Actually, not so much.
The side deal does not rely on Iran to inspect:
"Under managed access procedures that may be employed the IAEA, the inspected party may take environmental swipe samples at a particular site in the presence of the IAEA inspectors using swabs and containment bags provided by the IAEA to prevent cross contamination. According to former IAEA officials, this is an established procedure.
Such swipe samples collected at suspect sites under managed access would likely be divided into six packages: three are taken by the IAEA for analysis at its Seibersdorf Analytical Lab and two to be sent to the IAEA’s Network of Analytical Labs (NWAL), which comprises some 16 labs in different countries, and another package to be kept under joint IAEA and Iran seal at the IAEA office in Iran a backup and control sample if re-analysis might be required at a later stage. The process ensures the integrity of the inspection operation and the samples for all parties."
So, in short, IAEA inspectors are present, IAEA swabs and packaging are used, it's transported to IAEA for testing/analysis, but yes the actually swabbing may be done by Iran.
And yes, Iran has veto power over who the actual inspectors are.
Not quite the same thing as "self-inspection."