Alas, this is my tin foil hat moment!
I think where all of this may eventually be headed, is NOT just 4 super conferences with 16 teams apiece, although that in itself would create a massive realignment and drastically up the ante for TV broadcast rights.
No, we're talking the end of the ncaa as we know it.
If we eventually go to 4 super conferences - the B1G, SEC, ACC, and the PAC16, all it would take would be one big meeting between those four, and the ncaa would be forever relegated to controlling every other college left out in the cold (
hear that, Swarbrick???)
The Big Four conferences would be able to determine their own rules, such as paying players, in game rule changes, player eligibility issues, recruiting and/or player draft rules (
for colleges), revenue sharing, you name it. And the ncaa could do absolutely nothing about it other than stand in the corner shivering and peeing down their pant legs.
The Big Four would control all TV rights, scheduling, and whether they want a full blown playoff scenario, and the ncaa would simply be forced to live with it. In a lot of ways, this would become the nfl development league with member colleges and universities partnering to share revenue to subsidize their out-of-control budgets in return for use of their stadiums and brands.
Wild, huh?
And if you think this has not already been discussed over the past few years, you are not paying attention!
Like it or not, major college athletics are just about ready to take the next giant step into the future. So buckle your seat belts and enjoy the ride!