Grew up in Indiana, graduated from PU-WL in 82 but live in Texas now and have for since 82. Have only been back to campus 1x in 84 and last time back to where I grew up in Kokomo area was 5 years ago. I was in for my fathers 85th BD. Dropped rental car off at offsite location, took a shuttle back to Indy Airport to pickup a hotel shuttle to spend the night for an early flight this morning. Literally stepped off 1 shuttle walked 10 yards and got onto the other shuttle. In that short period of time ran into CMP and 2 boys (sons ?) that were catching a shuttle to get their car. A quick "I'm a Purdue alumni coach and I appreciate what you are doing for Purdue" and onto my shuttle. Barely 30 secs on the ground and I run into CMP. I didn't want to intrude on his privacy, but it made my weekend.