Olive Branch for Hammer & Rails hate

Travis Miller

May 30, 2001
Indianapolis, IN
Hey guys, I know there is A LOT of hate for me and Hammer & Rails, much of it likely justified from opinions and reactions over the years, but I am posting for the first time in a very long time to offer an olive branch, Hammer & rails is no longer just me. In fact, I am scaling myself back more and more everyday. I no longer solely run the twitter account and haven't for over a year now. We also have several new writers that, quite frankly, are a lot better than I am.

A lot of the anger directed at me is warranted from my own wild opinions from over the years. Stepping back my role is part of a new found maturity developed because, let's face it, I have made a ton of mistakes. There are also a few things to clarify.

1. I never made a scene at a press conference and had credentials revoked - The incident in question occurred at the 2010 Notre Dame game. I had a credential in South bend and sat there quietly during the entire game. Notre Dame took issue I was commenting in our Open thread and there was one comment, left by another reader in the thread and not me, that said "If I had known you were going to be going to South bend I would have sent you a sniper rifle." Notre Dame found this, blamed me for it, and reported it to Purdue. After a sit down meeting with Tom Schott that included even one of my higher ups at SB Nation I have been in good standing with Purdue for about 5 years. I do have a credential to select events as my schedule allows because hey, I do need a real job (SB Nation pays some, but not a lot). This coming basketball season, since one of our writers actually lives in WL, we may have more basketball games than before, but generally I am at 4-5 home games, the Crossroads Classic, and the Big Ten Tourney when it is in Indy. The last two years we have had another writer credentialed at the NCAA Tourney games and Jumboheroes will possibly be at the 2017 B1G Tourney since he lives in DC>

2. The Kansas crying incident - yeah, it happened. It was an embarrassment. I fully recognize that. Let's move on, shall we? I have.

3. Not being connected - You guys are right. I am not connected very well. I never claimed to be. Brian, Stacy, Kyle, and the crew are a lot more connected than I ever will be or, quite honestly, want to be. I have nothing but respect for what they do and give them a ton of credit for their work. I appreciate their informative information daily and we work to credit them when they break a story. We are much like Boiled Sports in that we are opinionated fans and supporters of Purdue that speak from the heart. I am more than guilty of speaking from the heart often before thinking. Some people appreciate that. To others, I understand that it rubs people wrong. The few connections I have are often int he world of recruiting when I happen to cover a recruit or prospect through my part-time job (I write for the Zionsville times-Sentinel and Kokomo Tribune on the side). Even then, that is not often. I don't have "inside info" very often, and often joke about it when I do.

So yeah. I am more than open to constructive criticism. I have been doing this for about 10 years now and especially in the last 2-3 years it has been a lot different than those early days. I am more than happy to listen if you have an issue with any of us and work to correct it. We're all the same team here in terms of supporting Purdue. We're also all extremely frustrated with the way things are being run right now in terms of the football program and the athletic department as a whole. All we offer is an alternative voice and a place to vent. Even then, I recognize we're being way too negative and need t find some solutions. That is my goal for the summer.

so yeah, if you're offended by what we do, I apologize and take responsibility. If you want to take this time to attack me, please attack. If you have some constructive criticism and would like to see us work on things, please let us know.
I like your stuff, others that sit on the edge of their seats looking to find something to cry about , are the problem mostly.
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Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinion...just as you have the benefit (most of the time at least) of having a platform for yours.

I don't always agree with it admittedly...but how is that different than this forum, boiledsports or oldgoldfreepress? And, while I do not always agree with it, I appreciate that there is content at least and a perspective offered. Personally, I appreciate that it is critical at times, as that is not the case for those that cover Purdue for this site.

Like say, I like that there are several sites from which to get information about Purdue...and I visit all of them regularly, as they each offer different things in my mind.

Finally, I have to think that your taking the initiative to post and share all that you did should be well-received, and it likely had to be a bit of a relief for you as well to clear the air and share your thoughts.

I hope that you continue to do what you do.
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I have no problem with H&R at all. Read you guys regularly. You guys and Boiled Sports write and tweet in the perspective of a more well informed fan would. It's passion. While G&B can't really write some things for fear of losing their access to the program, H&R and BS don't mind saying what most of us feel. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you guys call it a duck and don't try to feed us a bs spin job and say that duck is really a good football HC that has us going in the right direction. And I for one, appreciate that.

Do people say things in the heat of the moment that they shouldn't and are looked at as negative? Of course, we all do. But that's not a reason to quit paying attention to what you guys do. I thank you guys at H&R and the guys at BS for giving a fan another way to read about Purdue.
Boiledsports is one thing. H&R is tied into SB Nation and their writings are deemed as representative of the fanbase by outsiders. That being the case, they should be held to a higher standard.

Also, the click throughs have gotten out of control.
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Amen to that. I am tired of Purdue's programs being the joke of the Big Ten.
So are most other Purdue fans...unfortunately, those that oversee or are responsible for them, however, do not share the same sentiment seemingly.

