABC to correct Trump so many times & NEVER correct K2? And at least 2 of those corrections were flat out wrong.
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In what ways. Please elaborate because I was too busy rolling on the floor with comments like “they’re eating pets”, “they’re giving trans surgeries to prison inmates” and “I have a concept of a plan” for healthcare. I mean hot damn I don’t need to hear anything else to know that this guy is fully with it and has grand plans if he returns to office!
They are giving trans surgery to inmates.
I think I have been pretty honest here. I have called both these candidates damaged & terrible.

Would you like to try honesty? Do you think it was fair for ABC to correct Trump so many times & NEVER correct K2?

Yes. Trump just makes up stuff on the fly and lies all the time.

If the guy could actually talk about real plans with concrete ideas... But he can't.

He just speaks in fear mongering, hyperbolic lies.

Its old. It's tired. A lot like Donnie himself.

He was exposed for who he was an American who hates America and never actually has a solution just lies and self absorbed grievances.
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I think I have been pretty honest here. I have called both these candidates damaged & terrible.

Would you like to try honesty? Do you think it was fair for ABC to correct Trump so many times & NEVER correct K2? And at least 2 of those corrections were flat or wrong.
I can see the gears turning in your head ever so slowly. You might be getting close to figuring this one out.
Yes. Trump just makes up stuff on the fly and lies all the time.

If the guy could actually talk about real plans with concrete ideas... But he can't.

He just speaks in fear mongering, hyperbolic lies.

Its old. It's tired. A lot like Donnie himself.

He was exposed for who he was an American who hates America and never actually has a solution just lies and self absorbed aggrievances.

The question was about ABC.
ABC isn't a candidate for President.

But feel free to write in David Muir for your vote. You seem to think he won tonight lol.

Your boy lost. Can't hanfle a journalist.

Can't be trusted to handle Putin. But maybe he can call Victor and have him help him out.
He did better than the 2 clowns leading the current shitshow. Joe Biden can't be trusted...with finding his way off the stage.
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ABC isn't a candidate for President.

But feel free to write in David Muir for your vote. You seem to think he won tonight lol.

Your boy lost. Can't hanfle a journalist.

Can't be trusted to handle Putin. But maybe he can call Victor and have him help him out.

I admitted Trump lost. First here to do so. Also said long ago he shouldn't be the R candidate. Because I am honest.

Your non answer, about ABC epic unfairness tonight speaks for either a character flaw of dishonesty or your reading understanding of the question I asked. Or perhaps both. Which is it?
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Yes. Trump just makes up stuff on the fly and lies all the time.

If the guy could actually talk about real plans with concrete ideas... But he can't.

He just speaks in fear mongering, hyperbolic lies.

Its old. It's tired. A lot like Donnie himself.

He was exposed for who he was an American who hates America and never actually has a solution just lies and self absorbed aggrievances.
This just has to be so exhausting for folks like Buck and others on here. Truly. I sincerely feel bad for him and others because they spend all of their efforts defending this one man when they didn’t need to.

The Republican Party could have started with a clean slate after Trump lost. Especially after January 6. Most high ranking republicans rightly condemned him and then inexplicably went right back like a battered wife.

So here we are today. Republicans spend so much of their time focused on being victims and saying they aren’t treated fairly and excuse after excuse but they have to be so tired of it at the same time.

I saw tonight a tired old man whose only party trick is to lash out. He is loud and boorish and a bully and that appeals to a certain segment of the population. I get that. He got far more air time than she did and spent most of it ranting and raving. She barely had to say anything and it was off to the races for him. But it’s exhausting. It’s time to move on. If the best you can do is say “I saw someone on tv” say something about immigrants eating pets, it’s time for your pudding and to be wheeled to your room.
This just has to be so exhausting for folks like Buck and others on here. Truly. I sincerely feel bad for him and others because they spend all of their efforts defending this one man when they didn’t need to.

The Republican Party could have started with a clean slate after Trump lost. Especially after January 6. Most high ranking republicans rightly condemned him and then inexplicably went right back like a battered wife.

So here we are today. Republicans spend so much of their time focused on being victims and saying they aren’t treated fairly and excuse after excuse but they have to be so tired of it at the same time.

I saw tonight a tired old man whose only party trick is to lash out. He is loud and boorish and a bully and that appeals to a certain segment of the population. I get that. He got far more air time than she did and spent most of it ranting and raving. She barely had to say anything and it was off to the races for him. But it’s exhausting. It’s time to move on. If the best you can do is say “I saw someone on tv” say something about immigrants eating pets, it’s time for your pudding and to be wheeled to your room.

My last rebublican vote. John Kasich 2016 gop primary.

Now I'm a RINO. And will remain one as long as Trumplicans support a man over country.

Time to put this cult affair to bed once and for all in 2024.
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This just has to be so exhausting for folks like Buck and others on here. Truly. I sincerely feel bad for him and others because they spend all of their efforts defending this one man when they didn’t need to.

The Republican Party could have started with a clean slate after Trump lost. Especially after January 6. Most high ranking republicans rightly condemned him and then inexplicably went right back like a battered wife.

So here we are today. Republicans spend so much of their time focused on being victims and saying they aren’t treated fairly and excuse after excuse but they have to be so tired of it at the same time.

I saw tonight a tired old man whose only party trick is to lash out. He is loud and boorish and a bully and that appeals to a certain segment of the population. I get that. He got far more air time than she did and spent most of it ranting and raving. She barely had to say anything and it was off to the races for him. But it’s exhausting. It’s time to move on. If the best you can do is say “I saw someone on tv” say something about immigrants eating pets, it’s time for your pudding and to be wheeled to your room.

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