IN the CHicago SUn-times paper there is an article about WIsconsin and it talks about Kaminsky. HIs mother played volleyball for Northwestern; HIs uncle Jim Stack and aunt Karen Stack both played for Northwestern. His best friend in high school Dave Sobelewski got a scholarship for BB at NOrthwestern and FRank wanted to go to NOrthwestern, but when he had his visit to Northwestern, and I quote," then coach Bill Carmody didn't think enough of him to show up durinmg his visit to the Evanston campus".
Think Northwestern is kicking itself in the ASS at this time.
Actually when Kaminsky was recruited out of high school he was very mediocre, btu what a change from then on.
Think Northwestern is kicking itself in the ASS at this time.
Actually when Kaminsky was recruited out of high school he was very mediocre, btu what a change from then on.