How in the world could/would Burke extend (or even be allowed to extend) Versyp for 6 years? That goes beyond being ridiculous, and it only goes again to show just how big Burke's equally ridiculous ego is.
I am getting the strong impression that MB simply does not care what the JPC or fanbase thinks over the last 10 years. It is like he is waiving his middle finger at us. No wonder the seats in many of Purdue's venues are now empty.
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I am getting the strong impression that MB simply does not care what the JPC or fanbase thinks over the last 10 years. It is like he is waiving his middle finger at us. No wonder the seats in many of Purdue's venues are now empty.
You just now are getting that impression? He has repeatedly waived his middle finger at many of Purdue's most loyal and longtime supporters and fans, and he continues to do this case, almost simply for the mere fact that he is able to and wants to make sure that everyone knows it.
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You just now are getting that impression? He has repeatedly waived his middle finger at many of Purdue's most loyal and longtime supporters and fans, and he continues to do this case, almost simply for the mere fact that he is able to and wants to make sure that everyone knows it.

I began to get this impression around the late 2000's. In 2005, the BTN began and schools like Purdue and others in the B10 were getting money from it. I think that is when it began. MB and the athletic department realized they had a new cash flow and that ticket sales were not as important any more. I think that is when it began and as time went on it has become louder and more shill today.
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So are most other Purdue fans...unfortunately, those that oversee or are responsible for them, however, do not share the same sentiment seemingly.

How in the world could/would Burke extend (or even be allowed to extend) Versyp for 6 years? That goes beyond being ridiculous, and it only goes again to show just how big Burke's equally ridiculous ego is.

It was a 2 year extension. Her contract ran through 2020 prior
It also lowered the buyout for the next ad
If Burke were not STILL the AD, it would have been a moot point...and perhaps instead of three of the most relevant people in the history of the WBB program running things at Vanderbilt, Purdue WBB might be poised to become an elite, or at least relevant, program again.
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If Burke were not STILL the AD, it would have been a moot point...and perhaps instead of three of the most relevant people in the history of the WBB program running things at Vanderbilt, Purdue WBB might be poised to become an elite, or at least relevant, program again.

That may be, but I was just correcting your statements on the extension

Token extension for recruiting. Surprised painter isn't getting one
That may be, but I was just correcting your statements on the extension

Token extension for recruiting. Surprised painter isn't getting one
Fair enough...although my statement was based solely on the announcement of the matter, as it was labeled the same...I admittedly should have just noted that she was extended opposed to extended for 6-years.

Ultimately, it does not change the point that it was not warranted, nor that Burke should not have been the one extending it...with the latter being the biggest issue.
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Hey guys, I know there is A LOT of hate for me and Hammer & Rails, much of it likely justified from opinions and reactions over the years, but I am posting for the first time in a very long time to offer an olive branch, Hammer & rails is no longer just me. In fact, I am scaling myself back more and more everyday. I no longer solely run the twitter account and haven't for over a year now. We also have several new writers that, quite frankly, are a lot better than I am.

A lot of the anger directed at me is warranted from my own wild opinions from over the years. Stepping back my role is part of a new found maturity developed because, let's face it, I have made a ton of mistakes. There are also a few things to clarify.

1. I never made a scene at a press conference and had credentials revoked - The incident in question occurred at the 2010 Notre Dame game. I had a credential in South bend and sat there quietly during the entire game. Notre Dame took issue I was commenting in our Open thread and there was one comment, left by another reader in the thread and not me, that said "If I had known you were going to be going to South bend I would have sent you a sniper rifle." Notre Dame found this, blamed me for it, and reported it to Purdue. After a sit down meeting with Tom Schott that included even one of my higher ups at SB Nation I have been in good standing with Purdue for about 5 years. I do have a credential to select events as my schedule allows because hey, I do need a real job (SB Nation pays some, but not a lot). This coming basketball season, since one of our writers actually lives in WL, we may have more basketball games than before, but generally I am at 4-5 home games, the Crossroads Classic, and the Big Ten Tourney when it is in Indy. The last two years we have had another writer credentialed at the NCAA Tourney games and Jumboheroes will possibly be at the 2017 B1G Tourney since he lives in DC>

2. The Kansas crying incident - yeah, it happened. It was an embarrassment. I fully recognize that. Let's move on, shall we? I have.

3. Not being connected - You guys are right. I am not connected very well. I never claimed to be. Brian, Stacy, Kyle, and the crew are a lot more connected than I ever will be or, quite honestly, want to be. I have nothing but respect for what they do and give them a ton of credit for their work. I appreciate their informative information daily and we work to credit them when they break a story. We are much like Boiled Sports in that we are opinionated fans and supporters of Purdue that speak from the heart. I am more than guilty of speaking from the heart often before thinking. Some people appreciate that. To others, I understand that it rubs people wrong. The few connections I have are often int he world of recruiting when I happen to cover a recruit or prospect through my part-time job (I write for the Zionsville times-Sentinel and Kokomo Tribune on the side). Even then, that is not often. I don't have "inside info" very often, and often joke about it when I do.

