Originally posted by pastorjoeboggs:
Originally posted by hunkgolden:
The answers your looking for are provided in the stats I listed a few posts above. Not sure why you are having such a hard time admitting that.
This post was edited on 8/29 7:08 AM by hunkgolden
I apologize - I'm not communicating my point well.
It's not that I think the stats you listed are irrelevant. Clearly, they convey something significant.
My concern is two-fold. First, I worry that we often jump too quickly from statistics to causation. In other words, that we look at those numbers and immediately think, "See these things are the cause of educational deficits in minority communities." That certainly could be the case. Doubtless they contribute. But could they not also be a symptom of deeper lying issues? Could there not be a "chicken and egg" situation?
The second concern is that when we see stats that say a majority of a group thinks or acts a certain way, we have a tendency to forget that there is a minority that doesn't fit the statistics.