People That Tweet at Recruits Need To Stop


Gold Member
May 3, 2015
It is embarrassing for Purdue as a program when prove tell people to come to Purdue before they make their decision for themselves that have no impact on their decision. If you don't know there are certain people tweeting at Jarrell White
It is embarrassing for Purdue as a program when prove tell people to come to Purdue before they make their decision for themselves that have no impact on their decision. If you don't know there are certain people tweeting at Jarrell White
I'm going to create a Twitter handle "ahhculdee" and start pestering recruits with your name. ;)
it wasn't me .
wasn't me either, don't have a twitter account.

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It is embarrassing for Purdue as a program when prove tell people to come to Purdue before they make their decision for themselves that have no impact on their decision. If you don't know there are certain people tweeting at Jarrell White

OMG this convo is so totally going into my next tweet to Mylkelti Williams ;)
Upvote or like buttons get used a lot, so I wouldn't discount social media's effects. I personally wouldn't follow a prospect on twitter and "beg" (for lack of a better word), but I'm sure even the most stoic of recruits don't mind seeing displays of cyber-affection and theresulting boost it gives their ego.
No, but the particular recruit I was talking about, said to be takeb out of it.