So yeah. I am more than open to constructive criticism. I have been doing this for about 10 years now and especially in the last 2-3 years it has been a lot different than those early days. I am more than happy to listen if you have an issue with any of us and work to correct it. We're all the same team here in terms of supporting Purdue. We're also all extremely frustrated with the way things are being run right now in terms of the football program and the athletic department as a whole. All we offer is an alternative voice and a place to vent. Even then, I recognize we're being way too negative and need t find some solutions. That is my goal for the summer.

so yeah, if you're offended by what we do, I apologize and take responsibility. If you want to take this time to attack me, please attack. If you have some constructive criticism and would like to see us work on things, please let us know.
Nope not interested in that website ever again.

The IU comment you said on twitter a few years ago closed the door on me caring about you or your negative opinions on Purdue. Go join IU fan base because to me, you're one of them now.

Next.....oh ignore button time again.
Nope not interested in that website ever again.

The IU comment you said on twitter a few years ago closed the door on me caring about you or your negative opinions on Purdue. Go join IU fan base because to me, you're one of them now.

Next.....oh ignore button time again.

What was the comment
Hahah this screams of desperation for a site who's business model lives and dies with clickbait and click throughs.
So are most other Purdue fans...unfortunately, those that oversee or are responsible for them, however, do not share the same sentiment seemingly.

How in the world could/would Burke extend (or even be allowed to extend) Versyp for 6 years? That goes beyond being ridiculous, and it only goes again to show just how big Burke's equally ridiculous ego is.
She already had four of those years-they just added two-I think they made the buy out more to the schools advantage.The two years were for recruiting and the buy out helps whoever we can hire when she is fired in the future.I look for the new AD to clean house with only Green,Shondell and maybe Painter being safe.
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Hey guys, I know there is A LOT of hate for me and Hammer & Rails, much of it likely justified from opinions and reactions over the years, but I am posting for the first time in a very long time to offer an olive branch, Hammer & rails is no longer just me. In fact, I am scaling myself back more and more everyday. I no longer solely run the twitter account and haven't for over a year now. We also have several new writers that, quite frankly, are a lot better than I am.

A lot of the anger directed at me is warranted from my own wild opinions from over the years. Stepping back my role is part of a new found maturity developed because, let's face it, I have made a ton of mistakes. There are also a few things to clarify.

1. I never made a scene at a press conference and had credentials revoked - The incident in question occurred at the 2010 Notre Dame game. I had a credential in South bend and sat there quietly during the entire game. Notre Dame took issue I was commenting in our Open thread and there was one comment, left by another reader in the thread and not me, that said "If I had known you were going to be going to South bend I would have sent you a sniper rifle." Notre Dame found this, blamed me for it, and reported it to Purdue. After a sit down meeting with Tom Schott that included even one of my higher ups at SB Nation I have been in good standing with Purdue for about 5 years. I do have a credential to select events as my schedule allows because hey, I do need a real job (SB Nation pays some, but not a lot). This coming basketball season, since one of our writers actually lives in WL, we may have more basketball games than before, but generally I am at 4-5 home games, the Crossroads Classic, and the Big Ten Tourney when it is in Indy. The last two years we have had another writer credentialed at the NCAA Tourney games and Jumboheroes will possibly be at the 2017 B1G Tourney since he lives in DC>

2. The Kansas crying incident - yeah, it happened. It was an embarrassment. I fully recognize that. Let's move on, shall we? I have.

3. Not being connected - You guys are right. I am not connected very well. I never claimed to be. Brian, Stacy, Kyle, and the crew are a lot more connected than I ever will be or, quite honestly, want to be. I have nothing but respect for what they do and give them a ton of credit for their work. I appreciate their informative information daily and we work to credit them when they break a story. We are much like Boiled Sports in that we are opinionated fans and supporters of Purdue that speak from the heart. I am more than guilty of speaking from the heart often before thinking. Some people appreciate that. To others, I understand that it rubs people wrong. The few connections I have are often int he world of recruiting when I happen to cover a recruit or prospect through my part-time job (I write for the Zionsville times-Sentinel and Kokomo Tribune on the side). Even then, that is not often. I don't have "inside info" very often, and often joke about it when I do.

So yeah. I am more than open to constructive criticism. I have been doing this for about 10 years now and especially in the last 2-3 years it has been a lot different than those early days. I am more than happy to listen if you have an issue with any of us and work to correct it. We're all the same team here in terms of supporting Purdue. We're also all extremely frustrated with the way things are being run right now in terms of the football program and the athletic department as a whole. All we offer is an alternative voice and a place to vent. Even then, I recognize we're being way too negative and need t find some solutions. That is my goal for the summer.

so yeah, if you're offended by what we do, I apologize and take responsibility. If you want to take this time to attack me, please attack. If you have some constructive criticism and would like to see us work on things, please let us know.
Do you still post on HH and didn't you work for the Kokomo paper?